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Self-Insight Questionnaires – Belbin Self-Perception Results

Essay Instructions:

Coursework information

Course Title People in Organisations

Coursework format Portfolio

Weighting 40%

Word limit 1,500 (+/- 10%)

Action to be taken if word limit is exceeded Penalties may apply

Submission date 16/11/2022


Portfolio: Self-insight questionnaires – Reflexive writing


A critical skill in becoming a successful global leader is self-insight (Brownell, 2006). Introspection about who you are and why others are different is important for the effective management of others. As part of the People in Organisations course, you have completed several self-report questionnaires designed to give insight into who you are but also how others might be different. 

Further details

The Portfolio assessment 

In addition to the Belbin team role tool you completed, select one further portfolio instrument that you did not use in your initial assignment, and reflect on your results in terms of being an effective global leader to identify areas of strength, and where further development is required. Use action plans to outline further development that is required, including what you intend to develop, the challenges and support you have available, and how you will evaluate your progress. You can use Brownell’s (2006) global leader competency framework to consider your capability (see below). 

Brownell (2006): Competencies clusters characterising effective global leaders 

Competency cluster  competencies 

1 Intercultural  Cultural Sensitivity, Cultural Interlligence, Global Mind-Set 

Social  Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, Self-Control 

Creative/resourceful  Breakthrough Thinking, Innovativeness, Synergistic Orientation 

Self-knowledge  Self-Efficacy, Self-Reflective  

Positive outlook  Vision, Passion, Optimism 

Responsiveness  Flexible, Agile, Opportunistic 

Decision-making  Decisive, Sound Judgement, Intutitive 

Brownell, J. (2006). Meeting the competency needs of global leaders: A partnership approach”:

An executive coach's perspective. Human Resource Management, 45(3), 309-336.


Formatting of the assignment

Maximum assignment length - 1500 words, excluding references. Please use the Harvard referencing system in your work. You should use at least a 12-point font with 1.5 line spacing. Submit a Word document format so that comments can be more easily added.

2 Coursework Rubric

A holistic rubric provides a list of assessment criteria together with broad description of the characteristics that would be expected for each level of performance. [Assessor – use, delete or replace with your own rubric]

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Weak

Distinguishing key strengths & for development Undertakes extensive assessment of the meaning and consequences at subscale level in terms of impact on them as a person and their impact on others.

Highlights both strengths, but also less preferred options and how these might be significant.

Identifies and reflects on contradictions or tensions.

Reflects on their value to themselves or for others using examples.

Considers how these aspects may complement and or make it more Undertakes detailed assessment of the meaning and consequences in terms of impact on them as a person and their impact on others. Some attention on sub-scales, and mention of both strengths, and less preferred options and their significance.

Aware of the value of developing areas.

Considers their complementary or more challenging for others with limited examples.

Undertakes assessment of the meaning and consequences in terms of impact on them as a person and their impact on others.

Highlights both strengths, and less preferred options but with less attention on the subscales. Reflects on the value of these areas in working with others. Not really reflecting areas of tension or contradiction which indicates a lack of critical reflection. Undertakes some limited assessment of the meaning and consequences in terms of impact on them.

Limited attention on its impact for others. Little attention on less preferred areas. Little effort to reflect on how these aspects might complement others, or be a challenge to others. No assessment of the meaning and consequences of the scores. Limited focus on an area of strength.

No reflection on how these impact others. No attention towards less preferred areas.

challenging to work with others.

Development plans Identify clear and detailed action plans including - what they plan to do differently as a result of new self- insights. How they will modify or adopt over time.

Include attention on how they will assess their progress that shows rigor and sophistication. Identify the key challenges and barriers they might face in delivering on these plans.

Suggest ways to gain feedback and also support from others in these plans’ fulfilment. Develops clear action plans for each including - what they plan to do differently, and insight

into how these plans might need to adopt over time. Aware of how to assess progress, and of challenges and barriers, but with less sophisticated ways to overcome these. Aware of others support and feedback in these plans’ fulfilment. Identifies action plans for each, with little focus on their development over time.

Some awareness of progress assessment and feedback.

Some insight into challenges or barriers, but less clear about how to overcome these issues. Action plans developed for one area as opposed to both.

No insight into how these might develop or modify overtime. Scant attention on their measurement, or any challenges and barriers they might face.

Little attention on others’ role in these plans. No real action plans developed

Use of portfolio evidence Provides detailed reasons for each instruments inclusion and reflects on what new information they provided. Clear awareness of the marking and the results in relation to others. Provides some reasons for instruments’ inclusion, that suggests awareness of wider and future roles.

