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Vena Amoris- enterprise

Essay Instructions:
Abstract “Vena Amoris” is the brand name of the enterprise. This enterprise plans on selling silk materials in ring boxes (silk materials in the ring box won’t crease). In order to advise “Vena Amoris” , this memorandum will discuss the importance of consumer impact by addressing certain issues.First issue will deal with the relationship between consumer behaviour and the product . Second, it will explain how to market our product to green consumers. Finally it will highlight whether silk obtained from silkworms are vegan. With citations and references too. 15 to 16 citations will be okay
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Vena Amoris Brand Authenticity By (Student Name) Course Institution Date Abstract "Vena Amoris" is the brand name of the enterprise. This enterprise plans on selling silk materials in ring boxes (silk materials in the ring box won't crease). To advise "Vena Amoris,” this memorandum will discuss the importance of consumer impact by addressing certain issues. The first issue will deal with the relationship between consumer behaviour and the product by considering how to market to green consumers. The second part highlights whether or not silk obtained from silkworms is vegan. The last part demonstrates how to avoid greenwashing blame if the vegan trademark is used. Introduction In the contemporary landscape of consumerism, clients demand ethical and sustainable products. Businesses are forced to consider the tastes and preferences of their clients to survive in the competitive market. The desire for environmental sustainability forces businesses to consider production methods that least harm the environment. More consumers on the other hand want brands that demonstrate adherence to ethics and environmental sustainability. The need for businesses to comply with environmental and ethical concerns has led to certifications and trademarks aimed at guiding consumers on products that have complied. While the adoption of such approaches is critical for green consumers, the risk of greenwashing is also huge. The attention of this essay is on Vena Amoris advising the enterprise on how to market its silk products as environmentally sustainable. Issue One: Marketing products to green consumers Meaning of Green Consumers Vena Amoris need to understand the meaning of green consumers so that its activities will be centred on understanding its target audience. Green consumers refer to those who engage in behaviours that improve social and environmental outcomes while ensuring the wellbeing of consumers. It is the kind of consumption that is compatible with the conservation of the environment for the current and future generations. Green consumption gives consumers the responsibility of handling environmental concerns by employing environmentally friendly behaviours. For instance, the use of organic products and clean energy and the manufacture of products with negligible environmental effects constitutes green consumption. The United Nations recognizes green consumption as a high-priority issue in its sustainable development goals. With the negative effects on the environment, green consumption has emerged as a formidable force, with individuals and businesses working to ensure sustainable consumption can mitigate the effects. The increase in awareness regarding the impact of green consumption on environmental sustainability has placed businesses that manufacture such products at a vantage position. In particular, millennials increasingly want brands that embrace sustainability.[White, K., Hardisty, D.J. and Habib, R., 2019. The elusive green consumer. Harvard Business Review, 11(1), pp.124-133.] [Nguyen, H.V., Nguyen, C.H. and Hoang, T.T.B., 2019. Green consumption: Closing the intention‐behavior gap. Sustainable Development, 27(1), pp.118-129.] [Haba, H.F., Bredillet, C. and Dastane, O., 2023. Green consumer research: Trends and the way forward based on bibliometric analysis. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 8, p.100089.] Green consumers consider some of the following factors when making purchasing decisions. Firstly, they check the environmental impact of the products. They look for products and brands that have minimum negative implications on the environment, including reduced carbon footprint, responsible resource usage and the reduction of waste. Secondly, green consumers consider ethical practices. They are concerned about how businesses treat their workers, animals and the ecosystem in general. Green consumers support brands that follow fair labour practices, employ cruelty-free approaches to manufacturing and can show environmentally responsible sourcing. Thirdly, green consumers check out energy efficiency, where they consider brands that use energy-efficient or renewable energy sources in the manufacturing process. Additionally, green consumers consider the use of sustainable materials. They give preference to products obtained from renewable resources or recycled materials. Green consumers actively consider alternatives to traditional manufacturing approaches that cause harm to the environment. Moreover, green consumers care about transparency and accountability. They appreciate brands that communicate about their environmental practices. Green consumers expect companies to share information regarding their supply chains, manufacturing processes and environmental initiatives. Brands that share such crucial information are deemed transparent and accountable, which attracts green consumers. Further, green consumers consider certifications and labels. They look for certifications and labels that show a commitment to sustainability. They recognize the importance of eco-labels like Energy Star, fair Trade and USDA Organic among others to make purchasing decisions. Lastly, products that are recyclable or are a part of a circular economy are attractive to green consumers. They appreciate brands that promote recycling initiatives and provide opportunities for take-back programs.[Yue, B., Sheng, G., She, S. and Xu, J., 2020. Impact of consumer environmental responsibility on green consumption behaviour in China: The role of environmental concern and price sensitivity. Sustainability, 12(5), p.2074.] [Amalia, F.R. and Darmawan, A., 2023. Exploring consumer purchase intention towards cruelty-free personal care products in Indonesia. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 11, p.100136.] [Haski-Leventhal, D., Korschun, D. and Linnenluecke, M., 2021. Sustainability is no longer enough: how corporations are becoming the new climate activists. Calif. Manag. Rev. https://cmr. berkeley. edu/2021/11/sustainability-is-no-longer-enough.] Deficiency of the Product Vena Amoris needs to communicate the existence of deficiencies in terms of sustainability and environmental impact. This will be critical in allowing consumers to make purchasing decisions based on the information available regarding the silk. * Water Management: The company needs to comply with the local environmental regulations concerning water discharge. This will be done through undertaking a thorough review of local, regional and national environmental regulations regarding water usage and discharge. Vena Amoris need to regularly monitor updates to regulations regarding water management to ensure that it stays informed about any changes that may affect its water management practices. Additionally, regularly test and treat water to assess the quality of discharged water. As a manufacturing company, Vena Amoris must ensure that the water discharged meets the required standards to protect the public from harm. The business needs to employ reliable testing methods to identify and measure any contaminants that may be present in the discharged water. From the results, develop should comprehensive water treatment plan that addresses and mitigates any issues identified through testing. Vena Amoris must keep detailed records of testing results and treatment processes. This will be evidence that the business is committed to environmental responsibility. Moreover, it should clarify the source and quantity of water utilized in the production process. Water is a critical natural resource and it is used for many economic purposes. The consumers want to know how much water the manufacturer of the product utilizes. The business can go ahead and invest in third-party audits to verify its water recycling and treatment processes to ensure compliance with environmental regulations. Lastly, Vena Amoris should invest in training staff members and creating awareness regarding the importance of environmental sustainability manufacturing processes. It needs to train the staff involved in water management on the need for compliance and proper water management procedures. Vena Amoris must foster a culture of environmental sustainability in the business to ensure that all the workers understand their role in maintaining the required water quality. Vena Amoris should undertake regular internal audits to ensure that the staff members comply with water management practices.[Silva, J.A., 2023. Wastewater treatment and reuse for sustainable water resources management: a systematic literature review. Sustainability, 15(14), p.10940.] [Morseletto, P., Mooren, C.E. and Munaretto, S., 2022. Circular Economy of Water: Definition, Strategies and Challenges. Circ. Econ. Sust. 2, 1463–1477.] * Dyes: Since Vena Amoris has decided to avoid the use of chemical dyes and instead focus on traditional ones, the following will ensure that Vena Amoris complies with the required legal requirements. Firstly, it should maintain a record of the traditional dyes that will be used in the production processes. Demonstrate ...
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