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Innovation Management at Deliveroo and the Contribution of IPF to Company's Sustainability

Essay Instructions:

The assignment is to be carried out individually and independently - neither seek nor accept any advice or guidance from anyone other than the module co-ordinator or his agents. You are required to produce a typed document (in your own words). Word count for this assessment is considered to be critical. The specified word limit for this assignment is 3000 words.
An additional 10% tolerance will be allowed on top of the specified word limit. In the event of a student exceeding the specified word limit by more than 10%, a penalty will be applied. The total word count of the valid elements included within your final submission must be declared on page 1 of your assessment submission.
Your report should apply relevant theory, models, frameworks, issues and management terminology and draw upon your own secondary and tertiary research. Throughout this assignment, students should demonstrate their skills, knowledge and expertise in applying sound principles. Please refer in particular to Tables 1 and 2 and Appendix 1 in this document. The assignment is to be written in the format of a single Report and must address the requirements of the following assignment brief.
Assignment Brief
This is a portfolio assignment with each student producing a single final report which incorporates appropriate responses to a series of specified tasks which together provide a recognition and analysis of the management of innovation within an organisation. Requirements Select one of the following organisations to investigate:  Boohoo Group plc Boohoo Group plc Corporate Website  Deliveroo plc Deliveroo plc Corporate Website  Post Office Limited Post Office Limited Corporate WebsitePlease noteGrade F (Fail) will be awarded if you do not select and write about one of the above-listed organisations. You are to write about the whole of the organisation with an emphasis on key activities within the organisation. Tasks Using appropriate innovation management concepts and terminology throughout, address all of the following tasks: Provide an introduction to the organisation which communicates the nature and scope of the organisation and its activities.  Identify and explain the set of drivers which influence the need or opportunity for innovation in the organisation.  Apply the Innovation Pentathlon Framework to the organisation in order to analyse and critically evaluate its approach and strategic intent towards innovation management. Consider the management challenges in delivering and sustaining their approach to innovation.  Conclude your report with a consideration and evaluation of the contribution of innovation to the overall sustainability of the organisation and its source(s) of competitive advantage.

The assignment is to be carried out individually and independently - neither 

accept any advice or guidance from anyone other than the module co-ordinator or his

agents. You are required to produce a typed document (in your own words).

Word count for this assessment is considered to be critical.

The specified word limit for this assignment is 3000 words.

An additional 10% tolerance will be allowed on top of the specified word limit. In the

event of a student exceeding the specified word limit by more than 10%, a penalty will

be applied.

For explanation of elements which are included and excluded from the word limit, and

associated penalties for exceeding the specific word limit, please refer to the Aberdeen

Business School Word Limits Statement which is provided on the Module Study Area on


The total word count of the valid elements included within your final submission must

be declared on page 1 of your assessment submission.

Your report should apply relevant theory, models, frameworks, issues and management

terminology and draw upon your own secondary and tertiary research. Throughout this

assignment, students should demonstrate their skills, knowledge and expertise in

applying sound principles. Please refer in particular to Tables 1 and 2 and Appendix 1 in

this document. The assignment is to be written in the format of a single Report and

must address the requirements of the following assignment brief.

Assignment Brief

This is a portfolio assignment with each student producing a single final report which