Demonstrates key insights into the marking Provides reasons for instruments’ inclusion, and insight into the type of new information it provided.

Understanding of the marking and how the Provides limited explanation for instrument inclusion.

Outlines the marks, but limited insight into their meaning. Provides no reason for instrument inclusion.

No comment on marking on its meaning and what the results mean. results compare to others.

Use of supporting evidence and sources Exemplary use of a wide range of high-quality and pertinent evidence with clear indication that this material has been understood. Evidence is clearly related to the points being made so their genesis is clear. Few or no mistakes in referencing. Consistent use of a range of high-quality evidence with clear evidence that the material presented has been understood. Evidence is clearly related to the points being made so their genesis is clear. Few or no mistakes in referencing. A clear attempt to use evidence demonstrating a good range of reading. This may, however, be uneven and/or rely on some sources of questionable quality. There may be errors in referencing, for example in how these are presented. A qualified attempt to use evidence demonstrating a circumscribed range of reading.

Some sources of questionable quality. There may be errors in referencing, for example in how these are presented. Lack of evidence or sources with many unsupported assertions and/or evidence of a lack of reading. Piece sparsely referenced or references completely lacking.

Feedback method

Individual feedback will normally be provided via Moodle. Generic (class-level) feedback and grade profiles will normally be posted on Moodle.

Students can use academic staff office hours for additional feedback on your work.

Preparing your coursework

Document creation

1. Please use this file naming convention: StudentID_CourseCode_QuestionNo. e.g.

7299019_ACCFIN4029_1. If there is no question choice, use 1 as the default.

2. The file type must be .doc, .doxc, .xls, .xlsx or .pdf.

3. Include your student ID in your document, ideally in the header on each page with the course code and title, e.g. 2489545_ACCFIN1003_Finance1.

4. The maximum file size limit on Moodle is 230MB


You won’t be penalised if you don’t follow this good practice on formatting, but it will help your markers.

• Use a Sans Serif font in black, e.g. Arial, Avant Garde, Calibri, Helvetica and Geneva.

• Use font size 12.

• Use 1.5 or double line spacing.

• Align your text to the left margin.

• Add page numbers.

Referencing and bibliography

You should reference your sources appropriately and list these in a bibliography. The bibliography is excluded from your word limit. You should use the ‘Harvard’ referencing system, as detailed below for written coursework.

In the text, use the following referencing conventions:

• Smith (1999) argues that…. or

• It has been argued that……. (Smith, 1999).

• If you use a direct quote, use quotation marks and cite the page number as well as the author and date, i.e. (Smith, 1999, p. 4).

• If you have two items by the same author in the same year, refer to one as ‘a’ and the other as ‘b’, i.e. Smith (1999a) and Smith (1999b).

Student conduct


You must adhere to the University’s rules regarding plagiarism which are based on the premise that ‘all work submitted by students for assessment is accepted on the understanding that it is the student's own effort’. More specifically, you must avoid plagiarism in the following forms:

• Copying from sources without ‘formal and proper acknowledgement’

• Inappropriate collaboration – working with other students to produce individual coursework or copying work produced by another student

• Submitting work which you have obtained from another source, e.g. an essay mill

• Self-plagiarism – basing coursework on work that has already been submitted for

assessment purposes.


Note that your coursework will be processed through Turnitin for similarity checking. You can submit a draft of your coursework to Turnitin before submitting your final copy. You will find information about using Turnitin in the Student Information Point Moodle.

Submitting your coursework

You must submit in accordance with the stated time and date on page 1. See below for information if you are unable to do so.

Finalising your document

Please follow the steps listed below:

1. Check your spelling and grammar using the inbuilt tool on your device. You will not be penalised for grammatical and spelling errors but we recommend that you take the opportunity to correct them.

2. Check your file name (see above).

3. Check that you have used an accepted file type (see above).

4. Do not include your name in the file name or the document to support anonymous marking.

Uploading your document to Moodle

1. You will upload your document to the designated section of the Moodle course, which will be clearly signposted.

2. Try to upload your document at least 30 minutes before the deadline (page 1) in case you encounter any technical issues. You will be able to resubmit the document as often as you like until the submission deadline.

3. Complete the Declaration of Originality (see below).

Declaration of Originality

When you upload your coursework on Moodle, you will be required to select a checkbox to confirm that you agree with the University’s Declaration of Originality which applies to all academic work, as follows.

I confirm that this assignment is my own work and I have:

• Read and understood the guidance on plagiarism provided on the Student Information Point Moodle course including the University of Glasgow Statement on Plagiarism.

