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The Most Memorable Day in my Life

Essay Instructions:

Please it need to be three to five paragraphs long.It must contain an introduction,a body ,and a conclusion.

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All of us have memories of the most memorable days of our lives, and many of them are due to the people who accompany us during those events or due to the extraordinary achievements that we receive. However, one of the most memorable days that I had in my life was nothing but ordinary for most, but it was an exhilarating and unexpected experience for me.
My childhood days were embraced by memories from which my classmates frequently bullied me. Some say that it was because of my face, attire, or attitude. Nevertheless, being a bullied child was never a good experience. The time came that I stood up to these bullies and what happened next was remarkable—they punched me, and when I fought back, our teacher suddenly came, and we all went to the guidance counselor’s office. The stories of those who have witnessed the fight pinned the bullies, and they were suspended for several days. I thought that was the end of it. However, the abuses became more intense as they tried to mess with me even outside school, up to the point that they were trying to hurt me physically. As a quiet child, without much of a good connection with family and peers, all I did was be afraid and sit in the corner, waiting for some hope to come. However, it never came. Thus, I tried wandering around the community before I go home during their suspension to lose them. One day, while walking around a busy street, a man recognized me and told me how he observed me for the past couple...
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