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London Mayor and Environment

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Dear Writer, Kindly, place an argument, use electronic academic resources ONLY for references, only list references used in the essay, do not ask for a time extension, if you are unable to complete the task please don't start and leave me waiting and hanging. Please also make sure there are no copied and pasted sentences and kindly have a flow and style, organised thought too.. the essay asks for data collected kindly make statistics up and add the table in the appendix, its an essay for kindly leave sub headings and tables out of the 2200 words, i am a very picky customer so kindly handle with care.. Thank YOU!
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Business Report
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Table of Contents
 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc309931038" Executive Summary 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc309931039" Introduction 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc309931040"  Power &Responsibilities of GLA and Mayor 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc309931041" Literature Review 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc309931042" Environmental Policies 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc309931043" Analysis of Policies 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc309931053" Gap Analysis between Policies,public policies and public general practices 8
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc309931054" Survey of Opinions of students of GSM 9
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc309931055" Conclusion &Questionnaire 10
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc309931056" References 13
Executive summary
This report will consider environmental priorities considered by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and Mayor of London. The report is well structured in addressing the following issues; a description of the responsibilities and powers that are held by the GLA and the Mayor of London, a review of environmental policies that have been introduced in the last 5 years, a gap analysis on written literature on changes in London with regards to public policy initiatives, policy and general public practices.
A literature review comprising various studies on environmental policies that will be developed in ensuring a sustainable future for the city will be included in the report. In order to provide feedback a survey will be carried out assessing the opinions of students concerning their views on the policies and initiatives set up by the Mayor of London. The report will finally have a conclusion that explain the effectiveness of measures put in place by GLA and the Mayor of London in tackling environmental issues
In the development of London, priorities have been developed to ensure its continued provision of services to the citizens. This has been made possible by a collaboration of the greater London authority (GLA) and the Mayor of London .In order to ensure a sustainable future the mayor has prioritized the development of an environmental policy to address all issues critical to the environment. The mayor and GLA have a mandate to ensure London achieves its goals and objectives through establishing business relationships. This report will therefore analyze the policies implemented by GLA and the Mayor in establishing a sustainable environment (London.gov.uk, 2011).
Powers and responsibilities of the Greater London Authority and Mayor of London
The GLA was introduced in the year 2000 by the labor government. It comprises of the London assembly and the office of the mayor of London. Grants from the government are the key sources of finance for the GLA .It provides its services through four functional bodies set up and are supervised by the mayor and the assembly. These bodies are; London transport, Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA), London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) and London development agency (LDA).
London transport is a key body responsible for running the transport infrastructure and policies in the city. MPA takes the role of supervision of the Metropolitan Police in the city of London .LFEPA is responsible for the planning in the London as well as administration of the Fire Brigade of London. The LDA is responsible for development of London city (London.gov.uk, 2011).
The GLA is responsible for the key policies that run the city and has powers and responsibilities in the following areas; policy development, planning, transport and financial development policies. The GLA is responsible for monitoring climate, change and energy in the city through daily procedures of accounting for climate changes. The Mayor is responsible for the implementation of this mandate.
The Mayor is elected by registered voters in London and the office is currently held by Boris Johnson. The Mayor is tasked with administration of the London authority which is fulfilled by creation of strategies that ensure wealth is created, social progression and environmental advancements. The Mayor has appointment roles where they are responsible for selection of boards of the functional bodies of the GLA.
The powers and responsibilities of the Mayor of London are classified into different deliverables in order to cover all aspects of their mandates .These deliverables are; learning and skills, planning, culture media and sport, health, climate, change and energy, functional bodies, waste and housing.
Learning and skills development
Learning and skills refers to the statutory duties accorded to the Mayor to enable them promote skills .This will include the Mayor chairing the London skills and employment board in the preparation of a skills strategy to enable them determine the amount to be spent on development of skills in the city .
Strategy development
The Mayor is responsible for developing policies that ensure growth and development of the city .The strategies developed address the key areas of the city and include; transport sector, city planning ,housing and development, health, culture ,financial growth and environmental welfare(London.gov.uk, 2011).
The Mayor is a responsible for the housing plan and housing budget thus must receive submissions from various municipalities regarding land policies .Through new powers Mayor will be responsible for determining the amount of funds to be spent of development of affordable housing for its citizens (London.gov.uk, 2011)..
The Mayor heads the municipal waste management strategy that makes decisions on waste facilities and planning in the city. In the improvement of waste management the Mayor joins other stakeholders in forums for waste and recycling (London.gov.uk, 2011).
Budget development
The Mayor is responsible for the development of budget that covers various bodies across the city .The Mayor of London is therefore responsible for the budget of the GLA and its four functional bodies of implementation.
Literature review
Various environmental policies have been introduced by the Mayor in order to ensure a sustainable future for the city. Policies developed by the Mayor have a significant impact on whether the international and national energy policies will be successful. Through the powers held the Mayor and the GLA have a major stake in the implementation of environmental policies (London.gov.uk, 2011).
Environmental policies
The Mayor produced an energy strategy for the city which was aimed at ensuring the future of the city is guaranteed through reduced emissions of greenhouses gases and a reduction of fuel use. The policy requires that the city cut back on its carbon oxide emissions. This policy will affect all manufacturing companies in the city as well cutting of emissions produced by motor vehicles .The success of this policy requires support from various stakeholders as environmental issues are very important .This policy is contained in the climate change adaptation strategy and requires the mayor to table a detailed report on the rates at which the emissions are to be cut by (London.gov.uk, 2011).
The mayor has rolled out a policy of providing a £100 million toward makeover of public building in the city .It has been established that these buildings are responsible for 10% of the city’s carbon emissions and retrofitting these building will help in reduction of emission while also creating investment opportunities for both domestic and foreign investors (Lens chow ,2002).Through the fund measures aimed at ensuring environment protection are achieved .This policy will help reduce carbon emission through adoption of solar panels, upgrade of boilers and installation of efficient lighting systems(London Development Agency ,2011).
Analysis of the policies
This pol...
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