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Francoist Spain: Censorship's Impact on Film and Literature

Essay Instructions:

I would like to discuss the impact of censorship on cultural productions during Francoist Spain.

Between 1936 and 1975, Spain was subdued to censorship within their politics, art forms and symbols. I would like to split the essay into 2 parts;

1) The impacts of Censorship within Spanish Literature

In this part, I would like to discuss how Franco’s censorship diminished intercultural exchanges through literacy. According to O'Donoghue, Samuel (2016). the translation of literary works from foreign countries lead to restructuring and alterations as opposed to conveying their original messages.

This was because that pluralism and cultural diversity would present threats to Spanish unity (Jordi, 2011).

I would like to use the example of The Living Room - a Catholic play written by Graham Green.

According to Leyva, the play created controversy and debates as to whether it was heretical or orthodox. As a result, the play was banned four times and became one of the most censored works under Francoist Spain.

For this part of the essay I would like to use the following resources:

O'Donoghue, Samuel (2016). "In Search of a Lost Culture: Dissident Translations in Franco's Spain". Forum for Modern Language Studies. 52 (3): 311–329. doi:10.1093/fmls/cqw029. (attached)

Cornella-Detrell, Jordi (2011). "The Rewriting of Laia, el testament, Tino Costa and Incerta glòria". Literature as a Response to Cultural and Political Repression in Franco's Catalonia. Monografias A. 295. Boydell and Brewer. pp. 1–22. ISBN 9781855662018. JSTOR 10.7722/j.cttn346z.4.

Graham Greene’s The Living Room: An Uncomfortable Catholic Play in Franco’s Spain - essay by Leyva (Attached)

The Invisible War: Violences and Violations in Novels under Censorship in Franco's Spain (attached)

2) For the second part of the essay I would like to discuss the impacts of Censorship on Spanish Film using the example of ‘La Gran Familia’ by Fernando Palacios. According to Faulkner, the film is considered to be a tool of propaganda to support government policies.

As the film can be seen as an ‘act of persuasion, I would like to discuss how the film attempts overlook the economic hardships and political repressions of the time as a source of unhappiness and emphasises how a lack of children is the main source. As stated by Faulkner , the purpose of the film was to naturalise a subjective opinion as an objective fact.

If we read La gran familia as an act of persuasion, its purpose is above all to naturalise this subjective opinion as objective fact. If happiness means having a large family, then unhappiness is caused by a lack of children – not economic hardship or political repression – and unhappiness within a large family is simply not ‘natural’. Therefore, I would like to discuss the contradiction of Spanish film in the 60s through this example. On one hand, Franco is censoring expressions of art, whilst encouraging others that are intended to persuade as opposed to entertain.

Within this part of the essay, I would like to focus on the censorship of women and women's rights as gender roles were prominent within Spanish films causing tensions between tradition and modernity.

I would like to discuss how state institutions preferred to approve films where women had traditional gender roles, as opposed to modern roles.

For this part of the essay, I would like to reference

A Cinema of Contradiction: Spanish Film in the 1960s - chapter 1 - Francos Great Family (attached)

The Effects of Spanish Civil War on Spanish Cinema: Cinema under the Political Pressure of Two Eternal Enemies (attached)

Film under Franco (attached)

The maximum number of words for the essay is 2200

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Impact of Censorship on Cultural Productions During the Francoist Spain
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"I have never known the police of any country to show an interest in poetry as such. But when poems stop talking about the mood and begin to mention poverty, trade unions, color lines, and colonies, somebody tells the police."
Langston Hughes, 1947
Censorship on cultural productions is one of the critical features of authoritarian leadership and regimes. Ranging from Germany's Burning of Books in 1933 under Adolf Hitler to Franco's censorship of film and literature in Spain, the purpose is always to control or shape culture and suppress any forms...
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