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Fundamental Approaches and Reasons for Studying Whiteness Race and Culture

Essay Instructions:

Do you think we should study of whiteness, and if so, what approaches do you think are the most useful and  why?
*2000 word essay Please answer the question the topic puts forward. Make your argument (opinion+evidence) *Appreciate the various approaches to whiteness taken as outlines by Gallagher and Twine (2012) *Be aware of the work of historians such as Roediger (1991) and Allen (1994)*Understand the discursive approach to the meaning of whiteness taken by Dyer (1997)

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Studying Whiteness
Whether to study whiteness or not is a critical aspect that has brought a lot of debate in contemporary society. Whiteness studies refer to understanding structures that result in white privilege by considering specific elements such as race and culture (Doane and Bonilla-Silva, 2013). According to Garner (2017), the whiteness study also explores specific social phenomena resulting from the whites’ group behaviors, perceptions, and societal compositions. It is also directed towards social construction and sociological aspects of the white people. Some of the experts in the whiteness studies include Frankenberg Ruth, Allen Theodore, Baldwin James, and Dubois (McLaren, 2017). The studies on whiteness heavily emerged from the 1990s with different disciplines. Anthologies and different academic courses also emerged to ensure compelling study on whiteness. Different debates have arisen concerning whiteness due to different ideologies and approaches considered during such studies. Additionally, opponents argue that whiteness should not be studied since it promotes racism (Chen, 2017). Other opponents also stress that it gives white people power compared to black, a process that enhances discrimination. Therefore, there must be adequate justifications for studying whiteness instead of indirectly promoting white supremacy. Different areas such as sociological aspects, historical and cultural transformation must also be considered during the study. The paper provides adequate evidence for studying whiteness and elaborate approaches that should be considered during the study.
Reasons for Studying Whiteness
Based on personal opinion, I firmly believe whiteness should be studied. Studying whiteness does not mean that white supremacy should be enhanced. However, it should be structured to promote the importance of racial study rather than focusing on white dominancy. According to Applebaum (2016), whiteness is crucial since learners understand their race. Unfortunately, many scholars complain about whiteness studies instead of researching black life studies. All complaints have heavily been directed towards the whiteness study as a promoter of racism instead of focusing on the suitable ways to promote other racial studies. It is necessary to encourage whiteness studies since it creates a framework that focuses on understanding different roots of whiteness. White readers and learners understand their roots through whiteness studies, and it becomes easy to appreciate other races. According to Allen (1994), whiteness studies is not only aligned towards racism but a framework of understanding all race. Therefore, many complaints about whiteness studies tend to be baseless and racially rooted. It is necessary to view whiteness studies as any other subject other than linking to racially minded individuals and groups.
Additionally, it is essential to study whiteness since it creates awareness to the whites and other groups, which would require learning about races. For instance, appreciating the whiteness study allows the scholars to focus on other races. It creates a better framework for other races to reengineer their racial studies and advocate for equality. People reject whiteness studies due to their link with racial segregation (Jeyasingham, 2012). It is essential to understand that most people believe that the group massively linked to racism is whites in contemporary society. Most media groups are always at the forefront of covering whiteness racism compared to other races. The process alone is a type of discrimination.
It is also essential to study whiteness since it disconnects racism and the white community. It is easy to promote dominance and privilege by acknowledging the effects of racism (Roediger, 1991). The disconnection between white communities and racism is paramount since it better understands white projects. It allows the learners to advocate for actual engagement during the learning process other than focusing on different concepts of racial injustices. Racial justice is a fundamental aspect for learners since it promotes peace and unity. It is always necessary to focus on a better understanding of the sources of conflicts to promote peace and unity in a country. The primary source of conflict is a high level of racism (Coleman et al., 2021). Therefore, whiteness study is an effective solution to conflicts generated from racism. It is necessary to create a community with minimal racial issues and expand development. Whiteness studies also create fundamental conversations that help learners correlate the white culture to other cultures. Cultural correlation is necessary since it makes the learners understand the different activities and preferences (Hawkman, 2020). It is also essential to create a critical framework that advocates for a better understanding of racial unity and growth.
Lastly, it is necessary to study whiteness since it allows the learners to understand their cultures and historical developments. Whiteness is one of the unique cultures since it creates a better understanding of race radar (Truscott, 2020). The studies are also significant since they create the normalization of whiteness through digging deep into their cultures and other historical aspects. The educators can successfully counteract different levels of injustice. Whiteness studies are essential since they allow students to learn other cultural needs and frameworks (Aguayo, 2019). It is critical to identify elements of different cultural requirements and identities to make the students appreciate other colleagues’ races and cultures. Whiteness studies create a better understanding of other cultural frameworks among the learners and thus successfully lead to racial development and growth. It is essential to note that the learners can focus on multiculturalism and a diverse understanding of racial justice focusing on whiteness studies. Consequently, whiteness studies would allow the learners to advocate for effective white culture transformation other than promoting racism as different groups claim.
Approaches for Studying Whiteness
Regardless of advocating for whiteness studies, it should be done inappropriately to limit racial segregation. One fundamental approach is to avoid focusing on the courses such as “Whiteness Studies.” The identified types of headings are detrimental since they promote racism. The scholars should advocate removing the institutions and structures that are likely to embrace white studies as an element of racial promotion. The approach is essential since it creates a better framework for understanding racial secur...
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