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A Platform and Mechanism for Empirical Examination of Language in Action

Essay Instructions:

The assignment should be based around an original case study of a practical activity so you need to choose a video of "Crystal Maze" and transcribe it and work on that. I have attached some useful samples. Please use the sources I have provided you with.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Language in Interaction
Institution of Affiliation
Language in Interaction
Language is particularly crucial in the development of human relationships. The study of language in interaction thus forms the bedrock against which we analyse language and its impact on human interaction. The aim of such a study id to provide a platform and mechanism for empirical examination of language in action. Providing a backdrop against which we can breakdown the components of language in interaction and subject them to a critical examination.
A study of the language in interaction allows us to understand the different facets of language that come into play in interaction. These include; deixis, material signal, context etc. all of which play large but seemingly invincible roles in language. The paper therefore seeks to subject the role of these facets to examination to determine their role.
Language is the default communication tool of choice. It is essential, that as humans we utilize language correctly so as to maximize its utility. Language in interaction looks at how we communicate at a personal level. The paper will look at how both verbal and non- verbal cues contribute to the understanding of language. To what extent is inference conducted in language use and why is this necessary. The paper will delve into the subject matter of material signal and deictic elements and utilize the same to analyse the transcription.
The paper, therefore, looks at the use of language in interaction and utilizes a number of theoretical and analytical principles to analyse the transcription provided.
Crystal Maze - Series 3 Episode 13
(Takes Position)
Show Host: (Struts on to the set) 1:32
Well, here they are. (Walking past the Contestants) 1:34
Looks like a winning team. (Addresses the team leader directly). Mary, Morning Captain, I'm not going to shake hands with you (motions to the hand) coz I have got a very "pully" hand.
Show Host: (Addressing all the contestants) 1:41
Be warned that when I am feeling pully, I get a bit testy don't rub me off the wrong way, will you? 1:45
(Addressing team leader): So you wanna be the team captain aren't you? And should you be locked in the vice-captain here (motions to the vice team leader) is gonna take over. (Looks at Mary) Is that right? 1:48
Mary: He thinks 1:50
(Vice team captain smiles hesitatingly)
Show Host: (Repeats Mary's statement) He thinks…well, you aren't gonna get locked in. Now we've gotta get up the river and into the iron state village, and we will talk about game strategy and the types of games when we get there. But first of all, we've got to get there. 1:59
(Addressing All the Contestants) 2:01
Show Host: (turns to face the camera directly) Are you ready, on your marks, get set (blows the whistle). 2:03
Your off, it's your time, man the boats … 2:06
(Show host gets onto one of the boats with the contestants) 2:10
Show Host: Well that's a bit of good wisdom there (mumbles unintelligibly) 2:13
You are away (mood music plays in the background. Show host forced to bend to avoid colliding with a tree protruding into the river. Warns the contestants) Watch out for that tree! 2:28
(Arrive on the other side of the river)
Show Host: We are getting of the same way, very well. 2:35
(To contestant who helps him off the boat) Thank you, so much. 2:42
(To all the contestants) Okaaay, are we all here?2:47
(Raises his voice and motions) Up the Jungle path.2:49
(Starts running and is followed by the contestants as music plays in the background. Calls out to the contestants) come on chaps.2:54
(Arrives at clearing, stops and motions dramatically)2:58
Okay, here we are on our very first zone, Aztec. We are gonna spend about ten minutes here. We are gonna play some games, and there are four categories of games, there's a mental, a physical, a skill and a mystery. You will take between 2 and 3 minutes to play…..3:10
TIMING 1:32 - 3:10
Activity types look at language as a tool for facilitating the completion of tasks. It emanates from Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)CITATION SCL92 \p 92 \l 1033 (Levinson, 1992, p. 92). In this instance, the teacher is interested in how a learner will utilize language to achieve a task rather than the grammatical correctness of the language used. There are three main types of activity ranging from information-gap, reasoning-gap, and opinion-gapCITATION SCL92 \p 113 \l 1033 (Levinson, 1992, p. 113). Information gap activity is apparent in the last phase of the transcription as the show host explains the crystal maze to the contestants. The statement, "…and there are four categories of games, there's a mental, a physical, a skill and a mystery…" clearly indicates this. The statement, "we will talk about game strategy and the types of games when we get there…" also shows that there is a transfer of information from the host to the contestants. There is an element of reasoning gap activity in the manner that the show host indicates to the contestants that he may be testyCITATION SCL92 \p 93 \l 1033 (Levinson, 1992, p. 93). The contestants, however, react in a relaxed manner indicating that the information conveyed was differently but correctly understood by analysing the situational context. The case study, however, is an information gap activityCITATION SCL92 \p 93 \l 1033 (Levinson, 1992, p. 93).
Material signals are predominantly used by the show host. The show host utilized these signals to direct the contestants as well as for their theatrical effect. The show host struts rather than simply walks onto the set indicating that he is in control of the situation initiating a vertical transition from the onsetCITATION APa15 \p 21 \l 1033 (Pablé & Hutton, 2015, p. 21). His manner of speech further reinforces this, where he talks at the contestants (and to the audience) rather than talking to them. The statement, "Looks like a winning team," clearly denotes this. We note the use of material signals to make an action public, where the show host turns to face the camera directly before issuing instructions. "Are you ready, on your marks, get set." An aspect of directing is evident in the manner that the show host dramatically motions before instructing them, "Up the Jungle path." The statement, "We are gonna spend about ten minutes here. We are gonna play some games…," further reinforces this using material signalsCITATION APa15 \p 21 \l 1033 (Pablé & Hutton, 2015, p. 21).
Deictic elements are present throughout the transcription. Person deixis is denoted by I, you, they, me, her, his, him, theirCITATION ADu97 \p 71 \l 1033 (Duranti, 1997, p. 71). These words concern themselves with the grammatical individual being referred to in a sentence. The statement, "Well here they are," where "they" is the person deixis where the show host is referring to the contestants. The statement, "Are you ready, on your marks, get set" presents person deixis with you and your referring to the ...
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