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Child Addiction to Phones and Technology

Essay Instructions:

P3310 Feature Writing Assessment 1 – Own Choice Feature and Reporting Plan Worth: 50% of final grade [40% for the feature and 10% for the reporting plan] Deadline: 11.55pm on Monday 31 October 2022 on MyPlace Feedback deadline: Monday 21 November 2022 Details: 1. Write a feature article on a topic of your own choice based on detailed research and interviews with sources. You can also choose which type of publication you are writing for. The article should be around 1500 words in length. It should contain observations, descriptions/colour, good use of language and imagery, evidence of background research, substantial quotes from interviewees, an effective structure and should be thoroughly proofread before submission. Your writing should be evocative, stylish and should contain colour or good descriptions. You should also include a significant number of quotes that express an opinion or reveal an emotion, thought or feeling about your interviewees. 2. Complete a reporting plan using the template provided at the end of this document and on Myplace. Give details of your idea, your research, sources/interviews and structure. You need to include a list of your sources i.e. the people you contacted and interviewed, with their names, email addresses and/or phone numbers. You are also expected to write around 250-300 words on what you found in the assigned readings that supported you with your feature planning. Give the name of the author, book and chapter/section of the texts you mention. The whole plan should be no more than two A4 pages. How this assessment fits into your learning: This assessment is intended to allow you to gain experience of using some of the key elements of feature writing, such as planning, observation, solid background research, extended quotes and anecdotes. Mastering these is a fundamental part of becoming a good feature writer. It also aims to improve your planning, research skills, interviewing techniques and writing proficiencies through feedback from your tutor. The feedback we give you – both formally as in response to your assessment and informally in class or by email – is very important to your learning and we hope that you will reflect on our comments and employ them in your next assessment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Cate's son has been addicted to the phone to the extent that the mother is worried. John is now seven years and stays on the phone most of the time. Cate recalls how it all started. When John was one year, she had her husband Albert divorced. The mother of two was left to care for John and his elder sister Tamara, who was five years old. Life was challenging for the young mother because the divorce came at a time she least expected. Albert became abusive soon after John was born. Cate filed for a divorce. When she moved out of Albert's house with her two children, she got an online job as a customer care representative of a local company. The pay was minimal, making it challenging for Cate to hire a nanny to care for the two kids.
As a stay-at-home mother, Cate struggled to juggle caring for the kids and performing her customer care representative duties. The boy would disrupt her constantly, making it impossible to perform her duties effectively. By the time John reached three years, he was very active and high-strung. It was not long before Cate noticed John's affinity for the smartphone. Whenever John played games, Cate would have a peaceful time in the house. That is how Cate decided to purchase a second phone purposely for John. The smartphone pacified John and allowed the mother to undertake more duties. "I thought to myself that as long as I restricted what John and Tamara could access, there was no harm to them," Cate recalls. "I noticed things had gone south when John went to school, and teachers started reporting his bad behavior," Cate says with teary eyes. She continues, "The teachers kept reporting his abusive language and the apparent lack of control." Initially, Cate thought the lack of a father figure in John's life caused these problems. However, Cate discovered that John had learned how to undo the safe search protections she had put on his phone. Without such protection, John had access to any material he wanted, including violent content.
Barbra and Philip are a couple married for 20 years. They lost their firstborn three years ago when she was just 15 years. It all started when the parents would allow Jane to stay with their phone even during the night. The parents noticed that Jane loved playing online games and thought nothing was wrong with it. Despite being constant on the phone, Jane did not demonstrate any weird behavior. "We thought all was well until one day, we got the most shocking phone call that Jane had committed suicide." Recalls Barbra. "We were all shocked since our daughter was a nice girl who could not do such a thing," Philip says. The parents allowed the police to investigate the matter. "On checking her Instagram account, the authorities discovered that Jane was a victim of cyberbullying." Philip laments. Jane had posted a photo on Instagram, then a user sent her demeaning comments. "We discovered that Jane got into depression and committed suicide a week later." The parents indicate. It has been three years of sorrow for the family. They miss their daughter Jane, but unfortunately, they cannot have her back. "If social media were a safe place for children and teenagers, then our daughter would be alive." Says Barbra.
"The case of John and Jane are not isolated," says Dr. Andrew Parker, a lead consultant for addiction services at the Nightingale Hospital. Dr. Parker indicates that many parents have used phones and other technologies to soothe their children. "However, before such parents realize, their children are already addicted to phones." Says Dr. Parker. There is no doubt that smartphone addiction has negative implications. Dr. Parker indicates that phones significantly contribute to depression and anxiety among children. He further points out that the habit tends to make the victims develop low self-esteem. The poor quality of sleep because of using phones during the night disorients children, so they cannot concentrate on their studies the following day. "Many children have been bullied online without their parent's knowledge." Says Dr. Parker. He believes that such online bullying is responsible for the increase in the number of children with suicidal thoughts. Dr. Parker demonstrates that the Internet exposes children to sexually explicit materials. Here, children are also in danger of pedophiles.
Writing in the BMC Psychiatry Journal, a team of investigators examined data from 41 studies with 42,000 participants, mainly from Europe, Asia, and America. The results demonstrated that one in four teens had problematic smartphone use. The major contributor to the addiction was loneliness and low self-esteem. Such teens are likelier to turn to their phones to hide their frustrations. Despite the compelling evidence of the problem of child addiction to phones, the UK government has done little to combat the problem. The government talks tough about battling child phon...
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