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Knowledge of the Importance of an Assessment Centre Experience

Essay Instructions:

Part A – Knowledge of the importance of an assessment centre experience (250 words)
· Discuss how you performed in the Graduate First Aptitude test and if you need to improve on your test score to ensure you get to the assessment centre experience in a real life scenario. (See Unit 7 on your Career Planning StudyNet Site)
· Why are assessment centre experiences now being utilised by employers? (Ideal opportunity to include research and references to support the discussions)
· What are the formats used in assessment centre experiences and what are your strengths and weaknesses? (Ideal opportunity to include research and references to support the discussions.) How do you expect to benefit from this assessment centre experience?
Part B - Reflect on the assessment centre experience (300 words)
· Group Exercise - How did you perform, what were your strengths and weaknesses and reflect on how you could improve on your performance for your next assessment centre experience
· Presentation - How did you perform, what were your strengths and weaknesses and reflect on how you could improve on your performance for your next assessment centre experience
· Interview - How did you perform, what were your strengths and weaknesses and reflect on how you could improve on your performance for your next assessment centre experience
Please include visuals/photos of your feedback sheets within the assignment
Part C – Reflect on how you would approach your next assessment centre experience (200 words)
· Did the assessment centre experience match what you were expecting from an assessment centre experience?
· What did you learn from the assessment centre experience?
· What would you do differently next time you take part in an assessment centre experience?
Part D – Produce an employment plan for your career for the next five years (250 words)
· Reflecting on all you have learnt from the module and your thoughts on your chosen future career, produce an employment plan demonstrating what steps you will need to take to achieve your goals.
· Ensure your goals are SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound). Show how you will achieve these goals in the next year and looking forward to graduation.
· Do you want to secure an internship or placement? What sector do you want to work in? Where do you want to be in your career in 5 years?
· You are able to use bullet points and sub-headings or table format for this task and it is expected that your work is one side of A4.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

By Student
Institution, City
Part A
I did not perform well as I expected in the Graduate First Aptitude test. Therefore, I should improve the test score to ensure I get to the assessment center experience in a real-life situation. An improvement in my score will be enhanced by further research to ensure I provide reliable answers.
The assessment center experience plays a vital role in determining an individual’s suitability for a particular job position. Employers seek to employ the most qualified candidate for any given job position (Strudwick, 2017). Therefore, if the candidate does not perform well in the assessment center experience, the employer might ask about the candidate’s performance in the work environment. Employers have been utilizing assessment centers to facilitate organizational growth. If a candidate can effectively execute the allocated corporate duties, they would contribute to organizational change. If the candidate is unable to acho9eve these goals, they will compromise the organizational growth.
Among the formats used in assessment center experiences are group discussions, role play, case studies, competency-based interviews, and projective techniques. My strengths are problem-solving, good work ethics, and communication. My weaknesses are focusing too much on details and having challenges in letting go. I expect the assessment center experience to offer sufficient knowledge of what to expect in the work environment. It will help me determine whether I am ready for the job market or not.
Part B
I did not perform well in the group exercise, and it was challenging to assess the work towards the criteria for the exercises. My weakness was the lack of clear communication and did not illustrate the importance of time management. I don’t think I showed any strengths in this exercise. I intend to do further research on improving my communication and outline the required information effectively.
I performed well in the presentation by showing the strength of good communication skills because the presentation was easy to follow. My weakness was the inability to elaborate more on the questions asked. I will improve on this by getting prepared before a presentation. I can achieve this by presenting it to a friend first before making the official presentation. The friend would then ask me the possible questio...
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