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Research Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Choose an online discussion board on research methods/topics/issues. It could be a social media platform as well. Download/ save the discussions.

Detail.Choose one of the topics(threads), and identify the major discussion themes,critiquing this discussion.. What do the discussions focus on? What are the various opinions on the topic?

simply your role is to find an active discussion topic on one of the discussion boards, Linkedin, Facebook, or any other students forum used to discuss any topic related to research methods/topics/issues. 


1- when I say active discussion, I mean with at least 100 replies from participants.

2- save the discussion in a word document and attach it.

ALSO, address the below discussions:

there are the Threads links you will discuss for the rest:






https://www(dot)researchgate(dot)net/post/If_you_did_a_research_analyzed_the_results_and_got_a_p-value_of_less_than_005_what_can_you_really_claim Cl


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research Analysis
1 Question one
The first question selected was as follows; What type of statistical analysis should I use to compare difference in mean body weight for eight different groups?
The question central theme was related to statistical analysis and specifically enquired about the comparison in the means of body weights for eight different groups. The question had been posted on the ReaserchGate discussion forum board by Abdulsalam Halboob from the Jordan University of Science and Technology (Halboob, 2014). Looking at the thread, the question was answered by 48 people all from different academic professions, there were 19 followers of the discussions and 1800 persons who visited the site had viewed the question and the threads. The discussion took place between September 22nd of 2014 when the question was posted the discussion board and October 20th 2014, when the last respondent posted their answer (Halboob, 2014).
1.1 Opinions of the discussion
1.2 Method to use in analysis
Following through the threads of the answers given to the question, it is clear that most of the respondents understood what Abdulsalam Halboob, was enquiring from his question. As such they offered their answers giving reasons as to why the methods they suggested would best give the desired results. However it is also good to mention that some of the people that commented on the thread also wanted more information, such as, the core dependent, independent variables and characteristics of the groups. For example, Richard Donald from Cardiff University on 22nd September of 2014, wanted clarification on what Abdulsalam Halboob wanted to know, relative to the differences between the groups. Most of the respondent suggested that using ANOVA would the best methods to show the differences between the groups. For example Jiancheng Jiang even offered the mathematical fomular that Abdulsalam Halboob, could apply in his analysis using the ANOVA method (Halboob, 2014).
1.3 Areas of Emphasis
Much of the emphasis of the relative to the answers posted, were hinged on the applicability of the ANOVA methods of analysis. According to most of the respondents, the methods would be the best methods as it would easily give the differences between the groups as Abdulsalam Halboob had asked. However, part of the group also felt that it was crucial that the hypothesis is revised otherwise the ANOVA method may not the best answers or at least conclusive answers (Halboob, 2014). Other respondents felt that the suggested ANOVA method would not give the desired results and suggested other methods such as the Kruskal-Wallis method. Some even suggested both ANOVA and the Kruskal-Wallis methods to Abdulsalam Halboob.
Some of the respondents also offered links to books, posts and articles online that would best help Abdulsalam Halboob understand statistics and how to choose his hypothesis, the method and how to interpret the results now and in future (Halboob, 2014). While some of the respondents mentioned the use of the T-test, some others were quick to point out that this test cannot be used in this case as it is only used when comparing means between two groups only. The normality theme also comes up as respondents indicate to the researcher that they should heck against the variables before applying ANOVA to check for distribution.
1.4 Relevance of the discussion
The main threads were quite informative and would help Abdulsalam Halboob with a solution to his problem in the analysis of the weight among the groups (Halboob, 2014). This is relative to the fact that most of the respondents offered detailed answers with examples and additional reading material suggestions that would further assist Abdulsalam Halboob with his problem. However, some of the respondents misunderstood the question and did not offer any advice, while others turned the thread into a personal argument platform, comparing between their answers relative to down voted posts (Halboob, 2014).
The second selection of the discussion questions was as follows; Any ideas about what methods would work to investigate how social and cultural factors (e.g., norms) influence people's information behaviour?
The question’s central theme was an enquiry on the methodology that would be used when investigating ways in which social and cultural factors such as norms, play a role in influencing people’s information behavior. The question was posted on the ResearchGate discussion forums board by Fatmah Almehmadi from the Loughborough University. According to the threads on the respondents’ answers, 68 persons had taken to respond to the question (Almehmadi, 2012). The question also had 126 persons following the discussions and 5382 persons had viewed the discussion on the board (Almehmadi, 2012). All of the respondents had academic backgrounds as they were from various universities across the globe. From the time stamps on the question and the subsequent answers offered on the discussion threads, the discussion took place between October 24th of 2012, when the question was posted by Fatmah Almehmadi and October 30th 2013, which a little over one year (Almehmadi, 2012).
2.1 Opinions on the discussions
2.2 Respondents understanding of the question
Most of the respondents that posted their answers to the discussin board showed that they understood what Almehmadi, was trying to achieve in her research. The answers were well thought out and explicitly explained for anyone following the discussions to understand. All the same there were some outliers, who did not understand the question, while others offered comments that did not contribute in any way into professionally offering assistance on the discussion topic. For example, Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay, simply mentions that the question was not posted in the right discussion board as he felt that it belonged in the Social Science and Philosophy domain rather than the Human Factors Engineering/ Information & Communication Technology (Almehmadi, 2012). As such, his contribution did not assist in any to the discussion. Other than offering lengthy and very detailed explanation in support of the answers that some had offered, they also offered additional links to external academic sources such as books and articles that would further assist Almehmadi, to understand parts of the methods suggested in detail. For example Andrew Roberts from Swinburne university of Technology posted on October 25th of 2012, suggesting some of the books that Almehmadi, can look at for further information and assistance (Almehmadi, 2012).
2.3 Areas of emphasis
According to the largest majority of the answers offered, respondents insisted on the use of the qualitative and the quantitative methods (Almehmadi, 2012). Ideally this is a mixed methodology that allows the researcher to gain the advantages of the two methods while minimizing bias in their analysis. According to most of the method of choice, should the researcher choose to use only one, was dependent on the variables that the researcher will be working with. Most of the answers also offered the various scenarios that fit in with either of the method as well as the best way to integrate both in the research suggested in the question. From the answers, it easy to see that most of the answers were qui...
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