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A Comparative Analysis of Two Countries and Their Dominant Cultures

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Requirement

The aim of this report is to assess your understanding of cross cultural theories and dimensions and ensure performance in relation to the specific learning outcomes of knowledge acquisition, critical thinking and analysis, and written communication.

The Task: Imagine that you are a cross-cultural management consultant and have been asked to prepare a comparative analysis of two national cultures for a company client on ONE of the following topics:

Comparative and cross-cultural teams

Comparative and cross-cultural negotiation styles

Comparative and cross-cultural leadership styles

Comparative and cross-cultural motivation

Comparative analysis in relation to ethical practices and approaches

Select two countries of your choice to conduct the comparative analysis and write your report on ONE of the topics from the list above (choose only one topic although there will be cross-over in the discussion). One of the countries could be your home country, or a country that you have lived / worked in / travelled in / or are familiar with. The countries for comparative analysis and discussion will then provide you with the opportunity to explore your own culture / a culture you are familiar with and other new cultures. However, you have the final choice about which TWO countries you will research and learn more about.

Prepare a comparison identifying the countries of choice and reasons/justification for this and the topic choice; identifying key cultural differences in relation to the topic you have selected; clearly linking theory and cultural dimensions you have studied; identifying potential management issues that could arise if members from the two cultures were working together; and briefly suggesting ways of managing these issues. Refer to theoretical concepts, cultural dimensions and frameworks, peer-reviewed journal articles, appropriate chapters in your text book, select readings and cite all references correctly. Provide a reference list that includes no more than 2 websites and at least 8 references.

Formatting Requirements: Harvard Referencing, 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing, Number each page, student number on each page, Title page, including title, your name, tutor's name and word count.

Suggested Format:

Clear identification of the countries and cultures to be compared and the rationale for the choice; clear identification of the topic for comparison and the rationale

Summary of the cultural differences and synergies related to the two countries you have chosen on your topic, using cross cultural theoretical frameworks and dimensions; reference to the literature and evidence of wider reading

Analysis of specific areas of potential conflict and synergies in relation to the topic you have chosen (from the list above) and implications for the workplace; examples provided if available

•Recommendations for managing the issues that might arise in the workplace – recommendation that will be for the benefit of managers, management and the organisations

Presentation format meets requirements, structure of the report, flow of discussion, quality of the written communication, in-text-referencing and citations, reference list (quality readings and references)

Try to:

Explanation of Topic--clear and well explained rationale for the choice of topic; clear and concise identification of the countries and cultures; identification of the relevant dimensions to be discussed; interesting and well-articulated introduction that sets the context for the comparative analysis

Quality of Analysis--well-constructed explanation of the cultural dimensions used; clear identification of the cultural differences and similarities; well linking of relevant theories, literature and concepts; coherent discussion and interesting comparative analysis; clear identification of areas of potential workplace conflict; useful evidence of wider relevant reading to support discussion (journal articles, text book, opinion pieces)

Recommendations & Implications--well thought out solutions and balanced discussion clear and concise indication of prioritisation of cultural issues; clear understanding of feasibility of recommendations; clear understanding and articulation of multiple implications (positive and negative) for management and the organisation


Hello~ Please help me write an essay about a comparative analysis of two countries and their dominant cultures (includes review of the literature, comparatives analyses based on cross cultural constructs studied and recommendations for cross cultural management). Thank you so much!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Comparative Analysis of the United States and Japan and their Dominant Cultures: Cross-Cultural Leadership Styles
Culturally competent leadership styles are a new-age phenomenon that has gained increasing significance in modern business world characterized by massive forces of globalisation (Ali, 2017). As business continue to experience cross-border consolidations and rapid globalisation, cultural differences are becoming a crucial factor in international leadership. The increasing merges and acquisitions, international joint ventures, and several forms of international cooperation have necessitated an understanding of the implications of cultural differences on the sound leadership (Rao-Nicholson & Smith, 2020). While Japan is considered more culturally westernized compared to the rest of other Asian countries, the country culturally differs from the United States. As described by Edward Hall in the theory of Hall’s Cultural Elements, there is a link between communication and culture. According to Hall, high-context cultures, which is common in Japan, value harmony and well-being of a group over an individual while low-context culture among the Americas, prefers explicit and direct communication (Jenkins, 2020). The United States is located in North America, a continent that borders both the North Pacific Ocean and the North Atlantic Ocean and is between Mexico and Canada. The United States is comprised of 61.6% whites with African Americans accounting for 12.4% of the population. Other ethnic groups include the Asians, Amerindian and Alaska natives, Native Hawaiian, and other Pacific Islanders. English is the primary language in the US with 78.2% of Americans speaking the language. Other languages include Spanish, Chinese, and others. On the other hand, Japan is geographically distant from the United States and is located in Eastern Asia, an island chain between the Sea of Japan and the North Pacific Ocean. Although Japanese is the primary language in the region, many ethnic groups exist, including Japanese (97%) and other minor groups including Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Brazilian, and Filipino (CIA.gov, 2022). Alongside language, several other cultural differences between the United States and Japan are of critical relevance to business leaders in today’s globalized business environment.
Summary of cultural differences and synergies related to the two countries
Based on Hall’s Cultural Elements theory, understanding the cultural context is critical to better leadership in cross-cultural communication. The Japanese communication style is relatively quiet and modest than the Americans’ low context culture. Like in many high-context cultures, the Japanese language is also humble and respectful with varied strategies for indicating politeness. Japanese frequently use silence, prefer not to be interrupted, and use more non-committal phrasing than verbal communication. However, low-context cultures such as in the United States prefer transmission of information in making up the missing parts in the context (Jenkins, 2020). In the U.S., a low-context culture is exhibited and people display a more extroverted style of communication, think aloud, and use overt body language. In his theory of CAGE Distance, Pankaj Ghemawat, cultural distance influences people interactions with others and institutions and companies. The theory states that cultural attributes play a role in creating distance by influencing individual choices for specific products and services. These same attributes also affect the leadership styles to be adopted among business leaders. Besides language and communication styles that could significantly affect leadership styles to be adopted, other elements such as religious practices, political participation, racial diversity, and perspective of gender roles are critical points to consider. For instance, politicians in Japan display a low approve rate compared to the United States. The country has a parliamentary system with several parties and majority votes does not win a politician an election. Japan also records a dismal voter turnout rate compared to the United States but demonstrate patriotism for their country through cultural celebrations unique to Americans (Owlcation, 2018). These cultural differences have a significant impact on leadership styles adopted in multinational organizations operating in the two countries.
Analysis of specific areas of potential conflict and synergies in relation to the topic and implications for the workplace
The implications of cultural differences between the United States and Japan have had historical failures in business and workplaces, notably in Japan. While Japan is the third largest economy globally and has a history of strong international trade, it has the smallest amount of inward foreign domestic investment (FDI) based on its gross domestic product (GDP) compared to other major OECD nations. Isolationism, which is part of the underlying...
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