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The role of a newly qualified nurse
Essay Instructions:
This is a revision, client needs Harvard style and UK references only. Easy money.
1. Give an over veiw of the role of a newly qualified nurse. a broad discussion supported by relevant literature.
2. one of the role of a newly qualified nurse should focus on.
you are to critically discuss in detail 2 roles of a newly qualified nurse. i.e. (1) patient group direction and (2) accountability.
1. patient group direction. should be a broad discussion supported with relevant literature.
2. Give an over veiw of the role of a newly qualified nurse.a broad discussion supported by relevant literature.
accountability should be a broad discussion supported with relevant literature.
discuss how these roles are used (relevant to practice)
address relevant legal, professional and ethical moral considrations.
I dont want any introduction and conclusion. And please use current references.
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Title: Role of a newly qualified nurse
The role of a newly qualified nurse
A newly qualified nurse has many roles and responsibilities in the psychoanalysis of a patient. These days, there are many specialist nurses who have more responsibilities than before. This write up will look at the role of a newly qualified nurse in patient Group directions and accountability. Generally, a newly qualified nurse is involved in various duties: caring for the patient, working with the doctor, co-ordination and directing, protecting the patient, teaching the patient and working as a trusted confidante of the doctors (Department of Health 2008).
Patient Group Directions (PGDs)
PGDs are enclosed in the legislation Statutory Instrument, 2000a which states that;
Patient Group Direction means-in connection with the supply of a prescription only medicine…a written direction relating to the supply and administration of a description or class of prescription only medicine..or a written direction relating to the administration of a description or class of prescription only medicine, and which in the case of either signed by a doctor… and by a pharmacist; and relates to the supply and administration, to persons generally(subject to any exclusions which may be stated out in the direction) (Department of Health, 2008, p. 114).
PGDs have been in existence since the 2000. They constitute documents that authorize the delivery of prescription-only medicines (POMs) to groups of patients, without individual prescriptions (Whale, 2009). They allow some health care practitioners to administer and supply to a certain group of patients who fit in the criteria as spelled out in PGDs. Thus a health care practitioner can administer (For instance inject or a suppository) and / or supply medicine to patients without the need for any prescription or any instruction from the prescriber. These PGDs are useful in availing certain POMs to the public under some circumstances (UKCC 1999). These POMs include Xenical for weight loss for obese people, Finasteride that is used in restoring hair in male baldness, Viagra (Sidenafil) that is used in erectile dysfunction and Levenorgestrel that are used as emergency hormonal contraception (Pellat, 2006).
Unlike a pharmacist and nurse prescribing, heath care experts who are permitted to work with PGD need no supplementary formal qualification.
However, for the validity of a PGD to be sustained, certain requirements have to be met on the group of patient that the PGD is administered or supplied to and also on how the PDG is drawn up. It is also the duty of organizations to ensure that competent and trained professionals in heath care use the PGDs (Whale, 2009).
When can PGDs are used
. The RNC interprets this to mean that the administration and the supply of POMs should be to some homogeneous patient groups. These include Children and infants and even adults who require immunization as part of a national programme (Hughes, 2009). This is the duty of newly trained nurses, those who are traveling in foreign lands and require immunization, those who require use of contraceptives, those who require analgesia before minor surgery and those who need medication for an acute of chronic illness. In determining the appropriateness of a PGD that meets care needs, a nurse (health care professional) considers if the needs of the patient can be handled as an element of a homogenous group or if they need individual prescription so as to meet their specific needs (Peate, 2008).
Drugs under PGD
PGDs are used to supply and administer various POMs. These include controlled drugs, black triangle drugs and antimicrobials (Lehman, 2010).
Controlled drugs
Use of these drugs is synchronized under the Misuse of Drugs act of 1971 and its associated legislations. The supply and administration of those substances included in schedule 4 excluding anabolic steroids and those in schedule 5 were allowed to be included in the PGDs by the Home office. Besides, the use of diamorphine of schedule 2 under PGDs by qualified nurses in emergency and accident departments and also in the coronary care units (Longley et al, 2007)
These drugs can be incorporated within the PGD however; reflection must be given to the risk that resistance will increase in the community generally. In drawing up a PGD for a antimicrobial, the local microbiologist has to involved and besides, an approval has to be sought from the therapeutics and drug committee or an equivalent (Whitehead, 2001). Black Triangle Drugs and the medicines used outside the terms of the summary of product characteristics (Mulryan, 2009).
Black triangle drugs are those which were licensed recently subject to special reporting arrangements for negative reactions. These drugs and off label use drugs are included in PGDs. Their use has to be justified by a clerical practice (Mallik, HYPERLINK "/search?tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=+inauthor:%22Carol+Hall%22&source=gbs_metadata_r&cad=8" Hal...
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