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Company- Parent Firm: Novo Nordisk

Essay Instructions:

Company- Parent firm: Novo Nordisk A/S (Denmark)
Subsidiary: Novo Nordisk Limited - registered number (company number) – 01118740
Answer the following five questions. Your answers need to be consistent across the questions, so once you have identified a strategy in question 1, please do not change this in subsequent answers otherwise you will be penalised. Present and explain suitable diagrams for questions 1, 2 and 3.
1. This question is related to the parent firm in the home country. In which cell of the integration/ responsiveness (I/R) theoretical framework will you place the strategy of the parent firm? Explain clearly why it is placed in a particular cell, and support your answer with one specific well-explained example for the I dimension and one specific well-explained example for the R dimension.
2. What is the appropriate organisational structure for the parent firm consistent with the strategy which you identify in Question 1? Explain clearly the characteristics of this organizational structure and provide examples to support the characteristics that you describe. Present a diagram of the firm’s organizational structure in business reality and briefly explain it.
3. Use Rugman & D’Cruz’s flagship framework to discuss the parent firm’s flagship relationships which may exist with its network partners. Support your answer with one specific well-explained example for each type of business partners in the flagship network.
4. This question is related to the subsidiary in the United Kingdom. Briefly describe the business activities of the subsidiary. Explain clearly what and how the subsidiary has implemented the I/R strategy of the parent firm which you identify in question 1. Support your answer with one specific well-explained example for the I dimension and one specific well-explained example for the R dimension of the I/R strategy at the subsidiary level.
5. This question is related to the subsidiary in the United Kingdom. Critically analyse all the major financing sources of your subsidiary for each year of the five-year period (2015-2019) and present a table of supporting data. Examine and make plausible arguments whether or not the parent firm has used various mechanisms to potentially manipulate profits (profit shifting) in the subsidiary in this five-year period. Support your answer with specific well-explained evidence, data and facts.

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Novo Nordisk
I will place the strategy of the parent firm in the transnational framework cell of the integration/responsiveness (I/R) theoretical framework. Multinational corporations in this cell exhibit high levels of integration and responsiveness by developing global efficiency, flexibility,
and worldwide learning. This feature is particularly important since the pharmaceutical company operates across various global boundaries and therefore requires a business structure that can aid it in achieving the required efficiency. With over 45,000 employees, 80 offices spread throughout the world, and marketing diabetes products in 169 countries, it is evident that Novo Nordisk requires an organizational structure that can ensure effective linkages between the different sectors and actors of the business, over and above, faster reaction times to local needs (Pratama et al., 2019). For instance, the company’s corporate governance must consider the applicable laws of each country while also allowing the company to function in a coordinated and efficient manner.
Novo Nordisk uses the matrix organizational structure to allow global assimilation and local responsiveness at the same time. The matrix structure is multidimensional and guarantees organized differentiation between divisions, businesses, and geographical areas. It is a two-tiered management structure involving a Board of Directors and Executive Management (Novo Nordisk, 2021a). The pharmaceutical company also employs dispersed, interdependent, and speculated resources and capabilities simultaneously (Kang and Hwang, 2018). Pharmaceutical companies require to simultaneously employ discrete but symbiotic factors of production and capacities to achieve low production costs and high production efficiencies. Since the company relies on R&D, production efficiencies, and other critical key performance indicators, it must coordinate all related activities in separate countries together in order to achieve operational and financial success.
The most appropriate organizational structure for the parent firm consistent with the transnational strategy identified previously is the matrix structure. Some of the matrix structure characteristics are: employees are typically accountable to several managers, and there are generally more than two disparate chains of command (Sytch, Wohlgezogen and Zajac, 2018). Besides, the matrix structure is meant to be moderately temporary. There are usually two kinds of managers: project managers and functional managers. The managerial roles tend to be fluid rather than fixed, and the balance of authority between project and functional managers is not always clearly separated (Sytch, Wohlgezogen and Zajac, 2018). A diagram of the firm’s organizational structure in business reality is shown below.
(Novo Nordisk, 2021b)
As is shown in the figure above, Novo Nordisk has a two-tier management structure entailing a Board of Directors and Executive Management. The Board of Directors is responsible for determining the company’s general strategy and supervises the execution of the organizational plan as well as the performance of the company (Novo Nordisk, 2021b). It directs the Executive Management and therefore ensures sufficient administration and organization of the company. The Board of Directors has authority to allocate extraordinary dividends, over and above, announce new shares as per the authorizations granted by the company. On the other hand, the Executive Management is responsible for daily management of the company, organization of resources, distribution of resources, deciding and executing strategies and policies, and facilitating timely reporting of the organization’s performance to the Board of Directors as well as the company’s shareholders (Novo Nordisk, 2021c). The Executive Management is led by the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) along with nine other executives. However, members of the Executive Management are determined by the Board of Directors as well as their remuneration.
Using Rugman & D’Cruz’s flagship framework to discuss the parent firm’s flagship relationships that may exist with its network partners, the first facet relates to key suppliers. Novo Nordisk maintains strong ties with its diverse suppliers who are situated locally, regionally, and internationally. The relationship is guided by proper execution and utilization of contracts in operational purchasing. Goods and services are generally categorized to facilitate sourcing processes, including negotiations, qualification, workshops, supplier relationship management, and tender. Preferred suppliers are evaluated based on volume, a long working history with the company, criticality, volume, and timeliness of delivery. The second facet relates to customers: Novo Nordisk’s customers include healthcare providers and direct users of diabetes pharmaceutical drugs. The pharmaceutical company maintains close relationships with its customers who are split across all geographical domain...
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