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Ronald Reagan

Essay Instructions:
Study a leader of your choice. Your leader may be either a real-life present day or historical person or a leader-character featured in literature or film. You must provide appropriate referencing including citing the novel or film if you choose a fictional character. Write a 750 word (2 page) essay on the nature of this person and the nature of their influence: What makes / made this person a successful leader? Your Essay The group provides a single essay. It must be: 1-in an organised format, with brief introduction and conclusion 2-concise no more than two pages long. 3-well structured and well written and convincing. 4-free of grammatical and typographical errors. 5-well referenced. Peter you can select one of these three: 1-George Washington 2-Ronald Reagan 3-John F. Kennedy select anyone of them which you think that u can write interesting information about him and we can learn from him.
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Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan he was born in Tampico, Illinois on February 6th, 1911 and he was a son to a man of Irish origin and a lady of English –Scottish roots he worked in various radio stations and was also an actor in Hollywood. He is among the most favorite presidents that the United States of America has ever had. His film career also contributed to his being popular and proved him to have actually been a man of complementary leadership skills. His political career started well in 1941 during his days in the army and as president of the ideological movement Screen Actors Guild in 1950; he was actively involved with the campaigns for Richard Nixon and Barry Goldwater. In 1974 he sort to vie for presidency and in 1980 his nominations were accepted by the Republicans and he successfully won the elections with a turn over never seen before in the history of the United States of America (Klain. 2004). In 1981 at the age of 60, he was shot just days after he took office but survived the attack and was on his feet again ready to serve his country. He won the elections again in 1984 against Walter Mondale.
During both his terms, had seen tremendous success for the US, he nicknamed his reign as (Reaganomics) Reagan revolution. He stopped inflation and unemployment which was rampant at the time thus reducing the person’s reliance on the government to being more independent people he created well over 16 million jobs. In the same way he introduced a system in which the states could operate as different entities with one common leader. This led to more success and competition among the different states. In 1988, Reagan repealed profit tax which had not been witnessed thus making the citizens work harder ass the taxes paid were less to increase the economic growth this was however followed by increased taxation due to his ravish nature to the military (Wallison, 2004). He ended control on domestic oil which had brought about intense energy crisis in the 1970’s. This was in a bid to avoid such recurrences in his reign which in deed worked tremendously.
One of his other achievements was to have been able to end the Cold War by ending the Soviet Union by not giving it funds and thus bankruptcy and made them stop attacks on Western Europe. This also saw the down fall of the USSR. While in power, he respected human rights and so he stopped communism in Latin America freeing many who had been held hostage (Lou, 2000). The same applies to the Iranian Hostage situation which was a good sign to the world that the US was there to protect all. This was achieved also with the modernized military that he had under his control.
In as much he had good plans for his country, like many leader he made a mistake with the taxes which made the poor poorer and the rich richer leading to massive debts to the country which was a risk worth taking as the profits there after were tremendous (Giantperspectives, 2008). Like a good leader that he was, I identified his mistake and worked to a more successful state.
Reagan was a successful leader as he was a good communicator since he could convey the message on his vision for implementation to the people an...
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