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Transitional and Disused spaces

Essay Instructions:
Answer the following question: ‘What is a ‘transitional or disused' space and how important are these spaces to the life of a city?. This section of the assignment should reference current and past thinking on transitional and disused spaces within the urban fabric of cities.
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Transitional and Disused spaces
Transition spaces-These are spaces which are located in-between the outdoor and the indoor environments thereby acting as the buffer space and physical links. Apart from being the functional as the circulatory routes for the buildings, the designing of these spaces is very important by the building designers for the reasons of aesthetics, health and the comfort. They also act as the emergency exit routes in the event of fire.
Importance of the optimum energy consumptions in the Transitional spaces is important especially in the non-domestic buildings, since these spaces do not generate income, any type of wastage that is associated with higher energy cost is difficult to justify economically.
There is a hierarchy of the urban transition spaces in any urban planning like the City level, Town level, The District level, and the Local level. The entire road network also forms a transition mode. Other types include; the interaction spaces, the gathering spaces, and the urban corridors. Transitional spaces for instance the underside of bridges, the subways and the disused tramway or underground train exits. These types of spaces are unique because they are open to the public, but also sheltered. They have a structure of their own, allowing for the structurally exciting architecture integration into them (Benedikt, 1992)
Right from the prehistoric architecture there was an apparent evidence of the usage of the transition spaces and the transition elements. In the Neolithic period, there were confined spaces for the transition in adjoining excavated dwelling such as that at Skara Brae. In the Egyptian, the Pre Columbian and Persian periods these spaces were enriched due to the utilitarian aspects. Their functionalities increased due to timely requirements of the respective users.
Importance of transition spaces in the city.
* The most important functions of the transition spaces are their sustainability in the building design. The accurate uses of these spaces in a built form serve to increase its energy efficiency.
* The peripheral corridors are helpful in reducing the glare and the solar radiation, which results to cooling in the interior spaces.
* Connecting passages between the two dwelling units creates a comfortable level for the inhabitants.
* Provisions for water bodies in the transition space invoke a cool breeze which gives out the cooling effect to the interiors.
* The Courtyards are a favorite for the vernacular style. Today the courtyard planning is used in India. As a transition space courtyards also can act as the functional interaction spaces.
Disused spaces
These are the areas in large cities that have become disused, forgotten, overgrown or fallen into disrepair.
Types of disused spaces and their importance in the city
* Interior Spaces
These are the empty shops, restaurants, the factories or the incomplete and on-hold buil...
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