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International Development

Essay Instructions:
Write an essay that defines the term ‘International Development’. The essay should: · Include references to existing publications · Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of referenced definitions · Provide a conclusion containing a working definition of ‘International Development'
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ASSESSING AND DEFINING TERM INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Student’s Name Course Professor’s Name University City (State) Date Assessing and Defining Term International Development Introduction International development is a diverse concept that focuses on improving countries’ social, political, and economic working conditions, especially in developing countries. The prime focus of the idea is to foster sustainable growth and development, specifically in poor countries, by ensuring social equity and sustainable environmental development. The post-World War II era has traces of early progress in international development (Horner, 2021). Many concepts of prominent international options, including the World Bank and the UNO, have defined the national development concept. The assessment of these definitions allows the analysts to discover some vital strengths and weaknesses. Considering the historical roots and the present developments in the concept, there is hope that several meaningful trends will be included in future progress. Since the idea focuses on climate sustainability, resilience between the international communities can be increased, further enhancing social development (Baslar, 2022). Though the idea is always broadly explained, it lacks a practical approach because of little or little interconnectedness with the developing countries. This essay will explore the varied nature of international development concepts with expected future developments. The idea will also be assessed by measuring the strengths and weaknesses of international development definitions. Discussion The historical roots of international development date back to the post-World War II era when the international community focused on rebuilding war-torn countries. These efforts established international institutions like the United Nations (UNO) and the World Bank. Economic sustainability and social growth were the prime focus areas of the international development concept initially. To cope with the changing needs of time and the social conditions of developing countries, many other factors were considered, including human rights and environmental sustainability (Grillo et al., 2021). Some notable international organizations have framed vibrant and appealing features to define International Development. The UNO and the World Bank have incorporated significant world concerns, including economic and social growth, to define international development. Since the requirements and societal needs change with the change in time, some concerns of the time were also added to the international development concept. These concerns include humanitarianism, environmental sustainability, food security, and social parity, added to the widening scope of international development. Social sustainability factors like economic and social parity were part of international development in the first stage. Still, many other vibrant concerns became an imminent part of the definition, covering societal matters like governing management, sustainability, and growth management. In recent years, poverty alleviation has become essential in international development discussions. Many global organizations have initiated poverty reduction programs to ensure international development (Gabor & Brooks, 2022). The use of alternative energy sources for covering electricity needs in Kenya, such as the Lake Turkana Wind Power Project, can also be quoted as a transformation toward sustainable growth under the definition of international development. Several approaches can be attributed to the broader definition of international development. These approaches include bilateral and multilateral aid, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and community-driven developments. For example, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) assists countries through bilateral guidance covering aspects like health, education, and economic betterment under international development concepts. NGOs also play a vibrant role in consolidating international development definitions and concepts (Baslar, 2022). NGOs like Oxfam have been operating worldwide to ensure sustainable health and development among children by promoting free health and education services. Community-driven programs lead to another core approach to international development definition consolidation. For example, the Zero Hunger program enables communities to cater to local food security initiatives to improve the health conditions of...
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