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To What Degree Is Service Work A Meaningful Way To Make A Living

Essay Instructions:

Questions to consider:

1. How do we depend on service work every day?

2. Are all service workers “living from check-to-check” as Ehrenreich suggests?

3. Can we paint all service work or service workers with the same brush?

4. Are the jobs that Ehrenreich describes in her articles actually supposed to be “careers?”

5. What is the difference between Crawford’s service work and Ehrenreich’s?

6. Has Ehrenreich bought into the “college dream?”

7. What is a “meaningful way to make a living?” What does “meaningful” mean?

Formatting requirements:

· Needs to go onto the top of your 5th page (minimum).

· Must reflect on both authors in each component of your argument.

· 12pt font, 1.5 inch margins

· Remember, don’t compare and contrast, and don’t write an argument that doesn’t answer the question!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

To What Degree Is Service Work a Meaningful Way to Make a Living
The service work is mostly associated with low skilled workers. This categorization of part of the workforce as low-skilled has become fairly commonplace and is most often used to describe employees in the service sector. It is also important to note that the service work and low-skilled jobs are highly occupied by women and the people of color who make far much less than the population of the workforce in most manufacturing fields. Ordinarily, service work is normally referred to as bad jobs and are associated with lack of work habits and interpersonal skills. However, people normally do not understand that these kinds of jobs actually require a lot of skills that have nothing to do with the level of education and reading skills. This paper examines the different types of service work, the differences between them and also evaluates the different types of service worker. The paper will also explain the difference between a job and a career and describe what a meaningful way to make a living is.
People depend on the service work differently depending on their situations. For the less fortunate individuals, service work is all they can depend on both in good and bad times. For example, women may take jobs such as the nursing-home aide, maid, waitress, hotel housekeeper and cleaning services because these are the only “entry-level jobs” that are available to them (Ehrenreich, 2014). It is through these jobs that they can raise money to pay their bills and raise their kids. However, since these day jobs pay so little that one cannot save and accumulate enough money to help transition to other better-paying job, people end up depending on them for their upkeep. Additionally, people also depend on service work as their careers. Regardless of how much the high school programs have been shifted to prepare the learners to become knowledge workers, the society needs people who can help in certain jobs such as building our houses and unclogging the toilets (Crawford, 2009). Additionally, mechanics are also important in the motor vehicle industry because they help in fixing the old cars when the owners cannot afford to buy new ones. Likewise, systematic changes have taken place in the economy courtesy of information technology. These changes have made attractive careers for service workers who help in electrical works and repairing. Living from check-to-check is an expression that describes a person who would be incapable of meeting his or her financial obligations if he or she became unemployment since the salary is primarily dedicated to the expenses. It is true that there are some service jobs that provide the workers with little wages which are inadequate for meeting all the monetary responsibilities and saving (Ehrenreich, 2014). This means that the workers may not have funds to invest in other economic activities to help them uplift their financial capabilities. In this case, a worker can only depend on his or her monthly salary to settle all the bills and other expenditures. It is also keynoting that not all service workers depend on their monthly payments. There are individuals who have specialized in some better paying and stable manual careers such as bikes and motor vehicle mechanics. For example, repairing bikes earns service worker wages ranging from $40-$70 per hour (Crawford, 2009). This is a moderate and decent pay that may help sustain an individual by paying his or her monthly expenses without strain. Importantly, when the business goes down one can supplement it using other available alternatives.
We cannot paint all service work or service workers with the same brush. This is mainly because there are different types of service jobs that one may consider and normally these jobs have different requirements in terms of skills and experience and personal control. First, some service jobs such as house cleaning and maid require very little or no experience. Additionally, these kinds of jobs normally pay very little such that it becomes difficult for an employee to settle the monthly expenses and save some money for future use. Additionally, employers in this types of jobs do not give workers control ever their work (Ehrenreich, 2014). An employer manages the schedule of his or her workers making it difficult for them to find another job or take care for family issues. It is also important to note that these jobs are also associated with ...
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