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Explanation on the Aim of Lesson Planning

Essay Instructions:

Scheme of Work

Applied Business Academy


Subject: Lesson Planning

Accreditation: OTHM Level 6 Diploma in Teaching and Learning

Course Group:

Unit Reference Number: R/618/4986

Term: Autumn 2021

Week No

Learning Outcomes/Content

Assessment activities


• Welcome to learners

• Introduce the module for this term.

• Comprehend the requirements of the course

• Assignment Brief discussion

• Be familiar with the assignment requirements and submission dates

1.1 Explain the aim of lesson planning.

1.2 Describe the characteristics of an effective lesson plan.

1.3 Describe how to design lesson plans that incorporate the goals and needs of learners.

1. Tutorials

2. Lecture & Class Participation

3. Lecture & Class Participation


2.1 Analyse learning styles and learning taxonomies to be included when planning a lesson.

2.2 Explain how lesson plans incorporate learning styles and taxonomies.

2.3 Explain how to ensure lesson plans are inclusive.

1. Tutorials

2. Lecture & Class Participation

3. Lecture & Class Participation


3.1 Explain how to prepare an effective lesson plan.

3.2 Analyse the need for flexibility and adaptability in the design of lesson plans.

3.3 Explain how lesson plan design affects the delivery of inclusive teaching and learning.

1. Tutorials

2. Lecture & Class Participation

3. Lecture & Class Participation


4.1 Design a lesson plan that meets the individual needs of learners

4.2 Use lesson plans to monitor learners’ achievements and progress.

4.3 Explain how to enable learners and others to provide feedback to inform lesson planning

1. Tutorials

2. Lecture & Class Participation

3. Lecture & Class Participation


5.1 Define:

• assessment

• evaluation.

