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Globalization: Development Of Technology, Organisations

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With the rapid development of technology, individuals, business organisations, national governments are able to interact more. This increased interaction among people, companies, and different national governments is what is referred to as globalisation. The main driver of this aspect that characterises the modern world has been technology. As people travel the world and communicate and share ideas with one another, they move different products and culture with them. The more people from different locations of the world interact with one another, the more they exchange ideas, culture, beliefs, among other things. As such, due to technology, the world today is more interconnected than ever before. This interconnection that has enhanced interactions between people of different nations has promoted culture to a great extend. As such, globalisation has had a significant impact on major aspects of culture such as food, fashion, and language. These important aspects of culture can now be shared easily around the world. The easy sharing of these aspects has been made possible by globalisation. This essay looks at how globalisation has impacted these aspects of culture as well as the economy of countries. As such, globalisation has transformed to a great extent our lives, and it has been beneficial to the world.
One of the aspects of culture that has been impacted greatly by globalisation is food. Different cultures around the world have diverse preferences in regards to what characterises the type of food they consume. With globalisation facilitating interaction of people from different cultures, people get to experience and taste food from different places around the world. Also, as people move across the world to live in newer places, they carry with themselves the food culture of their home background. They are thus able to introduce their food cultures in the new locations they settle. It is deducible that globalisation has had a positive impact in the way people share food. It has enabled people to adopt new menus and recipe that they were not previously aware of. According to Kennedy et al. (2004), globalisation has increase access to education that has helped people around the world adopt healthy eating habits. As such, the food culture of people has been adjusted to include healthy diets. With globalisation increasing access to different types of food around the world, people have a variety of choices to select from.
Globalisation has also led to the creation of newer food types as people intermingle with one another and share ideas. An example is Sushi. The delicacy that traces its roots in Japan has undergone changes, and now it is one of the most appreciated foods in the world. Therefore, through globalisation, a cultural fusion happens and leads to the creation of a whole new phenomenon that is appreciated by all. In this instance, globalisation can be said to have impacted the lives of people positively because there is the adoption of better practices that are accepted and appreciated by all. As informed by Fang (2012), cultural collisions lead to learning of practices and values of one another. In this case, people learn food cultures from another and adopt those that they find useful.
Fashion is another area which has been impacted positively by globalisation. As mentioned earlier, there is an increased interaction of the people of the world from diverse culture. These different cultures have a unique and diverse sense of fashion. As such, people are able to adopt fashion senses that they find appealing. Globalisation has also impacted the way fashion products are moved from one place to another. For example, if there is a trend in one market to consume products belonging to a different culture, companies can come in easily and supply the fashion products. Companies can easily gather market trends and relay them to their manufacturing plants. The market can thus be supplied with products that it requires. In addition, with increased communication and transportation capabilities that have been brought about by globalisation, it is easier for business organisations to transport fashions products to different markets around the world. In this case, it is deducible that delivery of such fashion products can change the cultural fashion orientation of the market. People can adopt fashion cultures from other countries. Therefore, globalisation has helped people adopt and appreciate importa...
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