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Concepts of Technology and the Understanding of the Implications of Digital Work

Essay Instructions:

The Professional Log is a short reflective piece of writing that aims to assess students’ formative engagement with the module’s content.

Students are expected to reflect on the content (readings, concepts and workshop activities) of one week of the module and outline what learning they have achieved towards understanding the implication of digital work.

The Professional Log should maintain professional levels of style, spelling and punctuation end employ Harvard referencing.

Please choose one teaching week of Managing Digital Work. Use 2-4 readings from the week’s reading list to write your professional log, encompassing 500 words (excluding references). The professional log should explain some of the key concepts of the lecture and outline how these concepts contribute towards an understanding of the implications of digital work. You can also refer to the workshop activities (e.g. case studies) in order to underline your learning experiences through applying theoretical concepts. The professional log should maintain professional levels of style, spelling and punctuation and employ Harvard referencing.

Reference List:

Handy, C. (1995). Trust and the virtual organization. Harvard Business Review, 73(3), 40-50.

Adler, P. S. (2012). Perspective—the sociological ambivalence of bureaucracy: from Weber via Gouldner to Marx. Organization Science, 23(1), 244-266.

Argyres, N. S. (1999). The impact of information technology on coordination: Evidence from the B-2 “Stealth” bomber. Organization Science, 10(2), 162-180.

Barnard, C.I. (1938), The Functions of the Executive, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Caramela, S. (2018) The Management Theory of Max Weber. Business.com, Available at: https://www(dot)business(dot)com/articles/management-theory-of-max-weber/

Donaldson, L. (2001). The contingency theory of organizations. London: Sage.

Koushik, S., Birkinshaw, J., & Crainer, S. (2009). Using web 2.0 to create management 2.0. Business Strategy Review, 20(2), 20-23.

Miles, R. E., & Snow, C. C. (1992). Causes of failure in network organizations. California management review, 34(4), 53-72.

Mintzberg, Henry (2000) Structure in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations. London: Prentice Hall, 2000

Perrow, C. (1967). A framework for the comparative analysis of organizations. American sociological review, 194-208.

Plesner, U., & Husted, E. (2020). Digital Organizing: Revisiting Themes in Organization Studies. Red Globe Press. Chapter 4

Whelan, E., Parise, S., De Valk, J., & Aalbers, R. (2011). Creating employee networks that deliver open innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 53(1), 37-44.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Professional Log
Technology has revolutionized the world in various ways in terms of the way that people communicate with each other and how they interact. These changes have been felt in various sectors, especially in business, where organizations, through networks and other virtual forms, can transact with each other more efficiently and effectively. The revolution has affected organizational interactions and changed organizational structure, task performance, and the overall organizational matrix. Currently, most organizations are embracing a virtual system of operation, which is deemed efficient and convenient and effective.
One of the ways that digital technologies have changed the business structure is through reorganization from a traditional bureaucratic structure to a networked organization, and eventually to a virtual system, in which significant sections of the organizations are made up of ad hoc mini-organizations (Handy, 1995). These mini-organizations are established only for a specific purpose, without any physical structures, and disintegrate back into the main organization once they have achieved their goals. The organizations have become so virtual that managers do not have to physically appear at the organizational buildings but only run the organization virtually, having different departments on their laptops and being able to monitor everything happening.
In this virtual system, the manager can create different organizations to operate distinctly for a specific purpose. This mode of operation has allowed company owners and the management to run multinational companies while at the comfort of their homes. For example, a company such as Commco, with 90,000 employees distributed across 61 countries, has ma...
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