100% (1)
7 pages/≈1925 words
IT & Computer Science
English (U.K.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 37.8

Distributed Application Development Video Recording

Essay Instructions:

No more than 2000 words.
Just complete Assessment 2. Including procedure and report.
Write in the format of project proposal.
Submit before 12:00 on January 17
From the client : I need the writer to skip D1(Project Proposal).
D2 includes application and report.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
D4: For Video Recording
1 Environment setup (requirements)
* Text editor (VS Code)
* Modern browser (Chrome)
* Node LTS and NPM to install packages
* Packages used were: socket.io, body parser, express, and passport-local-mongoose
* I used nodemon as a dev dependency to avoid restarting the server each time a change is made to code
* Gitbash for Windows and GitHub for storing repositories
2 Procedure
* Created an empty directory and initialized with npm init -y to accept all the options
* Required dependences were installed using NPM, a node package manager
* Created .env file to store secret data such as passwords and API keys
* Created a .gitignore file to disallow committing some folders ad files to GitHub since it is a public repository and passwords can be found thus increasing vulnerabilities to the site
* The ejs is a JavaScript templating engine similar to other engines in other programming languages such as Python/Django that uses Jinja.
* To avoid bloated application, I used plain Node JS and Express to create the server in the App.js file.
* Next was to connect the databa...
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