5.2 Analyse the use of different methods of assessment and evaluation

5.3 Explain the use of differentiated assessments to incorporate the individual needs of learners.

5.4 Explain how analysis of assessment and evaluation results can be used to inform lesson planning.

1. Tutorials

2. Lecture & Class Participation

3. Lecture & Class Participation

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Due Date
A: Guidance document
The concept of planning provides one of the key integral parts of the teaching process. The idea is that planning ensures adequate support for teachers’ organization, making them feel confident and focused on their ultimate goals. Such a process is ensured by writing a lesson plan that helps provide the road map directing and guiding various teaching practices. The lesson plan acts as a powerful teaching resource that supports the student learning guaranteeing their improvement in different areas of learning (Fujii, 2019).
1.1 Explanation on the aim of lesson planning
From an organizational perspective, a lesson plan is a document prepared by an individual to help in breaking down the various teaching qualifications alongside the scheme of work. The plan reveals whether the teacher has time for active learning or focuses more on completing coursework or revising the subject’s content. The lesson plans identify the various teaching activities worthy of implementation within a lesson, therefore, help track the various techniques utilized within a lesson that ensures the teacher avoids repetition on a topic with learners. The lesson plan is organized as an outline of the different sections of the lesson (Ibrahim-Ali & Guedez, 2021).
The lesson plan focuses on what teachers and learners are supposed to achieve at the end of the lesson or a course. The aspect demands the planning of different classroom activities for the purposes of achieving the intended aims. Notably, teachers provide a description of what they expect from learners at the end or rather during the process. The objective of the lesson plan should link to the scheme of work and provide the possibility of tracking the progress or subject delivery (Fujii, 2019).
1.2 Description of the characteristics of an effective lesson plan
An effective lesson plan should provide for the teacher’s flexibility in delivering and dispensing appropriate knowledge. Such is ensured through the provision of activities and tasks that help students interact alongside processing content differently. Further, the plan should allow for the provision of differentiated lessons that extend tasks for proficient students to ensure the engagement of their interests (Verna, 2020).
An effective lesson plan should also help teachers grab students’ attention right from the start, with the capability to maintain their attention and engagement throughout the lesson stages. This requires that the lesson plan be coherent with a good sense of flow, which provides the logic and consistency required in optimizing learning by ensuring students are focused at all times. In this case, the use of effective transitions from one activity to subsequent ones (Temiz, 2019). Objectively, a good lesson plan provides time for students to engage fully during the whole lesson process. This calls for appropriate timing of each task and activity that allows students thinking, interaction, and actions. An effective lesson plan prompts the teacher’s reflection on the subject matter and the process. In such a case, the plan should stimulate the questioning aspect, thus sparking curiosity that helps identify best practices for the students. The plan should not only be descriptive but also evaluate the process outcome.
1.3 Designing lesson plans that incorporate the goals and needs of learners
The first step entails the creation of plans that relates to the materials. In this stage, the effective adaptations demand sustainable development alongside necessary support. The adaptations should be created within a wider plan that entails aspects of basic and strategic skills alongside the various roles of those involved in the process. In this case, the administrator and curriculum program should be involved right from the inception. At this stage, specific responsibilities are accorded to those responsible for implementation, supporting, and providing an evaluation of the entire lesson process. There is a need to involve all stakeholders, such as the students, professionals, parents, amongst others (Evmenova, 2018). The second step entails identification and evaluation of the demands not met by the students is a necessity. This step helps identify and define the problem that requires addressing through the adaptation process. The process requires observation of the student performance by applying the typical instructional resources. The students may encounter challenges in the acquisition of information from the written materials, vivid expression, or remembering the information as presented. Different solutions are provided depending on the difficulty level related to students’ individual needs (Evmenova, 2018).
Thirdly, development of goals for various teaching strategies. Provision of appropriate solutions is possible through adaptations with some issues requiring intensive instruction depending on the skills. This stage requires the provision of learning strategies as per the student’s needs that will enable the student to perform the work. Fourth, entails determination of the content, whereby the concept of content adaptations is applicable in the event that students require Individualized Educational Program (IEP) notes for special cases (Evmenova, 2018). The adaptation of the content should meet all local alongside general education standards. It is upon the teachers to determine the curriculum’s parts that meet the student needs that will necessitate mastery of the course content.
The fifth step focuses on the identification of the material features that require adaptation. The material design should seek to provide a solution to many issues and struggles amongst the students. The teachers at this stage are required to examine each circular unit to identify the causes of learning problems. There should be the inclusion of various guidelines applicable in the identification of issues in the design of instructional materials. The sixth step entails the determination of the type of adaptation that meets student demand. This stage marks the selection of format adaptations made in different ways. Selection through alteration of the existing materials, mediation of the existing materials, selection of alternate materials where new resources more sensitive to student needs are considered. The seventh step focuses on providing the stakeholders with information about the adaptation (Fujii, 2019). The success of the various adaptations demands that students be introduced to adaptations at the beginning of the year. All key stakeholders, such as parents, should be informed about the adaptations. Explicit strategies on maximizing the adaptations are given to the students, teaching them how to recognize the need for change.
Finally, the implementation, evaluation as well as the adjustment on adaptations. In this case, the teachers should have the ability to evaluate the effects of the adaptation under implementation. This helps in determining the possibility of achieving the desired outcome, incorporating adjustments where applicable. In this case, the various adaptations focus on reducing failure alongside learning difficulties. The adaptations should provide short-term solutions that allow for classroom learning alongside practical on the needed skills and strategies (Verna, 2020). Upon the completion of the learning process, there should be fading of the adaptation process. The removal should happen upon the assurance that the learner is able to learn and complete tasks independently.
