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Human Resource Management

Essay Instructions:

-Equality and Recruitment

-Equality of Opportunity at Work

-Recruitment and Diversity

-The role of HRM in organizations

Each topics need 2 definitions, explanations, evaluations and 2 examples.

Needs to paraphrase

Academics sources

Citations and reference list needed

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Human Resource Management
Equality and Recruitment
The recruitment process involves assessing applicants for a particular job based on the requirements for the position. As a result, a variety of individuals with different backgrounds and professions may apply for such positions. In this case, equality in the recruitment process requires appropriate treatment of each applicant to ensure that they are treated with respect, courtesy, and fairness, irrespective of the outcome of the process (Institute of Leadership & Management, 2013). Furthermore, the concept of equality in recruitment also involves selecting candidates based on merit by eliminating instances of discrimination and harassment.
Characteristics of individuals that vary and should be considered during the recruitment process include age, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, marriage, and pregnancy (Paraskevopoulou and McKay, 2015). Recruiters must ensure that their processes do not discriminate against candidates based on these characteristics but rather their ability to suit the position and benefit the institution.
Discrimination may be directly applied when individuals are treated less favorably due to a particular characteristic or indirectly when some requirements are applied to everyone, thus affecting some individuals with a given characteristic (Institute of Leadership & Management, 2013). For instance, failing to give women opportunities both in junior and senior positions results in discrimination. Additionally, sexual orientation has previously resulted in the lack of opportunities for affected individuals. Therefore, basing recruitment procedures on such orientations impacts members of the LGBTQ+ community who may qualify for the advertised positions.
Equality of Opportunity at Work
Equal opportunities at work require all employees to be treated fairly by fostering the value of inclusivity. Therefore, all members should be given opportunities to participate in company programs irrespective of their positions. Furthermore, aspects of career progression, including training and promotions, must also be considered fairly to ensure that each employee has the opportunity to benefit from the institution's programs (Parameswari and Yugandhar, 2015).
Equal opportunities further provide avenues for redress whenever an employee feels aggrieved by certain company actions. This ensures that any instances that deny people opportunities must be identified and corrected to ensure that the workplace becomes conducive (Paraskevopoulou and McKay, 2015). For example, inviting all members of a department to participate in team-building activities allows them to interact, thus improving relations in the long run. Additionally, maintaining a fair environment for all through broadening options for employees with regard to workplace options and choices boosts productivity and performance. This can be implemented by including all individuals to participate in decision-making, especia...
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