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CPD Cpd Reflective Review And Portfolio

Essay Instructions:

Please see attached assignment paper and instructions for the the essay.

As the essay is based on two essential supporting documentation, I am attaching the the following :

(1) An Up to date CV

(2) Development Record and Development Plan

Citation (references):

1- Reflective Practice in Education and Training, Jodi Roffey-Barentsen, Richard Malthouse 2nd edition, chapter 7 (book)

2- Leadership and Management Development, Jeff Gold, Richard Thorpe and Alan Mumford 5th edition

3- The CIPD profession map

4- Any other useful articles

Essay should be based on Harvard style:

1. Table of content

2. Abstract

3. Introduction

4. Part 1. Reflection on previous 7 years, extensive CPD portfolio in relation to my continuing professional development. (CV and Development record attached) for example,

1. Academic

2. Professional

3. Personal

5. Part 2. Reflection on the next 7 years, preparation of a detailed background review of your academic, professional and personal learning and development in relation to the CIPD’s Profession Map (Development plan attached) for example

1. Academic

2. Professional

3. Personal

6. Conclusion

7. Reference

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Course Name
Professor’s Name
City, State
Date of Submission

The CIPD Profession Map charts the path for Human Resource (HR) practitioners around the world by outlining activities, knowledge, and behaviors necessary for success in the profession. One of the activities outlined is Career Professional Development (CPD) planning. CPD documents the lessons and experience that one gain in their professional, academic, and personal journeys. It also helps one set career goals and consistently monitor them. The professional areas covered by CIPD Profession Map include leading HR, organizational development, learning and development, employee relations, among others. The behaviors attributed as drivers for success in the HR profession include courage, personal drive, credibility, curiosity, among others. According to the CIPD Professional Map, these are the main determinants of success in the profession.

