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Contemporary Illustration and Gender Equality

Essay Instructions:

Use 2 examples of contemporary illustration to study how they communicate, or do not communicate, relating to gender equality.

Please note that you will be given 1 specific theme from this list. You will also be given 1 example of Illustration to analyse.

Your essay will need to include:

A synopsis (150 words max.)

Your understanding of illustration and the idea of contemporary?

The 2 examples of contemporary Illustration, one that you have been given and one that you find, to support your argument.

Reference to methods of visual analysis.(i.e. Gillian Rose s tramework andlor

Adrian Holme's Pyramid of criticism)

Engagement with one or more theories of communication.

You can use text and images, with a maximum word count of 1500.

Think about who is the audience.

Some References:



Essay Sample Content Preview:
Contemporary Illustration
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Program of Study
Contemporary Illustration
A contemporary illustration is critical in communicating important social and cultural issues, including gender equality. Two examples of contemporary illustrations that effectively communicate the issue of gender equality are Noma Bar’s illustration “Equality” and Kristin Wong’s illustration “There’s a Stress Gap Between Men and Women. Here’s Why It’s Important.” Noma Bar’s illustration “Equality” uses visual symbolism and colour to communicate the message of gender equality. The illustration shows two hands, one male and one female, reaching out to each other to form the symbol of equality. The use of bold colours, such as blue and red, creates a strong visual impact and highlights the importance of the message. Kristin Wong’s illustration similarly communicates the issue of gender equality through visual symbolism and colour. The illustration shows a woman holding a large burden in her hands, symbolizing the disproportionate stress and anxiety experienced by women.
The use of warm colours, such as green and yellow, creates a feeling of warmth and comfort but also highlights the woman’s struggle in the illustration. Besides, these illustrations effectively communicate the message of gender equality through their use of visual symbolism, colour, and accompanying text (Communication Theory, 2010). They highlight the need for change and raise awareness about the importance of addressing gender inequality. Through visual analysis and engagement with communication theories, such as semiotics and cultural studies, the messages of these illustrations can be understood, and their impact on the audience evaluated.
Illustrating refers to creating images that tell a story, communicate an idea, or evoke emotions. It has been used for centuries to accompany the text in books, newspapers, and magazines, as well as in advertisements, comics, and visual storytelling. An illustration is a versatile form of expression that can take many different styles, from realistic depictions to abstract compositions, and can be created using a wide range of media, from pencil and ink to digital tools. The idea of contemporary illustration refers to the current trends and styles. Contemporary illustration reflects the present moment’s cultural, social, and political context, shaped by technological advancements and the evolution of visual language (Drew, 2023). Contemporary illustration can be characterized by its bold colour, experimentation with different styles and digital tools, and engagement with social and political issues.
Contemporary illustrations are an important form of communication in today’s world, as they can reach a wide audience, convey complex ideas and emotions, and challenge traditional ways of thinking. Contemporary illustration can communicate beyond language boundaries, evoke strong emotions, and promote social change. It is a versatile, dynamic form of expression that is constantly evolving and adapting to new challenges and trends. Notably, illustration is a powerful tool for communication that has been used for centuries to convey ideas, emotions, and stories. The contemporary illustration reflects the cultural and social context of the present moment. It is characterized by its bold use o...
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