incorporates appropriate responses to a series of specified tasks which together

provide a recognition and analysis of the management of innovation within an


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Word Count: 3,083
Contents | Deliveroo: An Overview | Mission and Values | Business Model | Main Activities | Drivers of Innovation at Deliveroo | Customer Demand | Organizational Leadership | Technology|Environmental Uncertainty | Application of the Innovation Pentathlon Framework to Deliveroo | Ideas Generation | Prioritization and Selection of Ideas | Implementation | Innovation Strategy PAGEREF _Toc89214806 \h 12People and Organizational Management | Contribution of Innovation to Deliveroo’s Overall Sustainability | Market and Revenue Growth | Cost-Leadership | Conclusion | References 
Innovation Management at Deliveroo
           Innovation plays a significant role in the success and sustainability of organizations. According to Krasnicka et al. (2016, p. 6), innovation has become a source of competitive advantage for many organizations because it facilitates service/product and business processes improvement, thereby creating sustainable value for various stakeholders. Many businesses are incorporating innovation as part of their corporate culture. This has necessitated effective management of innovation to ensure that organizations derive maximum value from their innovations once they have been released into the market (Goffin and Mitchel, 2017, p. 16). This report examines the management of innovation at Deliveroo. Specifically, the report briefly introduces Deliveroo and then identifies key drivers of innovation in the organization. It also analyzes Deliveroo’s approaches to innovation management using the Innovation Pentathlon Framework (IPF) and assesses the contribution of innovation to Deliveroo’s sustainability. 
Deliveroo: An Overview
           Deliveroo is a UK-based online food delivery company that was founded in 2013. It is headquartered in London, and its goal is to deliver food to customers within the shortest time possible (Deliveroo, n.d.-a). To facilitate the achievement of this goal, Deliveroo is continuously innovating and relying on new technologies. For instance, it is currently relying on Machine Learning predictive technology to estimate the time needed to prepare a meal (Deliveroo, n.d.-a.). This ensures that they can streamline the process from the time the customer makes an order to when the order is delivered directly to the customer. 
Mission and Values
           Deliveroo’s mission is to create a definitive online food company and become the platform that people go to when they want food. To achieve this, the company has been focusing on flawlessly delivering the right food on time. It is also guided by the following values (Deliveroo, n.d.-a.):
* Customer-Oriented
* Relentless
* Delivering results
* Simplifying 
* Thinking big 
* Team success
* Frugality
* Celebrating differences
* Embracing change
Business Model
           Deliveroo has adopted an on-demand business model (Deliveroo, n.d.). This has ensured that customers have access to the best food on demand within the shortest time possible. Deliveroo’s delivery time has been cut by 20% to ensure that customers receive their orders in less than 30 minutes (Deliveroo, n.d.-a.). In addition, the company utilizes a virtual restaurant business model, which is an innovation it is referring to as Deliveroo Editions. According to Bell (2019), the virtual restaurant model is a delivery-only service provider that relies on online food orders. By using this model, Deliveroo plans on cutting down food costs by almost 50%. However, they need to focus more on new technology and innovation, including business model innovation (Bell, 2019), to benefit from the virtual model fully.
Main Activities
           Deliveroo’s key activity is food delivery. It connects customers to local restaurants and uses riders to deliver food from the restaurants directly to the customer. It also operates delivery-only kitchens. These kitchens, known as Deliveroo Editions, ensure that customers have access to cuisines and menus that were otherwise unavailable locally (Deliveroo, n.d.-b.). The company brings new restaurants to customers based on demand using Deliveroo Editions. 
Drivers of Innovation at Deliveroo
           Innovation is a complex undertaking, and for companies to successfully become innovative, they need to embrace a culture of innovation. However, they also need to consider the factors that drive the need or opportunities for innovation. Both internal and external factors can drive innovation. According to Damanpour (2020, p. 171), the internal factors that drive innovation include organizational culture, learning, and leadership. Organizational culture refers to the values, beliefs, and practices that members of an organization share. Some organizational cultures drive innovation while others do not. For instance, an adhocracy culture drives innovation because it facilitates flexibility and identifying and implementing new opportunities and ideas (Damanpour, 2020, p. 173). When employees are encouraged to share new ideas and perspectives, this can drive innovation at the workplace. Organizational learning drives innovation by creating new knowledge bases for organizations. Such knowledge is used to develop new technologies and innovative approaches in product/service development and business process efficiency (Damanpour, 2020, p. 178). When new knowledge is acquired and shared amongst members of an organization, it becomes possible to develop new ideas to solve existing problems. Organizational leadership drives innovation in two ways; one, it creates an organizational culture/climate that facilitates innovation and creativity. Two, it ensures an effective innovation strategy that will not only drive innovation but also ensure the company implements innovative ideas (Damanpour, 2020, p. 175). Organizational leaders set the tone and facilitate innovation by showing a commitment to innovative practices. 
