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Trans-cultural Approaches

Essay Instructions:
-pay attention Marking criteria that will be used to assess answer - Sources be available in Australia (books or sites) - Beware of Plagiarism - no more than 600 words - I should have writer an Australian - There is PDF file related to the topic please see it the writer
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Running head: Trans-cultural Approaches
Trans-Cultural Approaches in Addressing Interactions between Engineers or Spatial Scientists and a Diverse Group of Community
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16 September 2011
Transcultural is a term that is used to define a phenomenon that encompasses or extends across two or more cultures. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2011) This idea has come about as a result of cultural diffusion, which as stated by CITATION Kro40 \l 1033 (Kroeber, 1940) is the spread of cultural norms, style and traditions across the world. This is the diffusion that has made it imperative for organizations as well as professional groups to understand the nuances within each culture and treat people as a collective whole rather than small individual units aggregated into one.
Situation and Strategies
The organization considered in this question will be setting up a desalinisation plant in a beach town in Australia in order to provide the area with purified drinking water. The drawbacks associated with this project include noise pollution, as well as waste that will have to be dumped either in the sea, or somewhere close to the town.
In trying to persuade the residents regarding the feasibility of this project, and in order to convince them of the increase in expenditures, if this plant is located further from the town needs planning and a set of transcultural strategies that can help public sentiments being aligned with the overall goal of the project.
Given this backdrop, the formulation of a transcultural interaction and communication strategy is important in order to reach an agreement. One possible strategy revolves around clear and succinct communication that avoids the use of any technical or engineering jargon in order to make the residents understand the higher propensity of the project to yield benefits rather than losses. The tactical details of this strategy involve doing secondary research of the community and the kind of cultures and subcultures that the residents belong to. This could involve the use of the internet to browse details of the composition of the population and then include a few group discussions and individual interviews with relevant people to determine the broad values of the different cultures involved. The next step would be to develop alternates that can be worked upon and narrowing them down to one or at most two in the public discourse.
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