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Leadership and Responsibility 3

Essay Instructions:
I will upload the reading that you going to do write about and i will upload one example of the assignment that my friend did last semester but for different topic and last thing I will put Critical_Analysis_template *for critical analysis its good if you write idea then provide evidence then offer argument to analysis the idea * we use TURNITIN programme for plagiarism Instruction: Assignment (Critical Analysis) You must avoid opinion; do provide logical, considered reasons for your analysis of the paper's approach to its subject, assertions and conclusions. Identify the key ideas and concepts being put forward by the author. Rigorously consider the relevance, validity, consistency and logic of the evidence provided by the author to justify his/her ideas or to support the conclusions reached. Discuss any identifiable bias or motive that may have coloured the author's approach or influenced the formulation of the conclusions. Applications or relevant knowledge from other sources may be used in this discussion provided they are completely referenced. Original and thoughtful comment well substantiated will be highly regarded. Good presentation, structured organisation of the content and clarity of writing are basic expectations for a satisfactory report.
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Leadership and Responsibility
In this article the author Swatantra (2006) attempt s to elucidate the concepts that surrounds corruption in public and private institutions. The definition that the author offers in this article concerning the latter corruption is that this is referred to as the misappropriation of public power structured to benefit only individual interest. The author further exemplifies that when politician and bureaucrats flaunts the set rules or jurisdiction to favor their own merits then this is what is acclaimed to be misappropriation of the power invested to them to serve the public. this behavior which seek only to satisfy the private interest of the politician or bureaucrats is the one which the author calls corrupt behaviors, this is so considered that when it is encompassed by neglect and disregarding of the public interest.
Corruption is mostly considered to be rampant in the circumstances which involve interaction of the state and the public. These include areas such as public procurement, regulatory agencies, privatization, taxation, judiciary, permit grants, police and foreign exchange. This usually follows the trend of expeditions of capital projects which have huge fiscal resources. These usually are mostly the most corrupt areas and the resources are abuse when the utilities purchase are said to be thrice the original price of the item as exemplified by Lambsdorff (2002).
Another cause which makes corruption to be rampant is privatization. One of the facts that make this process to be corrupt is the individual gains which make these procedures to be hurriedly carried out. The fiscal foreign institutions terms are met without proper evaluation of the process are not followed and transparency is shunned. Russian privatization after the collapse of the Soviet Union was formulated so that the economic growth may get a boost, however, ended up being unethically carried out and the result was precondition decline of the economy (Simpson, 2002). This created wealth creation to majority few and stripping of assets due to inflation and misappropriation of the foreign loans acquired during the process of privatization.
Corruption Measurements
The complexity of corruption usually harbors evaluation and the extent of corruption to be very complex. This article articulate that the best assessment approach which might offer best result for corruption is Corruption Perception Index (CPI) this measure is the one which is fostered by transparency international. This evaluation incorporates people of high social standing in the society and analyst to attest the level of corruption in a country. Usually the outcomes are usually computed so that the best result maybe is analyzed and the proper analysis is attained and therefore the level of corruption is enveloped as noted by Swatantra (2006).
Majority of the countries whose evaluation has been executed with CPI shuns the outcome as fabricated through authoritarian facts. However, nation which have transparency however embrace the outcome of this medium which guards public interest against corruption. This nation first resolution is acceptance that corruption is rampant and projects it toward particular institutions which have registered high rating in this devious behavior (Lambsdorff (2002). With this regard the index of CPI are adhered to and the nation commitment to curb corruption pays way to transparency.
Corruption Repercussion
The nation which has high level of corruption is usually articulated that it is in grave danger of economic collapse if this behavior is not mitigated. This is because the cost of living usually shoots up inconveniencing the population of the state. Economic activities are also distorted because fiscal is outlaid on economic activities which have high bribes. This usually only favors states funded fiscal programs and thus the corrupt official have the rut of manipulating the loans offered by foreign institution which they insinuate are supposedly funding states projects. However the money only account to individual interest only leaving the states with public debt.
Usually the areas that are given upper hand attention are not those that are in dire need for development but those which have returns for corruption expeditions. According to Swatantra (2006) the outcomes affect flow of good and services and decline of GDP investment ratio. This usually results to low confident by decent and professional population and migration in source of g...
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