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Employee Commitment and its Relation to Organizational Performance

Essay Instructions:


Your research proposal needs to be structured in 5 different sections: 1) introduction and context, 2) short literature review 3) research approach, 4) data collection and analysis, and 5) ethical considerations. For each of these sections you will find below a variety of questions you need to answer.

To be able to answer these questions, you need to contextualise your assignment – you need to choose a research project. This can be the research you plan to undertake for your dissertation or another realistic research project of equal scope. It is expected that this assignment will serve as an extremely useful basis for planning the data collection, analysis and writing your ethics proposal for your actual dissertation research, but it does not need to be the actual focus of your dissertation.

In developing your research proposal, please consider the following three key points:

1. You must choose a realistic research project, which is related to your discipline.

2. This empirical project serves as the context for this assignment and for answering all the questions outlined below.

3. You can choose to do either a quantitative study, or a qualitative study or a secondary data analysis for this assignment (qualitative or quantitative). Sometimes, a study contains more than just one type of data collection; however, for this assignment please choose only one type.

Structure your assignment according to the following five sections and make sure you address all the questions/issues detailed below.

Introduction and context (approximately 200 words)

This section provides an overview and rationale for your research, including a clear research question, aim and objectives. The purpose is to clarify the general problem/gap in knowledge that you are trying to address, and to explain the contribution and significance of your research.

a) Briefly describe your research topic.

b) State your research question.

c) State your research aim and objectives.

d) Provide an argument as to why it is important to investigate this question.

Short literature review (approximately 550 words)

This section involves searching for, summarising and evaluating literature relevant to your chosen research topic and question. The purpose is to identify gaps in the existing literature and think about the ways in which your research could help fill those gaps. This, in turn, will provide a clear justification for your research question.

a) Search for academic literature related to your research topic and question (e.g., journal articles, books). Identify three sources (three pieces of academic literature) that are most relevant and state what these are (i.e., cite your sources).

b) Describe specifically the search strategies you used to find your three key sources (e.g., databases used, search terms, etc).

c) For each of your three sources, summarise the information that is most important for your research question. Make it clear how each of your sources relates to your research question.

d) Evaluate each of your three sources to identify gaps in the existing research literature and/or limitations to be addressed.

e) Clarify how your research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge in your chosen research topic

Research approach (approximately 550 words)

This section provides an overview of the research approach you could use to investigate your research question. The purpose is to distinguish between inductive and deductive approaches to research, recognise how these approaches are underpinned by different philosophies, and identify which approach is more appropriate to answer your research question.

a) Explain which research philosophy is most appropriate to underpin your chosen research approach.

b) State the appropriate ontology and epistemology for your chosen research philosophy.

c) State which research approach (either inductive or deductive) you would choose to investigate your research question. Make clear the reasons for your choice.

d) Describe in detail how you would investigate your research question using your chosen research approach (either inductive or deductive).

e) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using your chosen research approach (either inductive or deductive) to investigate your research question.

Data collection and analysis (approximately 500 words)

Note: You only need to answer 4a (for a quantitative study) OR 4b (for a qualitative study). You should NOT attempt to answer both.

4a. If you plan a quantitative study or a secondary data collection, please explain the data collection method(s), state a hypothesis of your study and name its variables.

a. How will you measure these variables? [Which information in the secondary data relates to these variables?] Be as specific as you can!

b. Which type of scale level do these data/measures possess?

c. Which statistical test do you choose to test this hypothesis and why?

d. Please discuss how can you ensure reliability and validity of your measurements

4b. If you plan a qualitative study, please describe in detail:

a. How is the data in your study collected? How will you gain access to collect data, who would your participants be, what kind of sampling strategy would you use and what are the strengths/weaknesses of this?

b. Describe step-by-step: how will you analyse the data you will collect?

c. Which information will you report in your results section?

d. How will you ensure credibility, transferability, dependability and reflexivity in your study?

Ethical issues (approximately 200 words)

Please discuss in detail:

a. What is the potential harm for the participants? If so, how will this be managed to ensure appropriate protection and well-being of the participants?

b. How is data confidentiality handled and how is the data of this research stored?

c. Which ethical issues will not be /hardly be affected by this research and why?

d. Is consent needed from the participants?

A very good research proposal reflects your understanding of research methods, your awareness of the wider impact and risks of your research, your ability to make informed decisions, and your skill to express this in a coherent, reflective proposal. In a very good research proposal, the data collection and analysis follow logically from the hypotheses/research questions and the research approaches. For more information, please refer to the marking grid below.

