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Poverty and Inequalities Analysis

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Poverty is a condition in which individuals or a community lack the adequate financial resources and requirements for a minimum standard of living. The individuals perceived as poor can't meet their basic human needs using the cash they have from their daily undertakings. Poverty I normally associated with a lack of healthy foods, medical attention, proper housing, and clean water. Poor people are inferior in quality. On the other hand, inequality refers to the situation of unjust distribution of opportunities and resources among members of a given society (Markham, 2018). Poverty and inequality are some of the challenges that have continued to affect an individual's livelihood for a long time. According to the United Nations Development Programme and Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (2019), more than 1.3 billion people in 103 countries were living in abject poverty.
People experience deprivation in health, education, and living standards at 1.3 billion people in 107 developing countries. This indicates that developing countries are poor in many dimensions (Aguilar & Summer, 2020, 104716). The world has not been able to control the level of poverty, and there has been a widening gap in resource distribution between the rich and the poor. Inequality is a concern in most countries because often, people are trapped in poverty and have little chance to climb the social ladder. With the emergence of global COVID-19, poverty and inequalities are expected to shoot further. Many countries have imposed travel restrictions, lockdowns, and the virus has affected individuals in various ways. Due to the cyclical and complexity of poverty and inequality, I have decided to have an in-depth analysis of the matter. This paper, therefore, is made to bring out a system dynamics analysis of poverty and inequality in the 21ST century.
Poverty and inequality.Infrastructure.Low investment educationproductionmalnutritionunemployment.Vulnerability to poverty and ill health.CAUSAL-LOOP DIAGRAM
Poverty and inequality.Infrastructure.Low investment educationproductionmalnutritionunemployment.Vulnerability to poverty and ill health.
Poverty and Production.
Although poverty can be traced back to human history, it has significantly changed over time. Under non-industrialized modes of economic production, the spread of poverty has been accepted as inevitable. The produced goods were still insufficient even if they were to be equally distributed. This indicated the population could not get a comfortable standard of living. Poverty and wealth imbalance resulted in low production both at the national level and individual level. Poor persons have inadequate resources, which can be turned into productive assets (Godslove). Due to this state in which these individuals are in, they can not manage to take part in the economic building process by boosting the goods and services offered in the specific country. Most poor and marginalized individuals practice subsistence farming, with the main source of water being rainfall. Due to climatic change, rains are no longer reliable; thus, the poor farmer ends up not gating any produce from the farm (Nwokoro et al., 2017, 7-13). Also, insufficient funds don't offer them the chance to purchase certified seeds. The result of this unplanned practice is low output or even no output. With the emergence of industrialization, the production of goods and services increased but with an imbalance in the distribution. The rich gain more while the poor gain less, resulting in a continuous state of poverty and an increased inequality gap.
Poverty and Education.
Lack of education is the main causes of tremendous growth in the level of poverty and inequality in the world. Though not every person who lacks education is poor, most of those living in extreme poverty lack basic education. In most cases, parents living below the poverty line keep their children out of school, leaving the children also with greater chances of living in poverty. Many countries have passed laws making basic education necessary, but they haven't managed to implement it. Education is a great equalizer because it opens jobs, resources, and skills needed by a family to thrive (Efendi, 2017, 8). There are a lot of obstacles stopping children from going to school. Many families never send their children to school but expose them to child labor. Most low-income families never see the need to educate a girl leaving them to higher chances of early marriages, which multiplies poverty further. UNESCO projects that over 100 million people can be lifted from poverty if they acquire basic reading skills.
Quality education supports developing children's social, emotional communication, and cognitive skills. Education also supports the development of knowledge and abilities, which one can use for his economic benefit. Educated children can also use their skills and ability to develop basic assets. Uneducated people never get respect from their educated fellows, and their state deprives them of opportunities to participate in society (Paraschiv, 2017, 24). Due to the lack of representation, power, and status, inequality keeps growing as the educated gain more than the uneducated. It is also important to note that education reduces the vulnerability of the poor. With the knowledge of how powerful education is in eradicating poverty and inequality, many poor families still disregard it. For example, in Kenya, primary and secondary education are basic, but many marginalized communities have not been able to educate their children fully. The scenario leaves these communities at risk of being poorer and more underdeveloped (Efendi, 2017, 8).
Poverty and Malnutrition.
Malnutrition relates to a deficiency or imbalance of energy and other nutrients. It leads to changes in body composition, clinical outcomes, and functioning and represents all forms of poor nutrition. Children 5 years are highly affected by malnutrition (Soeters et al., 2019, 896). Malnutrition is highly linked to poverty because higher rates of malnutrition are found in areas with extreme poverty. The manifestations are usually through poor nutritional status, vulnerability to diseases, reduced productivity, compromised physical and intellectual growth, and food insecurity. Though malnutrition is a global phenomenon, it highly affects those living in abject poverty. Poverty creates unfavorable conditions that fuel the problem of malnutrition. People living in poverty have inadequate funds limiting their ability to acquire the amount of food needed to fulfill body requirements.
Over 800 million people face hunger, while more than 2 billion people don't have access to clean water (World health organization). Hunger and insecurity are other reasons why people strain to escape from poverty and inequality. People who don’t have adequate food usually lack the strength and energy to work. In addition to lack of energy, people deprived of food and water are highly affected by contagious diseases such as diarrhea and marasmus. The diseases make these individuals spend the little money they have in hospitals, exposing them to extreme poverty from poverty. Scarce food and water destabilize poor families because every day, the parents have to spend all their time looking for these scarce resources. They live a life of ‘from hand to mouth' and never get time to do any other activity in their life, making them poorer and more vulnerable (Webb et al., 2018,...
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