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Essay Instructions:

i will attah 2 file 1- file article from 1 to 9 2- file task assignment you should write your critique and opinion and depend on article just you can see taks.

Guidelines for the major assignment

The emphasis of your major assignment should be on the attitudes which people (including yourself) have to the environment, the values which underpin those attitudes and the effects of these attitudes and values on our treatment of the environment.

NOTE: Your essay should not be merely a general discussion of an environmental problem.

A typical essay should take something like the following form (though some topics may not fit this format):

  1. Identify and discuss the impact and scope of an environmental problem.
  2. Explain why and for whom it is a problem (and not merely a change) (For example, is it a problem for all humans, or for some group of humans, or for other species, for ecosystems, for nature as a whole, or what?).
  3. To identify something as a problem is to assume a certain set of attitudes and values. Identify those attitudes and values.
  4. Critically assess those attitudes and values: i.e. argue a case for why you think others should adopt them, or suggest other attitudes and values and argue a case for why they should adopt them.





Please depend for your self in opinion and write by Your own style  .no any reference and take care from plagiarism   





You should make structure like the following and you should write your opinion for article. No depend any reference .you should write from your just opinion. 


Write about  articles topic 5line

Discussion : consist of

1-Identify and discuss the impact and scope of an environmental problem.

2-Explain why and for whom it is a problem (and not merely a change) (For example, is it a problem for all humans, or for some group of humans, or for other species, for ecosystems, for nature as a whole, or what?).

3-To identify something as a problem is to assume a certain set of attitudes and values. Identify those attitudes and values.

4-Critically assess those attitudes and values: i.e. argue a case for why you think others should adopt them, or suggest other attitudes and values and argue a case for why they should adopt them.


-you should write your opinion for article  you should write your agree or disagree this very important .




Reference: just article writer

Rolston H (1984)   ’Value in Nature‘ , Environmental Ethics,Vol 3 ,pp113-218.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The essay is an analysis of an article written by Holmes Rolston titled, “Values in Nature”. The author painted nature as carrying some set of values. The article notes that although there are problems associated with unfairness and neutrality in assigning values, they are realized by man while interacting with nature through a variety of mechanisms be they constructive, sensitive or interpretive.
The article indentifies ten areas of values of nature and include; supporting life, economic, recreational, scientific, and aesthetic, life value, sacramental, diversity and unity, dialectic and stability and spontaneity values (Rolston 1984). An environmental problem chosen for this assignment is global climate change (global warming).
Article critique
Human holding different perception and attitudes towards the environment has led to actions that destroy or conserve it. For instance, the contraction of the dam, roads, residential houses etc. In terms of economic value, nature has been noted to contribute a lot. To realize the economic importance of nature, one needs to ascribe monetary value to the benefit accrued from nature.
Nature builds our culture. Again medical discoveries such as that of penicillin and other discoveries are as a result of nature. We do not know what awaits us in future when we conserve our environment that seems to contain endangered species. It is possible that human mind can discover wealth from nature that can be of economic value in future.
Another value of nature is that it supports life. Culture is clearly linked to bio-system and all human activities cannot be cut away from nature. Ecological value can not be precisely ascribed monetary value. The atmosphere, polar ice caps, oceans ozone layer support life as they are essential part of a healthy ecosystem (Rolston, 1984). There are those who hold subjective view of nature will appreciate this. Other will only see value when human comes into play, this should not be the case as there are instances that the value cannot be directly felt.
According to Rolston, 1984 nature possesses recreational value. Nature provide a myriad of characteristics that satisfies human needs for instance a mountainous terrain to test a vehicle, watching clouds forming, used as a crucial contemplate to performance, listening to animal sounds among other things. Nature does have an attribute of scientific value, natural science is an important activity but ascribing the importance has proved to be a challenge. This kind of science is not worthwhile least nature it self is interesting.
Aesthetic value of nature has been appreciate, the varied types of landscape has fascinated humans. Photographs and images of nature clearly bring out the aesthetic value of nature but justification of it verbally is a difficult.
According to Rolston, 1984 nature has in it the value of diversity and unity. More things are found in the universe and each play a pivotal role in fostering life, hence need to be protected and conserved. Evolution has traced live form back to monophyletic or very few polyphylic origins while ecology has linked these forms in trying to connect them at present forms relating to paleontology.
The natural world has created philosophy, poetry among other issues fancied by man. This attributes are not found on the surface of nature but indeed deep in the respective phenomenon asked. Detection, imagination participation and decision making are done to establish significance of nature (Rolston, 1984).
My view
From the arguments brought forth by Holmes Rolston, I totally agree with him. First, he clearly articulate how human view nature from different perspective, ther...
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