Use the textbook (Saunders et al., 2009), the lecture slides and the tutorial exercises as guidance for your answers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research Methods
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Lecturer’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Research Methods
Topic: Employee Commitment and its Relation to Organizational Performance
1 Introduction and Context
1.1. Background
Globalization has enabled companies to compete on a global scale. While this has open new markets, it has also led to increased competition. Businesses are struggling to survive in the competitive environment. Employee commitment has been cited as a critical ingredient in enabling organizations to operate optimally (Alrowwad et al., 2019). Businesses are recognizing that employees are the most valuable asset. Hence, managers must know how to get the best out of their staff members. Some companies have gone ahead and implemented competitive remuneration to motivate their staff members. Despite such a measure, some high-rated employees continue to perform with others leaving the entity.
1.1. Research Question
How will employee commitment enhance the performance of an organization?
1.2. Research Aims and Objectives
1 Determine the factors that influence employee commitment
2 Investigate if better remuneration translates to employee commitment?
3 Establish the extent to which employee commitment influences organizational performance
1.3 Importance of the topic
This research is critical in assisting business managers in understanding the essence of employee commitment. In today’s competitive world, businesses need to work with committed staff members. An understanding of the topic will help business managers to make better decisions on increasing employee commitment.
2.0 Literature review
2.1. Literature Sources
The following literature sources are relevant to the topic and the research question.
1 Princy, K., and Rebeka, E. (2019). Employee commitment to organizational performance. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering Regular Issue, 8(3), 891-895.
2 Andrew, A. (2017). Employees’ commitment and its impact on organizational performance. Asian Journal of Economics, Business, and Accounting, 1-13.
3 Alamelu, R., Surulivel, S.T., Motha, L.C.S., Amudha, R. and Selvabaskar, S., 2015. Correlates of employee compensation and commitment. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5), pp.335-335
2.2. Search Strategy
The search strategy used is critical in determining the outcome of the literature materials used. In this case, the search was conducted on academic databases; ProQuest and Emerald. While a site like Google could have been an excellent popular source, it could not offer many scholarly papers needed for this research. The search was limited to peer-reviewed academic journals. The move was critical in ensuring that experts' articles were written by experts and then reviewed by several experts in business management. Peer-reviewed papers are also likely to be more scientifically valid and arrive at reasonable conclusions (Kelly, Sadeghieh, and Adeli 2014). The search was limited to materials published from 2015 onwards. The aim was to ensure that the information was current and address more recent employee issues. While some of the journal articles published before 2015 contained helpful information, they were excluded from focusing on more contemporary materials. The search terms employed included: employee commitment, organizational performance, remuneration, employee motivation, company profitability, employee management, business goals, business objectives, and involvement. The search terms allowed the researcher to obtain materials that better described the topic and addressed the research topic.
2.3. Summary of Sources
Princy and Rebeka (2019) examine employee commitment to organizational performance by collecting 100 employees in a manufacturing company in India. The research indicates that a positive correlation between employee commitment, job satisfaction, motivation, and involvement. The researchers conclude that entities should work towards employee commitment if they wish to increase performance. The work is critical in determining how employee commitment enhances organizational performance.
Andrew (2017) explores the research question by examining three commitments; affective, normative, and continuous. The results indicate that the commitment of staff members is directly related to organizational performance. The article is crucial in guiding management towards working to improve employee commitment levels.
Alamelu, Surulivel, Motha, Amudha, and Selvabaskar (2015) explore how employee compensation correlates with commitment. Using a sample of 300 people, the researchers look at the factors of payment that affect worker commitment. The article will assist in demonstrating how pay models can be applied to increase employee commitment.
2.4. Evaluation of literature
While Princy and Rebeka (2019) and Andrew (2017) have explored the correlation between employee commitment and organizational performance, they have not shown the specific elements of employee commitment that correlate with organizational performance. Additionally, Alamelu, Surulivel, Motha, Amudha, and Selvabaskar (2015) have not demonstrated if salary increment automatically translates to employee commitment. In this research, the investigator will outline the specific elements of employee commitment. Further, the study will demonstrate how various employee remuneration packages affect commitment.
2.5. Contribution of Research
The research will generate knowledge for management on how they can improve employee commitment to improving organizational performance. The study will offer a practical guide to managers on how they can harness the potential of their staff members to meet the demands of a competitive market.
3.0. Research Approach
3.1. Research Philosophy
Research philosophy means a system of beliefs or assumptions about how knowledge advances (Saunders, Lewis, Thornhill, and Bristow 2015). In any research, investigators embark on developing proficiency in a given field. The research problem is essential in determining the choice of research philosophy. There are three major research philosophies; positivism, realism, and interpretivism. For this particular study, positivism research philosophy will be employed. The positivist research philosophy indicates that the world can be understood objectively (Saunders, Lewis, Thornhill, and Bristow 2015). Here, the scientist is an objective analyst, separates himself or herself from personal bias, and operates independently. Positivism has been chosen because it would help in generating rational justification for the outcomes via logical reasoning.
3.2. Ontology and Epistemology of Positivist Philosophy
Ontology indicates the assumptions of the nature of what is real. Ontological assumptions determine the way researchers perceive and study their research objects (Ahmed 2008). Epistemology refers to the assumptions regarding knowledge and how knowledge can be passed to others (Ahmed 2008). The positivist ontology holds that the world is external, and hence any research phenomenon contains a single objective reality, regardless of the investigator’s bias. In this research, the investigator will take a structured approach in researc...
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