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New Energy Vehicle Industry Consulting

Essay Instructions:

Please completing the assignment 2. This report should be about new energy vehicles, like Tesla.

Word counts are about 5,000.

Using secondary research data.

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Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725431" Introduction PAGEREF _Toc70725431 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725432" Overview of the Identified Issue PAGEREF _Toc70725432 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725433" Project Background and Business Case PAGEREF _Toc70725433 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725434" Project Cost Benefit Analysis PAGEREF _Toc70725434 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725435" Literature Review (20%)6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725436" Project Objectives (5%) PAGEREF _Toc70725436 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725437" Research Hypothesis PAGEREF _Toc70725437 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725438" Project Rationale PAGEREF _Toc70725438 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725439" Project Methodology (20%)10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725440" Research Method10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725441" Research Philosophy10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725442" Research Approach PAGEREF _Toc70725442 \h 10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725443" Research Method PAGEREF _Toc70725443 \h 10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725444" Data Collection and Analysis PAGEREF _Toc70725444 \h 10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725445" Project Sample/Participants/Stakeholders PAGEREF _Toc70725445 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725446" Project Deliverables/Timescales PAGEREF _Toc70725446 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725447" Summary of Risks/Limitations PAGEREF _Toc70725447 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725448" Project Planning and Resourcing Phase (10%) PAGEREF _Toc70725448 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725449" Project Results & Findings (20%)14 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725450" Evidence of Activity PAGEREF _Toc70725450 \h 14 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725451" Were the Project Objectives Achieved?18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725452" Impact on the Business18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725453" Sustainability Plan (Long Term Impact Post Project)19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725454" Conclusion (5%)19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc70725455" Reflection (10%)20
New Energy Vehicle Industry Consulting
Introduction (10%)
Overview of the Identified Issue
The global new energy vehicle industry has evolved tremendously in the past few years. The industry has expanded rapidly due to the growing demand for energy-efficient motor vehicles. Besides, many companies have entered the industry intending to produce vehicles that correspond to the market demand. This has increased the level of competition in the industry in recent years. Consequently, car manufacturers constantly seek to find other innovative ways of remaining competitive (Mcleay, Yoganathan, & Pandit, 2018). This has necessitated reliance on technology and other innovative strategies to minimize costs, save on time, and increase profitability. Furthermore, the motor vehicle industry is also influenced by many other factors such as globalization, economic changes, and environmental issues. Car manufacturers have to consider a broad array of factors and incorporating them into the production process. As such, for a new product to be successful in the contemporary car market, it has to be environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and relevant to consumers' needs and preferences.
Project Background and Business Case
The new energy vehicle industry engages in powertrain and vehicle engineering besides energy storage and innovative manufacturing. The core intellectual property resides in the ability of the company to design vehicles that utilize the unique advantages of electric powertrains and the modern advancements in consumer technology. The powertrain comprises a battery pack, control software, motor, power electronics, and a gearbox. The company has incorporated the latest advancements in consumer technologies, including connectivity, computing, sensing, and displays.
The battery packs are designed to achieve high energy density at the lowest possible cost while maintaining durability, reliability, and safety. The proprietary technology is comprised of systems for high-density storage of energy, the balancing of charging, structural durability, proper electronics management, and proper cooling. The company has the expertise required in the production of systems needed in the use of lithium-ion cells within the automotive environment. The company works with lithium-ion cell suppliers to optimize the designs of the cells to increase their overall performance.
The power electronics used in electric vehicles focus on governing the flow of high voltage electric currents throughout the vehicle. They have two essential roles. The first one is converting the direct current from the battery pack to an alternating current, which facilitates the driving of the induction motors. The second function is the charging of the battery pack, which is achieved through the charger. It converts the alternating current to direct current, which is accepted by the battery.
The company has an additional core competency in the production of infotainment and vehicle control software. The software is made up of various processors that control the functionality of electric cars. The software use algorithms that are effective in preventing traction, stability, sustained acceleration, and braking. The software is also used to monitor the charge state of each of the cells and the management of all the safety systems. The company has intellectual expertise that it has used in developing autopilot systems, including auto-steering, lane changing, traffic-aware cruise control, and automatic parking. Some vehicles have automated braking and driver warning systems. The autopilot systems have been designed to relieve drivers of the tedious and dangerous elements of road travel.
Project Cost Benefit Analysis
A Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is an important tool in project management. It helps in the decision-making process regarding the justifiability or feasibility of a project in the initial planning stages. The primary objective of this project is to analyze the new energy vehicle industry to understand how it has progressed in the past few years, the challenges encountered, and the future outlook of the industry. The findings of this project will be crucial in helping consultants in the industry issue relevant and reliable advice on the current developments in the industry.
To effectively complete this project as required, significant resources will be needed in terms of both time and financial resources. These costs must be evaluated and weighed against the project's expected benefit to establish whether the project is feasible. A detailed analysis of the costs and benefits of this project is summarized in the table below.
Cost Benefit Analysis: New Energy Vehicle Industry Consulting Project

