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Philosophical Tradition: Understanding of Kant's Arguments

Essay Instructions:

This is an assignment for a unit called Philosophical tradition, which main purpose is to show the understanding of the readings of some philosophers in the past.... I have done one already. Don't have time for this one, but I will give you the one I wrote as a guide for how to write this one like me, if possible. (but please with better grammar :p ). There are 4 questions to choose from(pick 1 out of the 4), I have attached every required reading for each question. Appreciated.


Purpose: Develop the ability to read and analyse a philosophical text as part of a tradition (Learning Outcome 3), and the ability to apply sophisticated argumentative skills in a written format (Learning Outcome 4).

Students are to select one question from the below, writing a 1000-word essay that demonstrates critical comprehension of the relevant set reading.

Students should aim to provide a synopsis of the passage which reconstructs its key points and in so doing answers the selected question. Emphasis will be placed on a student's ability to undertake a close reading of the text and extract and analyse its central arguments..

In preparation for the more research-intensive major essay, for Text Analysis 2, students should aim to read and integrate at least 1 secondary source into their analysis.

Students may reference the primary text and secondary texts using any referencing style - provided it is consistently applied.

Question 1. Carefully read and reconstruct Kant’s argument that space is not a property of “thing in themselves” but rather an a priori condition of things as they “appear to us” from “the human standpoint” (A22/B37-A28/B44). In your view, does this restriction of space to our standpoint damage Kant’s epistemology? Why/why not?

Question 2. Carefully read Kant’s Third Antinomy (A444/B472-A451/B479). Reconstruct the argument for the “Thesis.” Reconstruct the argument for the “Antithesis.” How does Kant resolve the antinomy? In your view, how successful/plausible/convincing is this resolution?

Question 3. Carefully read and reconstruct Kant’s argument in the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals that only the “good will” has unconditional moral worth (49-56/4:393-401). Do you agree with Kant’s conclusion that “Thus the moral worth of an action does not lie in the effect expected from it…”? Why/why not?

Question 4. Carefully read and reconstruct Kant's argument in §§6-9 of the Critique of the Power of Judgment. How does Kant establish the universality of subjective judgments of taste? Are such judgments in your view genuinely universal? Why/why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Question 2. Carefully read Kant’s Third Antinomy (A444/B472-A451/B479). Reconstruct the argument for the “Thesis.” Reconstruct the argument for the “Antithesis.” How does Kant resolve the antinomy? In your view, how successful/plausible/convincing is this resolution?
Text Analysis 2 (Philosophical Tradition)
Kant’s Third Antinomy focuses on the possibility of causality where there is free will and determinism of natural causes. There are causal conditions of the world where the philosopher explains spontaneity and causal determinism. To explain his thoughts, Kant uses personal freedom as the starting point to evaluate the cause of causal change. The thesis is that in the world, causality according to the laws of nature is not the only and to explain this, there is a need for causality of freedom. The antithesis is that there is no freedom in the world and everything happens based on the laws of nature. There is an incompatibility between freedom which is the thesis, and determinism, which is the antithesis.
Kant presents the arguments of the antinomies by identifying the thesis and antithesis positions and assessing a solution to the contradictions arising from the antinomy. The main idea is to provide proof of the strongest arguments. To Kant, each of the positions demonstrates that, regardless of how strong they are, the reasoning of both positions, each one will prove to the other that their conclusions are erroneous. There is a conflict of the pure reason each party would support their positions and discredit the other where the contrary arguments are accepted.
The argument to justify the thesis is based on the idea that in the causal explanation, every causal series concludes after a finite series of causes. The first assumption is that there is only causality that is based on determinism, where nothing happens without the law of nature. However, then there is no first or completion of the series of conditions, and this contradicts the initial assumption of that everything happens according to the laws of nature (A446/ B 474). When the series of appearances cannot remain incomplete, there is an assumption that the causality that is not determine to previous causes. The explanation for causality that capable of initiating a series of phenomena is free causality
The antithesis is based on the idea that there is no freedom in the world and things are determined by the laws of nature. To Kant understanding antithesis requires assuming there is a transcendental freedom, which can initiate a state and consequently and then there are a series of consequences arising from this (A447/ N 475). The first proof is that if there were freedom, then the free cause would have no causal antecedent. Then when a cause lacks a causal antecedent, there is not sufficient cause. Then everything happens when there is a sufficient cause and vice versa. Thus, there is no freedom in the world.
There is action and determining the possibility or impossibility ...
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