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History Essay: The Chinese Experience in Australia Goldfields

Essay Instructions:

Answer 10 questions first. then Choose one of the topic to write an essay with 1000 words.

1. Compare and contrast the experience of Chinese prospectors in California and Australia. If you were a prospector, which country would you have chosen to go to? Justify your answer.

2. Compare and contrast the lives of women from different ethnicities/cultures in the Goldrush. Are their contributions adequately recognised in the history of Australia?

3. Compare and contrast the anti-Chinese posters of California and Australia. Indicate the similarities and differences and explain why this may be the case.

4. Examine the Chinese experience in the goldfields of Australia. Would you consider the journey to Australia to prospect for gold to be a positive or negative experience for the Chinese? Give reasons for your answer.

Choose one of them

Essays must be 12 font (Arial or Times New Roman) 1.5 spaced, referenced (reference list and in-text referencing)

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The Chinese Experience in Australia Goldfields
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The Chinese Experience in Australia Goldfields
The Chinese people started to flee their country when famine, violence, and poverty were prevalent (Culture Victoria, n.d.). All these factors forced people to seek refuge in the Goldrush in Australia. The new gold mountain presented new opportunities where they could thrive. However, the happenings were contrary to what they had anticipated while leaving China. After arriving in the goldmines, they were discriminated against and shunned by the European colonialists. The circumstances forced them to live in hardship and endure many misfortunes within the region. There were a host of other discriminative policies, attitudes, and behaviors, particularly from the Europeans that made life difficult for the Chinese immigrants.
During the 1850s, there was an increase in the number of people who came to China. Many of the Chinese people migrated to Australia as they anticipated to join the diggers. When they arrived in Australia, most of them were greeted with fear and violence. Moreover, they were also hardworking, and colonialists resented them for their outstanding ability. Another thing that distinguished the Chinese is that they settled together. Through this attitude, a stereotype developed among the people that influenced how they interacted with the Europeans (Washington, n.d.).
Another essential experience that influenced the Chinese was their journey to Australia. In order to avoid taxes, many of the Chinese immigrants came through South Australia. Therefore, they had to walk for a long before reaching the mining regions. They had a strong desire to reach the new gold mountain in order to earn their fortune. It was estimated that they had to walk for hundreds of kilometers before reaching the goldfields. The voyage from Chinese to Australia was estimated to take three months. When they arrived in the colonies, they resulted in great alarm among the political class.
Their work approach was always through organized groups, which strengthened their productivity and maintained a joyous success, unlike others. They also had a leader for each group, which ensured that they had a goal for each task. As they continued to succeed in their work, the Europeans resent them because of their success. Throughout gold mining, several conflicts arose due to the resentment between the Chinese and European colonialists. There were also demonstrations against the Chinese in several regions in Australia, particularly in New South Wales. The goals were to eliminate all Chinese immigrants from the region (Feng, 2017).
The main reason for this was because they never wanted the Chinese to work in the goldfields. According to the protesters, they were benefiting from fortunes that belonged to Europeans. Also, the goals were to place Chinese people in sectors that were never interested in the European people. Because of their hard work and dedication, the output in the minefields was always high. There were also accusations that the presence of Chinese people within the colonies and goldfields introduced strange diseases. All these were aimed at limiting their power and productivity within Australia. After fleeing their country because of numerous misfortunes, they were committed to...
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