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Senior Management Position: Recruitment Strategy At Tesla Company

Essay Instructions:


You are working as a HRM manager for a large organisation and the HRM Director has asked you to prepare a recruitment and selection strategy. The strategy should be for a senior management position.

In a 700 word report ( +/- 10%) critically evaluate your strategy including whether this strategy would be successful. You need to create key documents that you would use and include these within an appendix(in first page) to support the report.

Outline of task

The scenario is based on you working as a HRM manager for a large organisation (choose a large organisation and create a recruitment strategy for a senior managerial role or a director level role) – needs agreement from your tutor for all students to do different companies. (I have choose TESLA)

You need to prepare the documents that are to be used in your selection and recruitment strategy and explain the key stages for your strategy

(Note: These documents and your recruitment strategy plan should be in your appendix and need to be created first before you write the 700 word report)

You need to cross reference with your appendix to support your analysis and evaluation.

Compare the purposes of the different documents that you intend to use in the selection and recruitment strategy of your organisation.

Critically evaluate your recruitment strategy (including the documents created) and why your strategy will be successful

-       How useful are the key documents and could they be improved?

-      You need to cross reference to support your argument

Use suitable literature and Harvard references to support your evaluation and justifications.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis Recruitment Strategy at Tesla Company ReportBy(your name)Course:Tutor:Institution:Date: APPENDIX TESLA COMPANY JOB APPLICATION FORM JOB POSITION: MARKETING MANAGER Instructions * Fill the form in Capital Letters * Provide truthful information * Attach Relevant Documents in your application * Forms should be filled and returned to the head office of Tesla Company before 9th August 2018. * PERSONAL INFORMATION 761999153035First Name: 857250143510Middle Name: 761999124460Last Name: 933450162560Street Address: 676274153035State/City: 428625153035Phone: 428624134620Email: i) Do you have a friend or a relative who works at our company? (YES)/ (NO) If Yes, what is the relationship and what is their position at our company? 1905048895 Documents to attach in this section * Birth Certificate * National Identification Card/ Passport * Tax Reports * EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE 1 High School * Where did you attend your high school? 476250116205 * Which is the time that you attended (i.e. from which year to which year) 67627417780 * Did you graduate? (NO) (YES) If YES, what grade did you attain? (Kindly attach your certificate) 476250145415 If NO, why did you not graduate? 542924107315 628650107315 2 COLLEGE/ UNIVERSITY 1219200155575Name of Institution: 54292569850Address: 121920098425City/State/ Zip Code: 1104900136525Period attended: 1047749146685Did you graduate? Degree/ Diploma earned: 3 OTHER 733425163195Specify: 733425153670Period: 1381125163195What you attained: 4 RELEVANT SKILLS, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE * Have you ever won any award? (YES) (NO) If yes, state which award, the year that you received and attach proof. 428625127635 * Do you speak any foreign languages? (NO) (YES) 1914525137160 If yes, state the language * Have you ever attended any vocational training institution? (NO/YES) If yes, what is the name of the institution that you attended and which skills did you acquire (attach relevant documents) 495299128270 42862455245 Documents to attach * Your Certificates at different education levels/institutions that you have attended. * Proof of the Award that you received. * EMPLOYMENT HISTORY You are asked to fill this part in an accurate manner and occasionally you may be asked to provide the contacts of your previous employer for confirmation purposes. * Are you employed currently? (YES) (NO) * If currently employed, can you provide us contact information of your employer? (YES/NO) If yes, please fill the following. N/B- You can provide us with information of your previous employer if not employed. Ignore if you have never been employed. Begin with most recent. EMPLOYER 1 1428750154940 Name of employer: 103822511747500 City/ State: 99059914605100 Your position: 12953998890000 Email/ Telephone: 158115013652500 Length of Employment: 134302414605100 Salary/ Hourly Rate: 134302412763600 Reason for leaving: EMPLOYER 2 1428750154940 Name of employer: 103822511747500 City/ State: 99059914605100 Your position: 12953998890000 Email/ Telephone: 158115013652500 Length of Employment: 134302414605100 Salary/ Hourly Rate: 134302412763600 Reason for leaving: EMPLOYER 3 1428750154940 Name of employer: 103822511747500 City/ State: 99059914605100 Your position: 12953998890000 Email/ Telephone: 158115013652500 Length of Employment: 134302414605100 Salary/ Hourly Rate: 134302412763600 Reason for leaving: References Provide us with a list of people (min 3, max 4) who know your work performance within the last 5 years. Include professional references. Reference 1 1190625161925First and Last Name: 1743075123825Number of Years Acquainted: 895350124460Telephone No: 438150114935Email: 742949114935Occupation: Reference 2 1247775124460First and Last Name: 1743075153035Number of Years Acquainted: 89535015557500Telephone No: Email: 742949153670Occupation: Reference 3 1247775124460First and Last Name: 1743075153035Number of Years Acquainted: 89535015557500Telephone No: Email: 742949153670Occupation: Reference 4 1247775124460First and Last Name: 1743075153035Number of Years Acquainted: 89535015557500Telephone No: Email: 742949153670Occupation: Certification 174307513525585725135255I certify that the information that I have provided above is true. I also acknowledge that any false information will form the ground of not hiring me or firing me in your company. I authorize the verification of the informati...
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