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Transformational Leadership, Employee Engagement, and Motivation

Essay Instructions:

Please do three different types of leaders and include Walt Disney, Jack Ma and another one.

Assessment Criteria Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding assessed in this assignment:

Explore the origins and contemporary applications of management and leadership theory

Compare and contrast alternative approaches to management and leadership practice

Appraise the distinctions between different change contexts and styles of leadership

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes assessed in this assignment:

Critically evaluate strategic decision-making and planning, using practical examples of strategic leadership and change processes

Assess different approaches to leadership and management

Critically analyse the effectiveness of particular organisational leadership stylesTransformational Opportunities:
Use of video and podcasts to enhance learning

AEB resources

Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment

Performance will be assessed using HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric)

Feedback for improvement will be given in writing via your Canvas module site within 4 weeks of submission

Lateness Penalty: For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches the minimum pass mark (UG 40/PG 50).  Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than the minimum pass mark no lateness penalty will be applied.  If the coursework is submitted more than 5 days after the published deadline, it will not be marked and a grade of zero will be awarded. Please note: Referred coursework submitted after the published deadline will be awarded a grade of zero (0).”

Extensions: Students do not have an automatic right to an extension.  If you require an extension, this must be requested in advance of the submission deadline.  Please give your reason(s) for needing an extension.
Detailed Brief for Individual / Team AssignmentAssignment Title:
Many of the leadership styles discussed in this module tend to be more successful in the short term. However, the emerging research and literature indicates that a transformational style is more effective for the longer term, regarding its impact on employee motivation/engagement and overall business success
You are required to challenge this statement by comparing and contrasting the transformational style, as deployed by a business leader, with two other leadership styles, used by two other business leaders and to critically evaluate which style has been most effective, based on its impact on employee motivation/engagement and long-term business success.
(Note: This means that the Transformational leadership style needs to be compared and contrasted with 2 other styles of leadership. Overall therefore, three leadership styles (deployed by three separate leaders) need to be compared and contrasted – one of which is the transformational style. Mark scheme:e.g. WeightingPresentation and Structure 10Harvard Referencing 10Content and findings 25Business Application 15Critique/Evaluation (including reference to relevant models/theories)          40Total 100
Description of the assignment, task, content and structure: See separate Guidance Notes

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Transformational Leadership, Employee Engagement, and Motivation
Leadership is a fundamental component in organizations to survive and achieve organic growth. Leaders keep the mission and vision of a company in focus while directing, inspiring, and motivating talents to accomplish. Employees remain attracted to the leaders while serving organizations. Theoretically, leaders exhibit responsibilities beyond managers. Leaders would take accountabilities for actions while conducting traditional managerial activities using contemporary approaches. Good leaders would accomplish organizational development and growth regardless of challenges emerging in a business environment. Leaders would allocate resources and collaborate with functions to achieve a company’s long-term objectives (Bhardwaj et al. 2021). Organizations are paralyzed without acquiring leadership directions.
The Management Sciences introduced different leadership theories and styles to improve leader-member exchanges (LMX). The transformational leadership style gained the utmost popularity in the theoretical domain. Academic researchers like Alessa (2021) believe that transformational leadership is an effective model to adapt to an existing environment, allocate organizational resources, and align actions with external parameters while accomplishing the long-term strategic objectives of an organization. However, the academic literature has other leadership models that could deliver better organizational results than transformational leadership. This paper will compare the transformational leadership style with the two different types to justify the claim.
Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership theory gained the utmost popularity in the academic literature. Most corporate leaders aspire to become transformational leaders, particularly during a crisis. One of the famous examples of transformational leadership is Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motors (Tesla). Musk exhibited his entrepreneurial roles and skillsets while founding Tesla (Khan 2021). Musk demonstrated transformational leadership primarily through motivation and participation. The individual consideration allowed Musk to acquire feedback and improvements from team members. The individual consideration also allowed Musk to reduce power distance in the team. Besides, Musk’s engagement with the team at every step is evident, as he remained accessible and available for his employees during the transformation phase. Tesla was a disruptive product that challenged the status quo of the global automotive sector. The new features and technology were introducing a change in the worldwide industry from its core. Musk ensured that Tesla employees remained motivated and trusted by his leadership vision and enthusiasm. Musk worked on building the competence and abilities of his employees through active participation to nurture change in the global automotive sector (Khan 2021). His entrepreneurial traits make Musk an inspirational motivation for employees. Musk exhibits availability for employees during the disruptive change to continue motivation towards the idea. The inspirational motivation offered by Musk made Tesla a leading automotive brand worldwide.
However, Musk’s transformational leadership style leads employees to emotional and material risks. For instance, Musk was on the edge of bankruptcy in 2008 after a rocket launch failure. Employees experienced immense emotional distress during the event. Each employee contributed equally to Musk’s witness of the revolution in the space industry. However, an immediate failure led employees to distrust Musk’s vision and caused emotional distress. Fortunately, Musk adopted participative and inspirational leadership styles to manage the situation. Musk could not continue with the transformational leadership style due to its product orientation (Khan 2021). Musk offered idealized influence to employees as a transformational leader for executing ideas. The leadership vision towards automobiles and space exploration exhibits intellectual stimulation in Musk, which was adopted by employees later to create SpaceX. The launch failure event indicated that the transformational leadership style could be more successful in motivating and engaging employees in all situations. Leaders like Musk must understand that conditions could differ in the long run, and employees require a different approach to collaborate with a company’s embedded vision.
Transformational leadership style built a reputation in the Management Sciences discipline. Most corporate leaders believe that transformational leadership could introduce wonders in the longitudinal outcomes of a situation. However, some cases are still being determined and new for corporate leaders, which the transformational leadership style cannot address. Leaders must acquire different approaches, such as visionary and servant styles, to overcome a crisis while keeping employees motivated and engaged in the long run (Kim and Ji 2021). The upcoming sections will examine visionary and servant leadership styles compared with the transformational leadership approach. Transformational leaders like Musk are influential for the long-term organic growth of organizations but need to manage emotional states and engagement during uncertainties.
Visionary Leadership
A visionary leader is a distinct leadership style that works on the ground qualities of an individual. Theoretically, a visionary leader can see the world differently. Visionary leaders would identify opportunities and potential in different situations. Most leaders would work on a specific vision or objective and build process controls around it to accomplish it (Kim et al., 2022). Walt Disney (Disney) is a famous example of visionary leadership. Disney started an entertainment venture in the early 1920s with a mantra of “To Make People Happy.” Disney used the mantra to create dif...
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