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Cultural Globalization: Imperialism, McDonaldization, and Hybridization

Essay Instructions:

In no more than 1,200 words, answer one of the following questions:

1. What are the main ideas associated with conservative ‘anti-globalisation’.

2. What is neoliberalism and how might it be linked to contemporary globalisation?

3. Critically examine the following features of cultural globalisation: imperialism, McDonaldization, hybridization.

4. Examine the extent of MNC tax avoidance and briefly consider why it is or is not problematic.

5. Critically examine the argument that industrialisation in the developing world has led to the deindustrialisation in the developed world.

choose one topic that you are most familiar with in 24 hours, and I will send the related readings and class notes to you so you can start.

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Cultural Globalization: Imperialism, McDonaldization, Hybridization
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Cultural Globalization: Imperialism, McDonaldization, Hybridization
Western academics first established the idea of cultural globalization in the late 1980s and later disseminated it widely in the late 1990s and 2000s (Steger and James, 2019 n.p). Some research shows that the idea of cultural globalization was a reaction to the claims made by cultural Imperialism of critics in the 1970s and 1980s. Cultural globalization, therefore, refers to the diffusion of ideas, values, commodities, and meaning expressed worldwide through the daily experience of life (Steger and James, 2019 n.p). Cultural globalization is based on the socialization of different cultures that have been brought together through technical aspects of the internet, international travel, trade, intermarriages, electronic commerce, wireless communication, etc. globalization of culture leads to the exchange of different cultural traditions amongst different countries.
Cultural Globalisation
Effects of cultural globalization impact so many ideas of economic, social, and political advancements. According to Tomlinson (2003), the impact of globalization in the cultural context has been viewed in a pessimistic light (Tomlinson, 2003). Globalization has the power to distribute and promote its cultural items in every corner. Globalization has distributed culture as a treasure, cultural power, and institutional modernity (Tomlinson, 2003). The exchange of ideas is transmitted from one culture to another. Sharing scientific discoveries, innovative ideas, infrastructure, etc., cultures adopt these norms, values, and practices from one another, creating good relations among countries. The positive effects of cultural globalization include International scale operations within organizations, businesses, and countries. Access to new education systems, entertainment, understanding foreign values and norms, lifestyle, language, artifacts, etc., has three main features of cultural globalization: Imperialism, Mcdonaldization, and hybridization.
Imperialism refers to the practices where social groups maintain unequal relationships between different cultures and social entities. According to (Tomlinson, 1991), Imperialism of a generic concept that needs to be assembled out of its discourse (Tomlinson, 1991). Historically, cultural imperialism practices have been associated with the rise and spread of the Roman Empire, indicating some examples of cultural Imperialism in the history of western civilization. During the Pax roman period, Romans secured a forum for peace amongst previously war-torn territories, technological growth, a well-established legal system, and advanced infrastructure. However, peace was made due to the culturally diverse populations that Rome had conquered.
Colonization was initiated through military intervention, and they achieved it all through Imperialism, which became one of the main reasons for colonization. Due to the superiority of culture, colonizers used education, law, and military force to determine the target population and their culture (Tomlinson, 1991, p.5). Colonizers investigated more on all their former cultural way of life, and that is how they could mitigate resistance by the colonized. Indians were required to read and write Spanish and convert their religion to Christianity (Tomlinson, 1991, p.5). Other suppressed countries were the east Indians by the Dutch, French in America, and British in India.
As a form of cultural imperialism, the Soviet Union forcefully tried to impose communism on other nations. In the 20th century, cultural Imperialism was not associated with military intervention. Cultural Imperialism was now linked to the economic and political influence of some dominant countries over less dominant ones. In the United States, cultural Imperialism charges have been targeted at by critics who claim that the imperial cultural control was economically being evaluated in the creation of a demand for goods and services in America and globally through marketing strategies.
Americanization is said to occur in other cultures due to the excess exportation of services and products of American cultures, such as music, food, clothing, and films. Products like this threaten to replace local products and change other countries' cultural beliefs and ways of life. To better understand cultural Imperialism, the example and thesis behind the blind men without the elephant is used by Tomlinson (1991). The thesis claims that the traditional, realistic, and local culture in a most community setting worldwide is being battered by the indiscriminate dumping associated with slick media and commercial products, mainly originating from the United States (Tomlinson, 1991, p.8). Cultural Imperialism may have a devastating and negative effect because it has completely spread western ideals all over the world, forgetting the local cultures of a country. However, most cultures will forsake their traditional values and norms in the third world, especially due to the increasing technology ...
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