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Running Head: QA Higher Education Project Management Management Essay

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Running Head: QA Higher Education
Project Management
[Name of the Writer]
[Name of the Instructor]
[Name of the Institute]
Background of the Project
This particular projects focuses on the case of QA Higher Education that is intending to completely refurbish its teaching rooms as well as computing labs within London campus. The main purpose of this project is to ascertain that staff as well as students are presented with an exceptional learning environment that encloses latest technology for the education of the students and facilitating the teachers. The new project will incorporate latest network infrastructure, software and hardware suitable for the classroom refurbishments. It will additionally incorporate all essential peripherals and furniture. Along the lines, enhancements will be made in IT support desk system in the London campus. At present, it has been observed that the Birmingham or London campus lacks adequate computer labs with essential hardware and software. Hence, there is a need to refurbish the computer lab and the classrooms. The issues with the current computing labs and teaching rooms are well-recognized and hence, there is need for change. Despite the fact that the existing system in the computing labs of both the campuses is web-based, it does not entails a standard desktop software including word plus and excel. In addition, the hardware and network infrastructure currently present in both the campuses supports only few processes in the organization.
Project Initiation Document
Objectives of the Project
The purpose of designing this project is to provide an integrated solution to the current issues confronted in the London campus in terms of refurbishment of classroom and computing labs. The fundamental goals of this projects are listed as follow:
* To refurbish the classrooms in the way that facilitate students’ education and teachers
* To redesign the computing systems to incorporate latest hardware, software and network infrastructure
* To integrate a unified information system that supports all the procedures within the campus
* To incorporate innovative technology that supports data sharing, flow of work and IT desks.
* To establish a comprehensive and at the same time innovative classroom environment.
Defined Method of Approach
Scope of the Project
The innovative and new classroom designs comprises of all the latest technologies and processes related to the organizational goals. The project aims on fulfilling all the needs and demands of the QA Higher Education’s stakeholders, including the department level staff, management level staff, and other bodies internal and external to the company such as suppliers and customers. Refurbishment of the computing labs and classrooms will ascertain that students as well as staff all have an exceptional learning environment in addition access to the latest technology to support their studies and teaching. The information will be accessible to all the stakeholder of the company and the new information system will provide a variety of methods to access the required information. The redesigning of the London Campus will definitely present a flexibility of supporting future changes in the procedures and objectives of the campus. The scope of this project is broader than a refurbishment of the classrooms and computing needs and pertains to meet all the campus needs in order to create sustainability. The researcher will adopt a PRINC2 methodology which will involve several phases as illustrated in the table below:


Major Events / Milestones



Initiation phase

10/10/2018 – 13/10/2018


Planning phase

19/10/2187 – 3/11/2018


Executing phase

13/11/2018 – 1/12/2018


Monitoring and Controlling phase

26/12/2018 – 5/1/2018


Closing phase

13/1/2018 – 24/1/20178

Project Deliverables
The major outcomes of this project are listed below:
* An innovative computing lab system that incorporates latest hardware, software and infrastructure
* Refurbished classrooms in the campus with new furniture and equipment
* Improved educational environment
Milestones and Key Dates

Key Staff Involved in the project
The structure of the project reflects a PRINCE approach in which suitable individuals are assigned the tasks. As a part of the methodology of project management, the project office develops standards defining role of the project.
Board of the Project
The board members of the project will direct the project completely, representing business needs, requirements of users, suppliers and technical staff.
Project Manager
In every project, one of the most significant role is played by the project manager. In the project’s context, the project manager is responsible for determining that the project is able to produce desired outcomes in line with set standards and goals that are accomplished within the timeframe and budget allocated. He is responsible for directing the day to day activities of the project.
Project Team
Team of this project will be responsible for initiating tasks and generating positive outcomes as desired by the project plan. Furthermore, the team will be divided into users’ team and development team. People in the development team will gather information regarding the business requirements and conduct assessment, while the people in the user team will represent other roles and positions assigned to different stakeholders of the company. Finally, the project team will be responsible for identifying the business needs and gaps and ensuring that the solutions are capable of meeting those requirements. The selection of team members is very critical because these individuals will be responsible for approving products for project completion and for undertaking a quality affirmation task.
Key Milestones of the Project

Initiation Stage


To initiate the project as well as request approval for further proceedings

Dates and Duration

Start date 20th August ,End date 30th August


Investment appraisals, Project Initiation Document

Presented By

Project Manager


Requirement Stage


To specify the requirements of the project and get approval

Dates and Duration

Start date 1st September ,End date 10th September


Requirements details submitted to the potential suppliers

Presented By

Project Manager


Analysis and Design stage


To identify how requirement will be met

Dates and Duration

Start date 20st September ,End date 30th September


Suppliers contract signed, implementation plan agreed and proof concept

Presented By

Project Manager, Project management team


Implementation phase


To implement the project

Dates and Duration

Start date 1st October ,End date 30th October


Refurbished classrooms and computing lab

Presented By

Project management team and suppliers


expected Communications



Project Team

Up[dares on the project plan, progress meeting, risks, issues and essential measures to be implemented


Action log and minutes of meeting

IT officers

Schedule updates, deliverables due and general updates of the project

Monthly via meeting

Action log and minutes of meeting

Furniture Suppliers

Schedule updates, deliverables due and general updates of the project

Monthly via meeting

Action log and minutes of meeting

Campus ...
Updated on
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