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Recycling material in building. Life Sciences Essay.

Essay Instructions:

Preliminary Literature Review: We already have 2 related paper resources that I have provided for you(PDF file)_, but we need 1 more related papers(Please to avoid research 10 references in upload Word file)

Important Research area: Building Construction Management

My research topic: Analyzing Recycling Materials in America and Chinese Building construction

Related topic: How many recycled materials can be used in building construction projects?

Research related area Waste management, Sustainable material in building construction, BIM in construction, Recycle in Construction

1.Based on the information collected in task 2, write at least “800 words” literature review highlighting the following information: (1) Collective main findings of the published literature (you may divide this part into sub-sections); (2) Implications for future research

2. Provide a list of references (of all papers) in Harvard Style at the end of your literature review

Essay Sample Content Preview:

[City and State]
The utilization of recycled materials for construction projects needs thorough investigation to avoid risks and instability. Recycled materials have different durability and capability that should match the construction project to which they will of use. Also, waste management and sustainability are part of the investigation to identify which materials are for recycling and which are for disposal. This paper will discuss studies on design, sustainability, and waste management to review different perspectives on the specified areas. The literature reviews will also provide collective conclusions and recommendations to reach a common idea for the research paper.
Body: Literature 1
Iacoboaea, Aldea, & Petrescu (2019) conducted a study on the impact of construction and demolition wastes in terms of management and sustainability. The study specifically looked at the case of the European Union and their struggle to the identified obstacles and drivers of sustainable construction and demolition waste management. The Resource Efficient Use of Mixed Waste from the European Commission provided secondary information for the research. The findings reveal that legislative policies on construction and demolition waste raise the recycling rates of some countries that implement them. Moreover, economic projects from the construction industry help determine the amount of construction and demolition waste that EU members produce. According to the EU Construction & Demolition Waste Management Protocol (2016), the absence of support and confidence in material from construction and demolition waste hinders the recycling and reuse of the materials. Despite the efforts in waste management, there is still doubt in the utilization of recycled waste as construction materials.
Body: Literature 2
Rios, Chong, and Grau (2015), on the other hand, put a focus on an alternative to demolition. The study investigates the design for disassembly concept of construction as an option for better construction waste management and sustainability. Existing works of literature have provided the information used to develop the study. Primarily, the research aims to evaluate deconstruction at the social, economic, and environmental levels. It is also set to assess the design for the disassembly concept as a feasible solution to the construction loop. For findings, design for disassembly and deconstruction would be an appropriate alternative if proper regulations and markets back it up. Also, successful partnerships, public engagement, and opportunities can address the challenges brought by design for disassembly concept.
Body: Literature 3
A study on waste management gives attention to practices that allow minimal construction and demolition waste (Ajayi, Oyedele, Bilal, Akinade, Alaka, and Owolabi, 2017). The study acknowledges the effectiveness of construction practices and site management that limit the generation of waste. ...
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