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Social Sciences Essay: Development Eurocentric Understanding

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Assignment 2A

A synopsis paper of 1000 words on:

Critically examine the dominance of the eurocentric understanding of development. Select any one of the alternative approaches discussed in the lectures to build your argument.***use education approach. How useful knowledge was used to transform ancient societies. I have included a screenshot of what useful knowledge entails***

Guidance: This should be a 1000 words (±10%) essay that captures the following:

1. The meaning/conceptions of development - briefly

2. How these conceptions evolved in ancient civilisations - we covered 4, but you can draw in from others with proper referencing

3. How has the development thinking been shaped within Eurocentric discourses

4. How do the Eurocentric understandings of development ignore development thinking in other parts of the world

This does not have to be in the same order as noted in points 2-4 above.


Introduction - this is a road map to the essay:

should briefly talk about what this essay/synopsis is about

how would you be doing this - examing literature from different civilisation etc


Main discussion: Give it a title and systematically discuss the points.

Conclusion: discuss the key points of your essay. Not a good idea to include a new idea here.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

By [Name]
Professor's Name
Location of Institution
Development Eurocentric Understanding
The development notion is nearly as old as humanity. However, its widespread usage as Western society's generic concept from Greco-Roman cultures until the end of the 19th century defines the significantly varied ideas associated with humanity's well-being. The term development can be described as an improvement in a particular country's social and economic conditions. Additionally, it can be specifically referred to as managing improvements in a place's human and natural resources to improve citizens' lives and create wealth. The concept of Eurocentric relates to development in the sense that the world majority is subjected to cultures homogenization and the worldwide economy as the western development model based on technology, bureaucratic systems, science, and economic growth is taken as the current norm worldwide (Dower 2016, p.85). This essay will analyze Eurocentric understanding dominance by examining literature from secondary sources and civilizations using an educational approach.
The beginning of civilization relied on agricultural populations' capability to supply food consistently, thus prompting individuals to focus on non-agricultural activities that resulted in increased social stratification, population, trade, and production, giving rise to the concept of development in ancient times. The first cases of civilization took place in geographical locations that favored intensive agriculture. States and governments emerged as different rulers controlled more resources and large areas. These rulers used religion and writing to keep their social hierarchies while consolidating authority over huge populations and areas. Writing resulted in literature birth in which records were well kept and laws codified, thus fostering common cultural practices beliefs between greater populations (Michalopoulos, and Papaioannou 2013, p.1). Political power centralization, complicated religious beliefs, monumental architecture, and writing due to civilization characterized development evolution.
Development thinking has been shaped within Eurocentric discourses in various ways. Firstly, the notion of development being Eurocentric means that the idea is derived from European contemplation. Understanding the concept of Eurocentric dominance is essential in understanding the ongoing global development and the forces driving it. Eurocentric development has escalated worldwide, including in China; however, it has not been adopted and accepted as a public strategy in some areas of the planet. The eurocentric spread can be seen in the world information systems and the economic dominance of imperial or colonial powers and northern America. Eurocentric development is imposed by powerful nations and can displace what other nations may find more valuable to them (Dower, N., 2016, p.86). According to post-developmentalism, the modern idea of development is strongly associated with the enlightenment rise at the beginning ...
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