           External factors that drive innovation include government, competitors, customers, and supplier pressure (Tesfaye and Kitaw, 2018, p. 100). Governments can use regulations to drive innovation in specific industries. For instance, Armstrong et al. (2020) indicate that the UK government can drive firm innovation by setting regulatory challenges that will require firms to develop innovative solutions. It can also support firms that are testing new innovations. Competition forces firms to develop new and more efficient ways of doing business to stay ahead, thus driving innovation (Tesfaye and Kitaw, 2018). Pressure from customers and suppliers can also drive innovation by demanding certain products and efficient supply chain processes. These factors force organizations to develop innovative solutions or adopt innovation just to survive in an ever-changing business environment. Damanpour (2020, p. 162) also indicates that technology, as well as environmental uncertainty, are some of the external factors that drive innovation. Firms that operate in technologically intense industries are forced to develop innovative ideas or new technologies to survive constantly. Environmental uncertainty forces firms to develop new innovations to deal with the uncertainty. 
           Deliveroo has developed and adopted innovation to stay ahead of competitors and provide excellent online delivery services to customers. Below are the major drivers, which have influenced the need/opportunity for innovation in Deliveroo
Customer Demand
           As indicated earlier, customer pressure is one of the factors driving firm innovation (Tesfaye and Kitaw, 2018, p. 100). Customers put pressure on businesses to generate and/or adopt innovation by demanding products or services. If the products do not exist, businesses have to develop innovative ways of creating the products. If the products exist, businesses have to come up with innovative ways to deliver those products/improved products to customers. Deliveroo’s innovation was driven by customers’ demand for cuisines that are not locally available. It introduced its Deliveroo Editions innovation to meet the demand for locally unavailable cuisines (Deliveroo, n.d.-a.). This innovation allows new restaurants to set up in local areas to meet the demand for locally unavailable cuisines. According to a report by KPMG (2016), one of the key trends driving innovation in the restaurant industry has been an increasing demand for global or ethnic cuisines. The report revealed that at least 80% of consumers enjoy ethnic cuisine every month. As such, there has been a need to introduce more global or ethnic cuisines, and Deliveroo created Deliveroo Editions just for that purpose; bring new cuisines in local areas to meet this demand. 
Organizational Leadership
           Deliveroo’s leadership can be considered visionary. First, its founder and current chief executive officer, Will Shu, started the company as an innovative solution to fill an existing gap. After settling in London, he soon realized that although there were many restaurants in the city, very few delivered food to customers (Deliveroo, n.d.-a). He established the company to provide food delivery services in a short time while ensuring that consumers could use their phones to track the progress of their orders. Second, he has created an environment that allows for innovative ideas to be generated and executed. According to Damanpour (2020, p. 171), organizational leadership creates a conducive environment for innovation. Deliveroo Editions as innovation has been generated and executed because its leadership has created the right innovation climate and has set the tone that it is committed to innovation. 
           Technology, as mentioned earlier, is a significant driver of innovation. Companies in technologically intense industries are forced to be innovative (Damanpour, 2020, p. 162). In addition, the emergency of new technologies also drives innovation. Specifically, embracing technology can drive firm innovation. For instance, Deliveroo has embraced technologies, which allowed it to provide innovative solutions to existing problems. It uses Machine Learning technology to predict how long it will take to prepare a customer’s meal (Deliveroo, n.d.-a). Machine Learning is an existing technology that Deliveroo has embraced to create innovative solutions such as timely food delivery (Deliveroo, n.d.-b.). In addition, Deliveroo is also considering other emerging technologies which will further drive its innovation. According to Thomas (2018, p. 6), Deliveroo is considering using robotics in its delivery-only kitchens to enhance efficiency in labor and other delivery processes. The use of robotics will also enhance its Deliveroo Editions innovation by automating certain processes. ...
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