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Philosophy of Science - Paul Feyerabend IT & Computer Science Essay

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Philosophy of Science, plagiarism free essay on "Paul Feyerabend questions the absolute reliance upon Western empirical

science. Considering his anarchist epistemology, critically discuss its

overlaps with an African Philosophy of Science." with references but showing critical thinking on the topic

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October 29, 2020
Understanding the relationship between epistemological paradigms and the works of scholars is essential for any student. It allows him to understand better and appreciate the thinker's work background and apply them to his analysis. In this paper, the author would like to focus on the works of Paul Feyerabend. Notably, this article would critically analyze his view that philosophical and scientific frameworks should not rely too much upon Western Empirical sciences. This includes a junction between his views and other views, such as the African Philosophy of Science. All in all, the author believes that viewing contemporary paradigms with a critical point of view would allow for a more diverse and inclusive framework for the social sciences.
Feyerabend's Epistemological Anarchism
Paul Feyerabend is one of the most controversial philosophers in the field. Because of his view – also called 'Epistemological Anarchism' – which made him different from most scientists and thinkers alike that focus on fixed methodologies backed up by what would most call the 'scientific method.' Said Feyerabend's school of thought posits that rather than focusing on the idea of fixed rules and methods, science should be free-flowing. It must adopt an attitude characterized by an "anything goes" mindset CITATION Hor16 \l 1033 (Horgan, 2016). This is where most controversies lie, especially in a world where Western paradigms are dominant.
The validity of Feyerabend's Thoughts
In line with this, the author believes that Feyerabend's ideas are valid to some extent, but not for the most part. On the one hand, his idea of epistemological anarchism cannot be gleaned as useful and valid regarding the natural sciences. As stated earlier, the natural sciences are based on the Baconian method or the scientific method. What ...
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