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Skills and Knowledge in Negotiation

Essay Instructions:

This is an article about 2300-2400 words, you need to cover the exercise "New recruit" I uploaded, explaining the task, roles, duration, materials needed, possible outcomes, learning objectives and their relevance to own experience of working as a team and more generally (supporting such arguments with citations, and concepts/theories that can inform readers further regarding the skills targeted by the exercises presented). The exercise must teach the same lessons as the (randomly assigned) exercise experienced during the live sessions of the module but be contextualized in a setting of professional or personal relevance to the author.

I will upload all documents of exercise “New recruit”, it is a 1v1 exercise about business negotiation, you need to write a exercise covering it, but not exactly the same. And I will upload a example slide of else’s presentation about "New recruit". In addition, I have an article example, which is about other exercises, not about "New recruit", but you can refer to its format and what contents need to be written. you have to read document "individual exercise brief” carefully, it has the checklist of questions and assessment rubrics (group presentation) , you need to write the article according to the "in full"!

This article is very important to me, please write it very carefully, if you have any doubts, please don’t hesitate to contact me in time

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Professor (Tutor)
The Name of the School (University)
The City and State where it is located
The Date
Negotiation is part of life. The majority of issues, processes, agreements, and discussions often require the art of negotiation. Negotiation is a critical skill for human devolvement and personal growth because people need this skill to navigate through life as they advance their interests. The practice of persuasion, bargaining, and negotiation is useful for business sustainability, growth, and ultimate success (Purtell, 2018). Negotiations in a business environment revolve around specific demands such as company sales targets, employee performance, salaries, and compensation-based concepts, among many more. The new employee or potential recruits often can negotiate on job conditions, compensations, benefits, and remuneration. A new employee should be skillful in negotiating for various items with the employee to ensure that he or she gains and equally ensures that the interests and desires of the employer are gathered for in the negotiation. In the employer-employee deliberations, there is always a need to balance the competing and opposed interests, perceptions, and ideas. This paper will explore negotiation s between a recruiter and a recruit who will be deliberating over to reach consensus on eight core items, including bonus, salary, location, vacation, starting date, job assignment, movement expenses, and insurance cover. Both the recruiter and recruit, in this case, deploy several concepts in their negotiations, including creating value, compromising, claiming value, identifying each party’s interests, and each party having knowledge of his or her Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA).
Negotiation 3 New Recruit (Role of Candidates)
Tips for the New recruit
Alternatives: when do you do if there is no closure in the deal, or it completely fails?
Job Details: which kind of job am I going for? Why is the average pays scale?
Interests: Which interests are compatible, distributive, and integrative?
My party’s (a job candidate):
* Interests and Goals:
* To gain optimal points.
* To achieve consensus with the recruiter on all eight issues;
* To be hired by any of the corporations;
* Show respect to the recruiter and develop a good relationship since we could be working together if I am hired.
* Know the interest of the recruiter
* Know Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement
* To create value
* To claim value
* BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement): to be hired by the other corporation worth 5600 points for me.
* Reservation Point: 4,500 points
* Target: 8400 points
Sources of Power for Candidate:
* Already received letters offering employment from some corporations.
* Show flexibility on issues potentially crucial to the employer, such as location, vacation time, and insurance coverage.
* Have interests and issues that are compatible with those of the recruiter.
* Knows BATNA
* Have the ability to create value for both parties.
Other party’s (a job recruiter):
* Interests and Goals:
* To agree with the candidate on all eight issues
* To select the best candidates for the company.
* Know BATNA
* For a win-win situation or compromised agreement
* Reservation Point: 4500 points
* Target: 5500 points
Sources of Power for Recruiter:
* have alternative candidates
* willing to compromise
* knows BATNA
* But be cautious not to force things too far!
* DON’T state a BATNA when not prepared to use if necessary.
Core Negotiating Strategies for Candidate
* Ask the recruiter the core issues essential to him/her, and compare them with those of the candidate. These questions will inform the candidate about recruiters’ interests on topics such as needs, desires, concerns, fears—the things one cares about or wants. From this knowledge, the candidate can develop his or her BATNA.
* Comprehend the recruiter’s goals and understand what he/she is trying to accomplish from their negotiation side.
* The candidate will consider what issues are critical to him/her based on the recruiter’s areas of interests and issues.
* Reconcile interests in terms of recruiter’s and candidate’s needs, desires, concerns, and fears. Agree on easy points first before the contentious. The simple issues revolved around shared interests or matters that are compatible to both recruiter and candidate or a new recruit and negotiate for the harder ones.
* The reconciliation shall entail probing for deep-seated concerns, finding solutions agreeing on trade-offs and concessions where interests are diametrically opposed ( Lewicki, Saunders & Barry, 2019). 
* In the concessions strategy, the candidate would inform the recruiter about a compromise on some issues such as vacation time, location, and insurance to achieve the more vital goals or interest such as salary, job assignment, or bonus.
* Negotiate that the salary can be lower in the first few years, but it shall increase yearly in terms of my working performance, which is an accommodating strategy (lose to win). This accommodating approach encourages a more interdependent relationship and interactions, which enhances support and assistance from the other party ( Lewicki, Saunders & Barry, 2019). . It can also calm hostile feelings when there is tension in the candidate-recruiter relationship.
* In some contested issues, the candidate and recruiter can use independent standard elements of legitimacy or fairness to determine what is right. For example, some rights are entrenched in law or contract, and in other cases, rights are socially accepted standards of behavior, such as disability equality and seniority. Thus, the candidate and recruited may use, in some cases, socially accepted rights, legislations, and laws to determine the right position on some issues.
* Creating value by the candidate is a critical strategy. This approach involves taking a joint problem-solving approach, developing multiple alternatives and options that guide negotiations and decision making, exchanging information, and focusing on each party’s underlying interest. It also entails building trust that allows open communication. The value created is influenced by understanding candidates and recruiter’s Interests, communication, and Information Sharing, brainstorming or generating Options, and having concerns for current and future relationships (Beenen, G., & Barbuto, 2014). Creating value is a crucial component of negotiation. The candidate or recruit in this context needs to be aware of fixed pie assumptions, create an environment that allows open dialogue while refraining from being judgmental and capitalizing on shared interests. It also entails exploiting vari...
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