A Breakdown and Analysis of Costs





Project Planning




Literature Review

Internet Costs



Library Access



Data Collection

Staff Training






Data Analysis

Staff Training



Report Dissemination

Final Report





A Breakdown and Analysis of Benefits

Enhanced Productivity


Workflow efficiencies


Customer loyalty


Increased product awareness




Based on this analysis, the benefits of the project outweigh its cost; thereby, implying that the project is cost effective, feasible, and justifiable.
Literature Review (20%)
For analyzing the pros and cons of Hybrid Electric vehicles, secondary sources have been used in the paper. In this paper, literature from the past will be reviewed, and some recommendations given by the researchers from the past. Since no primary research is required, more focus is laid on secondary research. Resources of different researchers were analyzed, and some major findings were found with the help of all the articles used. In this section, some major findings from the articles and the analysis from the past literature will be presented (Mcleay, Yoganathan, & Pandit, 2018). Literature from the past has been essential while analyzing the productivity and cons lying in the use of HEV. In his article, Going Green with Electric Car, Walter mentioned that the use of an electric car could lead to a safer environment. Climate and environmental changes require a higher interest in hybrid cars. The increasing dependence on imported oil can be lessened in this way (Mcleay, Yoganathan, & Pandit, 2018). However, the rising fuel price may be concern an increase in the fuel price will increase the hybrid cars’ fuel price. Hybrid cars have been an area of research over the past few years. Kim, in his article A Study on the Fuel Economy Potential of Parallel and Power Split Type Hybrid Electric Vehicles highlighted the issue of fuel economy in this case. However, the article refers to parallel HEVs since the fuel consumption is lesser in this case.
A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a mix of interior burning motor alongside the electric impetus framework. This electric vehicle consolidates the common technique alongside the innovation in the crossbreed vehicle framework. The nearness of electric power in the autos is because of the proximity of better mileage in the vehicles than the regular vehicle. Better execution is ensured with the assistance of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Consumers around the globe are being elevated to embrace cleaner propensities and gadgets that are more eco-accommodating and less hurtful for the general population around us (Mcleay, Yoganathan, & Pandit, 2018). HEV is still a staggering expense, and their support gets intense now and again.
A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a mix of interior burning motor alongside the electric impetus framework. This electric vehicle consolidates the common technique alongside the innovation in the crossbreed vehicle framework. The nearness of electric power in the autos is because of the proximity of better mileage in the vehicles than the regular vehicle. Better execution is ensured with the assistance of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Consumers around the globe are being elevated to embrace cleaner propensities and gadgets that are more eco-accommodating and less hurtful for the general population around us. HEV is still a staggering expense, and their support gets intense now and again.
The auto manufacturing market is competitive, more so on the alternative fuel vehicles that have become popular due to increased environmental concerns. Tesla Motors is an electric vehicle manufacturing industry that faces high levels of competition because the environmental concerns have made most motor industries shift to the manufacture of electric vehicles (Mcleay, Yoganathan, & Pandit, 2018). The company was established in 2003 by a group of engineers from Silicon Valley that wanted to prove the value of electric vehicles in the era of high costs of energy. The company’s strategic position can effectively be analyzed through the strategic models, including PESTEL analysis, Porter’s Five Forces framework, and SWOT analysis to provide effective recommendations on overcoming the competition and other challenges.
A clean atmosphere comes up with some harmful emissions as well. Fraser assessed this in his article Risks and drivers of hybrid car adoption: A cross-cultural segmentation analysis. In this article, the writer mentions that the cultural dimension affects the decision of buying the power of the consumers. In some places where the atmosphere is not clean, the consumers are made bound to buy HEV. This casts a negative impression on the consumers related to the product (Mcleay, Yoganathan, & Pandit, 2018). Also, not all consumers have enough budgets to buy these expensive cars, making the situation worse. Hence Fraser mentions that the underlying cultural values of the person are necessary as they impact the consumer’s decision towards buying the new attractive HEV’s.
Another major finding of the present time has led to the fact that Transmission Mounted Electric Device (TMED) offers higher transmission due to which maximum fuel economy could be improved. Many of the researchers analyzed TMED with the help of the components present in the cars. The components especially have an electric oil pump and motor-generator, which helps in the transmission as well.
While analyzing the TMED in hybrid electric cars, researchers found out about the transmission issue. Transmission can be costly. If the transmission does not work well, the maintenance could cost really high, resulting in more expensive procedures than conventional vehicles. Other than this, the leakage in the pressure control valve can be dangerous in case the leakage excesses the certain value specified.
Cleaner production and lesser fuel consumption were the main focus behind the idea of electric cars. Since the people were reluctant to accept the entire electric car fact, the researchers had to come up with a hybrid electric car, which was a combination of both the conventional and new form of technology. However, while the process of HEV cars was on its way, the power of electric and gasoline cars was measured. In this attempt, the researchers were able to find out the cost covered by both the cars while covering a distance of 27 miles.
As Figure 3 indicates, the cost of gasoline increased with passing time; the increase in the cost taken by electric car was consistent after a passage of time. Bruno, in his article, Current status of hybrid, battery and fuel cell electric vehicles: From electrochemistry to market prospects, mentioned that with the transportation and atmosphere turning into one of the biggest challenges, the researchers should come up with the type of cars that take the minimal cost in traveling the distance. However, the drawback of maintenance should also be covered in this perspective since the maintenance sometimes gets even more expensive than the actual cost of the car.
Project Objectives (5%)
Research Hypothesis
The main objective of this project to analyze the new energy vehicle industry to determine the challenges the industry faces and its suitability as the best alternative for vehicle production heading into the future. Therefore, this project is based on the hypothesis that: By utilizing new energy, the New-energy efficient vehicles can replace the conventional automobiles that all community sectors have condemned for high carbon dioxide emissions.
Project Rationale
Petroleum oil-powered vehicles have been identified as among the most prominent causes of global warming and climate change. Therefore, investment in the energy vehicle industry is poised to change the fortunes of vehicle manufacturing. This project focuses on analyzing the new energy vehicle industry to determine its highs and lows to provide recommendations to industry stakeholders on the way forward.
Project Methodo...
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