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Urban Air Pollution

Essay Instructions:

Assignment •Choose ONE of the following pollutants: Ozone (O3) Particles (PM10 or PM2.5) Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) •Research the recently monitored levels of your chosen pollutant in a UK. Write a short report discussing the concentrations found and the problems the air pollution may cause. •Choice of discussing health and environmental impacts of pollutants or chemistry of pollutants but I want it on health and environmental impacts of pollutants. •Assignments are to be a maximum of 1250 words. •Reports must be fully referenced making full use of the available literature and internet resources.

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Urban Air Pollution
There is an estimation of one billion people who are subjected to outdoor air pollution every year. The urban air pollution may be connected to around one million premature deaths as well as one million pre-native deaths per year. Moreover, urban air pollution is believed to cost estimate of two percent of Gross Domestic Product, GDP in the developing countries and the developed countries (Kampa & Castanas, 2008). The pollution continues to increase because of rapid urbanization, yet it brings grave danger to living beings, thus attracting appropriate measures to be put to practice in various countries. Find herein, a research of the recently monitored levels of Nitrogen Dioxide in the United Kingdom.
Nitrogen dioxide or NO2 is among the group of gases that are called nitrogen oxides. One of the causal of nitrogen oxides is believed to be road transport that has been estimated to bring around fifty percent of the entire emissions. In addition, the gas boilers in the buildings are popularly known as among the sources of nitrogen oxides. This means that, the levels of nitrogen dioxide are usually high in places that are close to busy roads, as well as large urban areas (Donaldson & Donaldson, 2006). Nitrogen dioxide has been proven in many occasions as very harmful to health. The practice of monitoring and trying to reduce the nitrogen dioxide levels in the air within the streets of London is very active, taking the records almost every day to assess the improvements, as well as stagnations. In the high street of Wandsworth Putney, the data of nitrogen dioxide has been recorded thoroughly in the last few days (Brulle & Pellow, 2006). On 1st April 2014, the levels of nitrogen dioxide were at an hourly mean concentration of around seventy-nine before rising up to a mean grade of two hundred and eighty-three. The mean concentration level then dropped as the hours went by and closing the day at eighty-two on second of April in the morning (Donaldson & Donaldson, 2006). The NO2 levels, on the second of April remained quite constant although, at some point, it reached one hundred and eight meters cubic, crossing to third of April at eighty-two meters cubic. The highest mean concentration level experienced on that day was one hundred and eleven and the lowest was twenty-five, which later crossed over with a mean concentration of fifty-three on fourth of April. Similarly, the highest level of NO2 mean concentration was two hundred and forty-four, while the lowest was eighty-five cubic meters and winding up at ninety-six on fifth in the morning. The concentration level then went down to a mean of forty-two, but later in the day rose to one hundred and seventy-four, and wound up at a mean concentration of fifty-two cubic meters (Donaldson & Donaldson, 2006). The sixth of April was a beautiful day that experienced the third lowest level of concentration that week as it had gone as low as twenty-nine although later in the day it rose to one hundred and thirteen cubic meters, and closing at thirty-six. As the recording continues, the seventh of April attained the lowest mean concentration level that week with a mean concentration as low as nineteen cubic meters. The other streets of London also have the data of the monitored levels of nitrogen dioxide, which helps in applying the necessary measures of reducing the risks involved in too much concentration of the same.
One of the most widespread outcomes derived from NO2 is respiratory symptoms as the shortness of breath as well as coughing. Moreover, nitrogen dioxide has a tendency of inflaming the lung lining and reducing immunity to the infections of the lung like bronchitis. The research also claims that the health effects are reflected more in people with asthma as compared to the other healthy people. In the last few years, nitrogen dioxide level within the area of London, which is a city in the United Kingdom, has failed to fall as fast as earlier predicted (Ferrey & Cabraal, 2006). This could have resulted from the progression of diesel vehicles that create more nitrogen dioxide than the predictors had anticipated. In addition, nitrogen dioxide has been proven to react with hydrocarbons where the sunlight is present to form ozone, also contributing to the creation of particles (Ferrey & Cabraal, 2006).
The air pollution has a significant environmental health problem that affects both the enhanc...
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