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Personal Motivation Theory: Harmonious Self-Activation Theory

Essay Instructions:


About me: I'm not really an outgoing person, I like to lead by example. My characteristics you can come up with, just so they are in track with a "quiet, smart kid" vibe. Personalized communication and help would be a way to go for me. Democratic leader.

From interview : The main thing she said - You have to love what you do and people around it.

From course most memorable are cases about Mount Everest '96 and Coach K and that many good leaders are shaped through the army.

Example of my leadership: Could be organizing events for up to 20 people and the success of those. Or helping my classmate to get his grades together to successfully finish high school.

My VABEs: Values: integrity, empathy, innovation, responsibility. Assumptions: People are inherently good, change is inevitable Beliefs: growth mindset, power of positive thinking Expectations:accountability, continous learning, and high performance.

These are provided by teacher -


The main purpose of the assignment is to reflect on the readings, cases, online simulations, class discussions, interview with a leader held during the course, and relate these to business practice. It aims to enhance your understanding of the complexity of leadership, to identify leadership practices in different contexts and raise your awareness of how business leaders cope with challenges imposed by turbulent times. It also encourages you to contemplate whether leadership is ‘a great man’ phenomenon or is a set of skills, attitudes and behaviours which can be developed in anybody. Another purpose is to give you an opportunity to reflect on the specific areas where your past experience and thinking have been reinforced, modified, or challenged. And the ultimate goal is to build your own understanding of leadership and develop YOUR


Your task is to write a reflective essay on your understanding of leadership and assess your leadership potential.

Relate findings from the interview, your individual characteristics, your personal definition of leadership, your personal motivation theories, and your VABEs (values, assumptions, beliefs and expectations), to your development of leadership abilities and formation of your own leadership style. In order to develop your personal motivation theory briefly describe a situation when someone else motivated you to do your best (to perform above and beyond what you believed you were capable of) and why you think they were effective at motivating you to perform at such heights. Briefly describe a situation when you motivated others to perform at their best, (perhaps beyond what they thought they were capable of) and why you think you were effective at motivating them to perform at such heights. Be specific in your example. Summarize your basic assumptions about motivation (most effective way), leading (most effective style), and human nature (People are basically ……). Relate to McGregor’s theory of X and Y. Think about how this experience and your personality traits might affect your potential leadership style.

Having conducted an online leadership simulation, Patient Zero, when you had to work in teams and make decisions, provide your personal reflection on your experience. What dilemmas did you have while making the decisions? How do you assess your team's performance? Did your team perform effectively during the simulation? Why or why not? What were the impediments to team effectiveness? How did you cope with team diversity? Did you have a team leader? If yes, did the leader help or hinder the group’s efforts to achieve its goals? If you were the leader, how do you evaluate your performance? What would you do differently if you had a second opportunity to work together on this type of challenges? What did you learn from this simulation and what can you take to your organisational life?

Present your leadership point of view. Provide a summary and CREATE A GRAPHICAL, RELATIONAL MODEL of your thinking about leadership. Support your reasoning with both theoretical knowledge and examples from the interview, your experience, relate to the case studies analysed during the course and additional reading materials provided for the course, and your simulation experience. . The length of the essay should be approximately 2500 words.

Your essay should demonstrate:

a) The knowledge of the course materials, case studies discussed during the course, and additional readings provided to you as part of the course and discovered by yourself.

b) your ability to adopt a critical perspective on academic work and apply theoretical knowledge to real-life situations.

c) your ability to reflect on your own experience, the experience of a leader from your interview, your personality traits, and your values, assumptions, believes and expectations.

d) analytic abilities in analysing your leadership potential

e) your ability to convey information in a coherent and structured manner.

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Personal experiences, beliefs, and the influence of higher learning can mold a personal motivation theory. By summing up all of these, I developed my personal motivation theory, the Harmonious Self-Activation Theory. This entails that the individual's intrinsic values should be aligned with their ambitions to develop an extraordinary performance. This theory highlights the "intrinsic harmonies," which pertain to the deeply-rooted values of the individual that are often overlooked in life. Once the person discovers these, aligning these to one's main life objectives is imperative because the latter will become a source of motivation, thereby personalizing motivation and making it more engaging and empowering. Facilitating this theory necessitates a leader's guidance to support the individual's inquiries throughout the journey.



One of my most cherished experiences that showcases the potential of the Harmonious Self-activation theory is the time when Lisa, my mentor, guided me to achieve a seemingly unachievable goal of organizing an event for 100 participants for the first time, but we were able to do it due to her step-by-step guidance.

Initially, Lisa stressed that we need to identify my core values, assumptions, beliefs, and expectations (VABEs): integrity, empathy, innovation, and responsibility. We then aligned the VABEs with my main objective to develop a comprehensive and systematic program for the 100 participants. By analyzing these, we discovered that my “intrinsic harmonies” focus on authenticity, creativity, and curiosity. Then, we applied these to developing a program that flourishes the unique characteristics of each participant while fostering their inquisitiveness and imagination and emphasizing that it is my responsibility to arrange everything for this event. We asked each participant to fill out a feedback form to evaluate the event at the conclusion.

Most of the feedback was positive. Two of the most notable comments stated "I enjoyed the event because it helped me realize my potential in leadership,” and “I felt like I was a child again, being able to learn new things without hesitation." However, there are a few negative comments that mean room for improvement. Lisa's nurturing yet challenging leadership style allowed me to co-create my path while receiving 

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