Table of Contents
 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc532239594" Reflection of the Past Seven Years  PAGEREF _Toc532239594 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc532239595" Academic Development  PAGEREF _Toc532239595 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc532239596" Career Development  PAGEREF _Toc532239596 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc532239597" Development Plan for the Next Seven Years  PAGEREF _Toc532239597 \h 9
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc532239598" Bibliography  PAGEREF _Toc532239598 \h 14
 CPD Reflective Review and Portfolio
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is the process of documenting and tracking the knowledge, skills, and experience that one gains formally and informally through training and work (CIPD, 2015, p. 4). It records all that one learns and experiences academically, professionally, and individually. CPD enables one to manage their development on an ongoing basis. It is broader than a tick-box in that it helps one record, review, and reflect on what they have learned in the course of their lives. It is also a requirement by some organizations in training and development. CPD process is documented, self-directed focus on both formal and informal learning and helps one set development objectives and goals (Kennedy, 2005, p. 245). CPD carries numerous advantages for a professional. On top of helping one review and reflect on their professional development, it also helps direct one's career and keeps their eyes on the set goals. Besides, it uncovers the gaps in one's capabilities and skills and helps them develop further (Ryan, 2003, p. 503). In this paper, I will reflect on the last seven years of my academic, professional, and personal life. I will also reflect on the next seven years of my academic, professional, and personal life.
Reflection of the Past Seven Years
Under this section, I will reflect on the past seven years of my life. The academic, professional, as well as the personal development, will be discussed.
Academic Development
I graduated from the Salmiya High School in Kuwait in 1983. I then joined Cambridge International College in the United Kingdom from January 2001 to January 2002, where I attained a diploma in human resource and personnel management. The 12-month course introduced me to the activities, roles, and responsibilities of a human resource manager. The various other areas that fall under human resource umbrella were also explored in depth. The importance of effective and modern human resource managers in positively impacting organizations, reducing the occurrence of industrial actions and in the creation of environments that wholly benefit the organization was also emphasized. Though the position I held in this period did not require a bachelor’s degree, I decided to enhance my knowledge in Human Resources Management by enrolling for Master of Business Administration with a focus on Human Resource Management at the Cambridge International College (long-distance course) in February of 2002. The course is an international graduate-level programme that is designed to develop and enhance skills and knowledge in Business Management and Administration. It also enhances the understanding of human resource management as well as leadership. The programme is highly flexible and expertly designed by experts. The flexibility allowed me to perform my duties as a team leader in UNMIK effectively. I graduated with Distinction in September of 2007. I also attained a Bachelor of Science in English Language and Literature from the Al-Balqaa Applied University in 2015. I chose English since I wanted to be fluent in an international language. It would also supplement the English I had learned during my two diploma courses with a United Kingdom college as well as the interactions I had made at the United Nations. Moreover, I had an interest in literature. I am now fluent in both Arabic and English languages and also possess a basic knowledge of French. In December of 2017, I enrolled for an MSc in Human Resource Management and Development at the University of Salford in Manchester as a way of enhancing my knowledge in human resource management.
Career Development
I have served in various administrative and human resource management positions for the last seventeen years. I have worked in various organizations including United Nations Agencies such as the United Nations Relief and Work for Palestinians (UNRWA) and the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA). I have also served in peacekeeping missions in various places such as Western Sahara, X-Yugoslavia, Sudan, Kosovo, and Jerusalem. My first assignment lasted from February of 2002 to February of 2006, following the attainment of my CIC diploma from the Cambridge International College. Since I was at Field Service Level FS -4, I did not necessarily require a bachelor’s degree. A high school certificate together with relevant experience was relevant at this stage. During this period, I served as the Human Resources Assistant (Team Leader) – International Staff Unit/Entitlement United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). In this post, my duties majorly involved monitoring and supervision of the human resource assistants since I was the team leader. I was also involved in the maintenance of flexible and cost-effective administrative support to international S/Ms and a briefing of the recruits on their benefits and appointments. I was also involved in researching human resource issues.
From March of 2006 to September of 2007, I served as the Human Resource (OiC) International Staff Unit/Entitlement United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) based in Khartoum, Sudan. Leaving the well-established UNMIK mission in Kosovo for a start-up in Sudan was a tough decision to make. However, over and above the fact that I was to be promoted to FS-5, which would elevate me to the position of Human Resources Assistant, it posed a greater challenge that I knew would help me grow professionally. Since I was serving as the Associate Human Resources Officer and there was no head of International Staff Unit/Entitlement at the base, my duties included offering human resource support and advice to various members of staff and managers as well as participation in various human resource projects. I would also carry out various human resource administrative roles and interpret the application of various policies, laws, and regulations. I was also involved in determining and recommending the benefits for various members of staff according to their contracts. In October of 2006, I was forced to make another tough decision. I gave up the more stable contract at the Sudan mission and joined the United Nations Relief and Work for Palestinians (UNRWA) in Amman-Jordan. At this time, I was at Professional Level P-2. This new challenge presented the opportunity to develop professionally and gain experience that would be invaluable throughout my career. From November of 2010 to June of 2011, I served as ERP Human Resources Functional Expert at the United Nations Relief and Work for Palestinians (UNRWA) based in Amman, Jordan. My primary duties in this posting included collection, development, and validation of the major human resource processes, participation in the issuing of Request for Proposal for the selection of software vendors as well as contributing in the transition from the As-is model to the To-be model. In October of 2009, I had served as the Human Resources Officer/ International Staff Unit at the United Nations Relief and Work for Palestinians in the same base. In this position, I was expected to utilize my personnel procedures to ensure that the international stall rules and regulations were correctly applied. I also assisted in the development and maintenance of entitlements. I was also involved in reviewing and processing of claims concerning education grants and dependency allowances to ensure that all the members of staff submitted all the required documentation. I would also assume the roles of the Personal Officer during his/her absence and carry out any other roles assigned to me by the head of the International Personnel unit.
After the posting in Sudan and Jordan, I was appointed as the Human Resources Officer at the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) in Jerusalem. I was at the FS-6 level, which is equivalent to P-3. I held this post from July of 2011 to December of 2012. My duties in this position included the provision of advice and support for the different members of staff and managers regarding human resource issues. I was also involved in the recruitment and placement of staff as well as administration of entitlements. This post would have allowed me to move to Professional Level P-3, but since I did not hold a university first level degree, which is a requirement, I could not move to P-3. This forced me to make one of ...
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