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Neoliberalism,Policy and Higher Education. Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Critically analyse one aspect of higher education policy (institutional, national or international) applying at least one theoretical perspective covered in the PPT; and situating your analysis within relevant wider literature on the topic from an international perspective.This essay must be connected to relevant policy .I failed in this course so I was asked to rewrite it,so here I'll also upload the comments from the teacher so that it might help you to write.Thanks a lot

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Research Paper on Higher Education and Its Theoretical Perspective
13 July 2018
This is a paper evaluating one aspect of higher education policy on an Institutional Level in accordance with the theoretical perspective encompassing the values portrayed by educators and instructors. Furthermore, numerous sources supporting the literature review are included in the subsections of this paper discussing the important facets of higher education, its advantages, disadvantages, benefits, pros and cons. A critical analysis of these principles and pointers are also provided in the next paragraphs subsequent to the introduction. In the end of this paper, a definite conclusion with the very gist of this subject matter are elucidated with suggestions on how to possibly improve the system based on the positive influences seen.
Education is the epicenter of the learning process, developments in globalization and in the country’s infrastructures. Education builds people who are professional in the different fields of sciences and technology. Educators give tasks to students, projects and writing assignments to teach them and inculcate in them a sense of responsibility to be informed. Students are taught how to research and make their own investigations to acquire knowledge. Learning does not end within the institution but extends even outside of the four walls of the Universities. It is a lifelong process that has been inculcated into the minds and hearts of students while they were studying from the toddler years, to College and then to Masteral or Doctoral level. At the end of it all, the students are also taught to be educators and to share the knowledge to other co-learners for purposes of improving the state of the Nation in terms of Education and in raising the standards of living of a particular country.
Literature Review
International Relations amongst the nations could never be fully understood in the absence of an in-depth understanding of the “academic, scientific and technological strengths” (McMahon M.E., 1992). that show how nations and governments are connected one to another. The international politics, social, cultural, and economic fields of developments are very much complicated to understand and the learning process eventually starts at a very young age. Language is taught as early as 4 years old. Language that will later on be used to communicate and decipher speech or literary pieces. Mathematics and the basics of computation are also inculcated in the minds of the students in earlier years and as the process of learning continuous, become complicated upon reaching a higher level of education. Education is never stagnant. There is a continuous evolution and every year, new learnings are discovered. The books to study and read are endless. The more we acquire knowledge, the more we become hungry for additional learning and experiences. Even at the end of our lives, learning has not yet ended.
The thought that an important point of academic communication involves being knowledgeable of the international studies at the higher level of education. Study patterns in the international field of learning are outlined, assessed and studied to see the differences in the years that had passed and how important it is in America’s progress. History dictates that in the year 1960 to 1970, international communications involved students from other countries most specifically in Third world countries which happen to exchange ideas, facts and information about their own countries. Referring to International Relations in connection with higher education specifically involves the various educational variables leading to the study of the economic factors and political arenas of the different nations. It is of the essence that international studies be made a priority for institutions because only then can we truly understand why other nations are uniquely different and how they stand on their own. Likewise, the study of the “historical elements referring to the international higher education is deemed important and helpful as we look forward to the future within the grounds of the new geopolitical allied countries.” (McMahon M.E., 1992). This is the reason why and how higher education must be researched, understood and studied on account of the International effects, consequences and results.
Furthermore, education is connected to theories, principles and beliefs, which explain how Neoliberalism affects all aspects of life since it has been defined by Read B. to be having that “market rationality, giving importance to the principles of productivity, profitability, efficiency, over others such as egalitarianism, the ‘common good’”. Neoliberalism is stated to focus more on how to value one’s self rather than caring for others. Likewise, it also show how individual citizens are considered and equated to entrepreneurs and consumers having that moral value for self-care alone. In other words, it is the capability to provide for their own basic needs and are driven by their own passions and ambitions whether it be as “receivers of welfare programs, medical patients, pharmaceuticals clients, higher learning students, or workers in a variety of occupations or fields f sciences” (Read B.). Some Educators agree with this type of mindset while others disagree. Either way, the general definition focuses more on self-care and self-preservation. This desire is not wrong per se but too much of self-centered focus might suffer the relationships with other fellow human beings or even relations oversees and internationally. In addition, the theory and principle of Neoliberalism involves the process of globalization and worldwide competition amongst the students, acquisition of a deeper knowledge that will help Universities excel in economic growth. It must be understood that countries set aside huge amounts of budgets to improve and develop the education system of their own nations because this is the very foundation of leadership, where politicians, leaders and educators are trained, challenged and created. Neoliberalism accentuates how education must be interpreted in the light of higher education. In this theory, education is perceived similar to a business venture. Wherein the quality of the learning experiences are based on the end-results or the ratio of the information learned all throughout the process. The ability to sell a product in a corporate business program is similar to teaching education wherein a professional instructor or educator is able to sell his ideas, thoughts and facts based on the truths and proofs backing up his explanations. Education is interrelated with Neoliberalism and Globalization to further improve the learning growth of both educators and students alike. Moreover, the steps taken towards enactment of polices within school, institutions and universities are direly needed through the help of these principles and guidelines.
