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What influences do I have in the nursery environment Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

In this unit you are required to give thought to the way you create an environment in which a child or children grow, learn and develop.

This involves thinking about:

• Your own attitudes, values and beliefs;

Think about the environment that surrounds a child in your care and write down in no more than 250 words how you think you influence that environment. Think about your own attitudes, values and beliefs and the shared attitudes, values and beliefs of others who might work with you.

This also involves thinking about:

• Children’s needs, learning and development;

• The ethos, health and safety of the environment;

• The space and resources

Essay Sample Content Preview:

What Influences Do I Have in The Nursery Environment?
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What Influences Do I Have in The Nursery Environment?
Learning is essential because people acquire new knowledge. The case is more important to children because of their brain’s development status, which keeps improving as they learn new things. According to Tamis-LeMonda et al. (2019, p.153), learning is a function of the environment where it takes place. Therefore, there are various ways of creating this environment for children. Notably, the environment includes their needs, health, and resources.
First, it is achievable through enhancing bonding with the children at the family level. Niklas and Schneider (2017, p.269) assert that this vital time enables children to grow with confidence and secure attachment, which leads to positive development. For example, one may do certain things together, such as reading, boosting their motor skills, or asking simple questions like how their day was to show them care, making them feel appreciated.
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