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Compare and contrast the main aspects of the ‘Biological approach’

Essay Instructions:

Description of Assignment:

Task 1 (1.1) Compare and contrast the main aspects of the ‘Biological approach’ with any other main psychological

approach/perspective of your choice. (At least 700 – 1000 words)

Task 2 (2.1 and 3.1)

Using between 700 – 1000 words write an essay, explaining the distinguishing features of any two or more research methods; then evaluate the importance of the ethical issues that your two (or more) chosen research methods raise.

The title of the essay is set out below

Outline two research methods used in psychology. Do the results obtained justify the ethical issues raised?

Advice for Task 2

Your essay will need an introduction, a main body and a conclusion.

The introduction should present your reader with an overview of what you intend to explain. In your introduction, you should begin by stating which two (or more) research methods you have chosen to respond to which should be approximately about 100-150 words.

The main body of your essay should give a more detailed presentation of your two (or more) chosen research methods (one experimental one non-experimental) with relevant examples of how they have been used in the field of psychological research. As stated in your assignment question, you must endeavour to present and explain the different distinguishing features of your chosen two research methods. Then you are asked to identify relevant ethical issues that relate to your two chosen research methods, and then go on to evaluate the importance of the ethical issues that your two chosen research methods raise. Please note that your main body should be approximately 500-700 words.

In your conclusion you should reflect back on your main body and produce a summary of your findings, ensuring you have answered the assignment question and not wavered from the points you have been asked to address. However, your conclusion should be approximately 100-150 words.

Please use appropriate Harvard referencing in your work.

Advice for Task 1

To complete this task you are asked to use a table format. See attached a template of what is required in this instance.

*****[ I attached a picture of the table for task 1]********

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Task 1  
  Biological Approach Behavioural Approach Compare and contrast the two psychological approaches chosen The biological and behavioural approach are different paradigms that explain the causation and nature of behaviour and actions. For biologists, the body and its characteristics, i.e., temperature, homeostasis, optimal functional level, body fluids, organ health, are factors that typically control and regulate the emotions, feelings, thought processes, memory and actions of a human being. On the contrary, the behavioural approach views the mind as a repository in which constant feedback is registered, and future behaviour heavily depends on past responses. While both paradigms have their perks, their propositions have a slight tunnel-vision. Both of them are exclusive of confounding factors due to which newer approaches adopt a holistic approach than implementing one school of thought. This way, importance to body and mind can be given evenly. Similarly, both paradigms may use all kinds of research methods, but data collection methods may greatly differ. The biological approach usually adopts methods of blood sample collection, urine analysis, biopsy or even surgical procedures. On the contrary, behaviourists implement observation as a data collection procedure in which experiments are devised, and the experimenter watches changes in the subject’s behaviour. One common research approach for both schools of thoughts is a survey method in which each participant is questioned and inquired about the views or opinions. Research in both areas also studies how problems are born and resolved. Biologists claim that behaviour and problems both arise from the fluctuation of body fluids, hormones and neurotransmitters. For this school of thought, ‘Body’ has the highest priority. On the contrary, behaviourists take into account both the individual and his/her surroundings. It suggests that problems and behaviour arise due to antecedents in the environment while consequences determine if the behaviour or problem will occur again. 
The view of the mind (How important is the mind?) This approach targets the mind as a physical organ led by the secretion of hormones and governed by neurons' help. Any changes in the mind or thought patterns are caused by the fluctuation in these hormones or neurotransmitters (Spitzer, 2017). These changes lead to even the emotions while the mind also functions to keep an equilibrium among these neurochemicals. Behaviourists view the mind as an organ that functions through the trial and error method. It registers what it has learned through operant and classical conditioning (Clark, 2018). Reward and punishment mechanisms signal the mind to learn if behaviour is desired or not (Bacanlı, 2016). Once it is registered, the mind then communicates the same signal from next time.
Typical Research Methods The biological approach operates through experimental and observational research methods. They are usually comprised of biological tests such as blood results, urine tests, PCR, genetic tests, cell culture, physiological measurements, or blot testing. Behaviourists use an experimental approach to study the antecedents and consequences of specific behaviour. They may use lab experiments or observational methods to evaluate when and why a behaviour occurs. Classical and operant conditioning are the prime mechanisms that determine what is to be studied in the experiment.
Where problems arise from?   The biological approach can arise from genetic abnormalities, for instance, Down’s syndrome or Klinefelter's syndrome. Similarly, diseases and disorders all occur due to an imbalance in hormones or body fluids (Haken, 2013). For example, cancer results from the abnormal multiplication and growth of body cells and bipolar disorder due to the fluctuation in dopamine release, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Problems usually result when associated with a particular behaviour is conditioned negatively. For instance, fear starts to develop if a particular behaviour regularly results in negative consequences (Linnman et al., 2011). Similarly, mixed signals regarding a particular behaviour will result in confusion.
Where does behaviour come from? Behaviour is derived from the changes in neurotransmitters and hormones. For instance, anger is a result of an increase in stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Similarly, oxytocin regulates the level of love an individual feels (Patin, Scheele and Hurlemann, 2017). Similarly, memory is developed due to brain circuits intermingling together and forming neural pathways that ultimately retain the information to which the person was exposed. Behaviour is a result of learned experiences from the reward and punishment principle. Nature might provide the individual with a specific antecedent, but the nurturing factor contributes more. It means that the environmental and circumstantial factors carry more weight in determining a particular behaviour. If the surroundings and situation improve due to behaviour, the behaviour can be believed to improve with time, but if the situation deteriorates or worsens, the behaviour may diminish in the future.
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