• Clearly referenced, in both the text and the bibliography or references, all sources used in the work.

• Fully referenced (including page numbers) and used inverted commas for all text quoted from books, journals, web etc.

• Provided the sources for all tables, figures, data etc. that are not my own work.

• Not made use of the work of any other student(s) past or present without acknowledgement. This includes any of my own work, that has previously, or concurrently, been submitted for assessment, either at this or any other institution, including school.

• Not sought or used the services of any professional agencies to produce this work.

• In addition, I understand that any false claim in respect of this work will result in disciplinary action in accordance with University regulations.

Extensions and non-submission with good cause

Please refer to the Student Information Point Moodle for relevant information.

Late submission penalties

In the absence of good cause, late submission penalties will be applied as explained in Student Information Point Moodle.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Self-Insight Questionnaires: Reflexive Writing
Institutional Affiliate
Self-Insight Questionnaires: Reflexive Writing Business organizations are globalizing their operational activities to maximize profit and revenue generation for sustainable growth and development. At the helm of an organization that achieves the stated objective are global leaders with effective leadership and management skills, matching characteristics of a leader, and unique sets of personal traits. In essence, successful global leaders tend to display unique personality traits and capabilities through which they enhance leadership and management of their organizations towards achieving the set organizational objectives. Among such personal characteristics include a high sense of self-awareness upon which they develop the critical skill of self-insight or introspection. The ability to know who you are, recognize the difference in others, and tolerate or accommodate the different personalities and skills in a group is integral to achieving the organizational objectives and thus becoming a successful leader (Brownell, 2006). To evaluate my efficacy and eligibility as a global leader in managing other people in an organization, I completed several self-report questionnaires for insight into who I am and how other people might be different. The instruments I used for the introspection include the Belbin team role tool and the core self-evaluation scale. Results from the self-insight evaluation instruments would then be matched against Brownell’s competencies clusters characterizing effective global leaders to determine my capability in the role. Provided herein is a reflection on my identified areas of strength and weaknesses with detailed action plans for enhancing the latter towards becoming an effective global leader. According to the Belbin Individual Team Role Report, my self-perception reveals that my preferred activities in a team are planning, organizing, and thinking in a structured way (Belbin, 2022). The set of preferred activities further indicates that I tend to focus more on all the work that needs to be done and getting the desired outcomes (Belbin, 2022). The self-perception instrument also highlights some personality traits and behaviors that influence my inclination to the outlined activities in enabling the team’s progress. According to the Belbin team role evaluation instrument, my preference for the stated activities indicates that my preferred roles in a group would be a coordinator and an implementer (Belbin, 2022).   Figure 1: Belbin Self-Perception Results   As a leader and according to the Belbin Report, I would effectively enable a team’s progress by undertaking the roles of a coordinator or an implementer in executing the task assigned to the team and achieving the desired results. Aiding to execute my role as the group’s coordinator and implementer would be my key strengths as a mature and confident individual, with ability to identify talent, clarify goals, and delegate duties effectively (Belbin, 2022). The report findings are in agreement with my personality of a calm, collected, and confident individual who believes in doing things in an organized manner devoid of chaos or confusion. However, there exists a tendency for my colleagues or teammates to misconstrue my delegation of duties as a form of manipulation to avoid taking part in the group assignment. It has occurred on several occasions in my past group engagements. Hence, I intend to embrace it is an allowable weakness in my leadership ability and thus using it to strengthen my core competencies as a global leader (Belbin, 2022). As an implementer, the Belbin report indicates that I am a practical, reliable, and efficient individual who turns ideas into actions and organizes work that needs to be done (Belbin, 2022). I strongly agree with this observation from the Belbin Team Role Report since I believe in my abilities to act on ideas and achieve the desired outcome. In my past engagements with friends and colleagues I often end up being the one entrusted with developing action plans for turning ideas into desired outcomes or results. However, my strong attachment to the designed action plan often limits my flexibility for accommodating enhancements or new possibilities in the process of turning the identified ideas into desired results. It is a weakness that correlates to the Belbin report’s findings of a slow response to new possibilities as an implementer. Like in the report findings for the coordinator team role, I have the advantage of turning the weakness herein to an enhancing factor to my global and team leadership abilities. At times it is important to stick to the established action plan to achieve the desired outcomes within the specified period and thus highlighting my reliability as a leader. I tend to agree with the findings of the self-perception evaluation for both team roles, except for being manipulative as a coordinator because I do not believe in taking advantage of ot...
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