Higher education on an International level has numerous dilemma and problems that involves two or more countries. Such problems are related to finances, misconduct between educators and students, students affairs, corruption within the university’s setting, international trade, accuracy of management and administration, equity, leadership governance of the educational institution, academic morality and integrity, quality or standard of research and he list are not limited to these factors (Heynemn S.P., Lee J., 2015). The process and system of education greatly affects the 21st century, how people live or how they develop their lifestyle because the issues of higher education affect the community and the nation as a whole. According to Heynemn that higher education has been affected by the changes in Western Europe, East Asia, Pacific and the Soviet Union. North America has such a huge impact on the international mode of higher learning in terms of the salaries paid to the faculty, the transfer of subject courses, and the system of teaching schedules. Other countries have their own respective systems and programs that are compatible with the circumstances that surrounds their own higher education institutions. Accordingly, Neoliberalism contributes through methods and techniques that lessens the errors, faulty actions and faculty decisions, using tools and protocols inclusive of guiding reviews, strategies, criteria, standards, guidelines and principled theories proven to be effective. Moreover, there are Universities that uphold the International Higher Education’s principles and systems such as Oxford University which created the International Strategy Office that is obligated to develop and improve an accurate and effective strategy for the promotion of international communications and social interactions, inclusive of global status and competitiveness. Its goals involves promoting a more effective engagement with other countries through research and literature, the integration of staff and students in the level of academic education. Furthermore, Oxford even developed a department for process of recruitment and to fund their programs on International Strategy. Externally, the Oxford team has been actively collaborating with the educators outside of the country in order to strengthen international bond and communication for the exchange of ideas, technology, sciences and learning experiences. Amazingly, Oxford University even went as far as providing information to their connected contacts outside of the country for possible potential collaborations in the near future enhancing their system of education and learning on a higher level (Oxford University). This one University was able to catapult from being a local into an internationally known institution for education. It has earned the highest respect of education and learning all throughout the world. The process and original system created by this University is now being followed by all the other Universities, opening their doors to the world outside and beyond the country of America and going as far as into Asia or the Pacific. Every country is interrelated despite the differences in culture, social background, beliefs and practices. To exercise human rights and the freedom to education, the institutions must help one another even those belonging outside of the country. Nowadays, governments are increasing their movements toward internationalization. France is now beginning to provide that term called as transnational education which is a specialized institution geared towards globalization, improving their own research systems, policies and trainings to be able to catch up with the advancements of higher education outside of their own local geographical area. Therefore, “Paris-Saclay is slowly gaining reputation far and wide, being known as the knowledge hub, with an infrastructure and concentration of institutions that compete against the education institutions in London and Boston (Oxford University). Now, France has one higher education research team or cell group situated in all of its 13 regions in the center of the metropolitan districts. Furthermore, they’ve given extra leeway wherein new visa regulations have been implemented and administrative requisites have been simplified to apply and benefit the international students, thus English courses as well as French lessons have been increased for non-residents and citizens of France. International students are taking the risks in studying outside of their own borders just to get a full grasp of the information available outside of their little hometown and expand their learning horizons (Oxford University).
Policies on higher education in relation to international level of learning have been going through a series of improvements and changes in the couple of years. More and more educators have been more open to that idea that learning must not be confined inside a box or within the institution’s four-cornered walls but must go outside and explore the world beyond their own country. This is an explicit right of every learner, student and educator. This also increases visibility and influence amongst other colleges and universities all over the world. Lately, Germany, Australia, UK, Malaysia, and China have joined in the ranks of all the other institutions which have gone international in their learning capacities (Oxford University).
Goedegebuure L., Maasen P. (1994) have stated that a series of changes is taking place affecting the system and budgetary finances of higher education all over the world. It is important to identify and assess the theories, features and strategies that work best if assigned as policies in higher education. The question of what works effectively for the institutions and the universities must be comprehended and thoroughly deciphered so as not to hamper the growth of higher education. These changes are all important and geared towards globalization. Educators and universities must be adaptable to change and always updated as to the latest events in the world in order to help the students to live in the present and survive. There are international trends which must be observed and studied so that the schools, instructors and students could cope up with the daily changes in their everyday lives.
Higher learning is an additional educational strategy that adds up to the information and knowledge already acquired during younger and earlier years. However, what is greatly being taught in the educational institutions is for the students to have that skill of research, investigation and learning that could help in the growth and development of the mind. Furthermore, international correspondents were given an accurate and effective framework that will guide them in their research and studies to be able to produce accurate results. Some higher education institutions have produced reports that are subdivided into four sections particularly the structure and features of the mission and vision of the education programs, followed by the authority in the educational administration, the policies which are relevant to the changes of the times, and the influence on institutional administration and management skills. All these contribute to the advancement of the learning institutions with a goal towards a higher standard of learning methods applicable not only locally but also internationally. Globalization opens
more doors of opportunities to students and educators alike to improve in their way and standard of living, or to reach their highest potentials and dreams. UNESCO has been one of the forefront trailblazers who aimed at making education a highly advanced phenomenon in all states. In addition, higher education has given strong evidence of its strong influence over the past years and of its power to change and push for progress in society. On the ground of the scope and timetable of change, the community has become more focused on information so that higher learning and research are now considered as major elements of cultural, environmental, economic and social...
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