1 Analyze learning styles and learning taxonomies to be included when planning a lesson.
Theoretically, learning styles are utilized to predict the instructional strategies that would most effectively suit a certain individual alongside learning tasks. Learning results are optimized in the cases where instructions match exact learner aptitudes. The different learning styles deal with characteristic styles alongside learning models. There are different learning styles and models. The first is the style models that relate to the learning process as identified by Kolb (Verna, 2020), usually referred to as Learning Style Inventory (LSI). The style works based on experiential learning theory that entails four principal stages: concrete experiences, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. The theory also identifies four types of learners: convergers, assimilators, divergers, and accommodators in relation to their position on the aforementioned dimensions. For instance, an accommodator learner prefers applying concrete experiences that entail active experimentation. However, this approach lacks psychometric rigor and verifiability by using appropriate measures (Sener and Çokçaliskan, 2018).
Secondly, it presents the style models that work on the premise of study orientation, commonly referred to as Approaches to Study Inventory (ASI) or Inventory Learning Processes (ILP). Therefore, the approach has a high level of predictive validity and is more effective in researching various learning strategies. It provides a high level of reliability and validity with useful references for researching learning strategies. Thirdly, it entails style models that operate on the premise of cognitive skills development, usually referred to as Edmonds Learning Style Identification Exercise (ELSIE). Such learning style considers the environment from an analytical perspective that entails both field independence and dependence. In this case, the field-independent individuals learn more effectively when subjected to intrinsic motivation conditions with less influence from social reinforcement (Fujii, 2019).
Different learning taxonomies make a lesson plan improve its delivery efficiency. The taxonomic design approach includes a series of demonstrations with taxonomy providing an explicit design guide. In this case, five primary characteristics help determine the teaching profile with appropriate delivery mechanisms, including goals, guidance, interaction, complexity modeling, and instructional processes (Fujii, 2019).
2.2 Explain how lesson plans incorporate learning styles and taxonomies.
According to Kouicem (2020), the incorporation of earlier research, as per Piaget and Vygotsky suggests, according to Bloom’s theory, developing thinking skills occurs through the cognitive challenge. This makes it appropriate for the application of such a theoretical model in developing the lesson plans for the teaching process. In this process, the lesson plans apply action verbs for the purposes of informing various learning intentions within the plan, for instance, the art of combining different domains and action verbs into visual prompts by use of graphics. The application helps in deliberating where lessons could be pitched, therefore, avoiding the issue of repetition on the use of the same old learning objective verbs (VanTassel-Baska & Baska, 2021).
Moreover, the bloom-style questions are applicable in prompting deeper thinking. In this case, such questions as applicable in the plan help learners to make connections that could move their thinking to higher levels that allow cognitive development. For instance, the inspiration of more creative thoughts may require asking the question “what would happen if?” or rather “how many ways can you?” (Nagpal & Kumar, 2020). Further, the application of Bloom’s taxonomy helps differentiate the lessons by using verbs resource alongside questions resource. Similarly, the application allows for the use of higher-order thinking skills alongside verbs during class discussions. There is also the provision of extra challenges for bright learners with the development of depth for advanced learners planning to further their learning. The three Bloom’s domains act as good reminders that learning provides a combination of our understanding, feeling alongside active practice besides just the intellectual processes (Saad & Dawson, 2018).
1 Explain how to ensure lesson plans are inclusive
One of the effective ways of ensuring inclusivity of these learning styles calls for teachers to consider changing their individual styles alongside strategies. Such considerations help in the provision of different activities that ensure meeting the needs of different learning styles. This ensures that learners can identify with activities that resonate with their needs, making them highly likely to be successful in the stated activities (Nagro et al., 2019). For instance, the use of the multimedia methodology for the purposes of building vocabulary that ensures capturing a variety of learning modalities. Such methodology makes it possible the aspect of encourage learners towards becoming successful learners in respective subjects. Therefore, the lesson plans should be done per learning styles applicable to ensure inclusivity.
The other aspect calls for the lesson plans to foster guided style stretching. In this case, it is important to ensure that learning style provides much-needed consistency in functioning that is a reflection of cultural behavior patterns. The plan should include teaching activities capable of providing guidance to learners on altering learning behaviors, stretching learning styles, and enabling learners to improve performance on subjects. The design of the lesson plan should center on the learners, setting appropriate goals for teaching strategies. In this case, there is the differentiation of instructions by the use of applicable learning styles. The process entails the full incorporation of various learning styles to ensure that each learner learns in a way that suits them best (Fujii, 2019). Notably, the practice of matching teaching styles to learning styles helps in significant enhancement of academic achievements and learner attitude, including overall behavior. The process of presenting information in various modes helps learners obtain more in comparison to the use of only one mode.
3.1 Explain how to prepare an effective lesson plan
The first process of preparing the first lesson plan entails the engagement of instructors in the planning process. The process involves the determination of the lesson topic, derivation of the lesson objectives, which entails concepts and ideas that learners require, including specified knowledge and skills acquired at the end of the lesson. It is very important that the lesson plan’s objectives be clear and at the same time describe the various intended learning outcomes. The various instructional objectives should be very specific, result-oriented, and measurable, and describe the learner’s behavior (O’Neill, 2015).
The preparation of an effective lesson plan should ensure that learners demonstrate deep understanding and mastery of concepts that include the content of each stage. The second step should entail assessing the previous knowledge by reviewing relevant resources related to the current lesson. The third step entails the provision of a broad overview of content alongside concepts that should be taught. This stage focuses learners’ concentration on the new lesson (Iqbal et al., 2021).
In the fourth step, a presentation focuses on the teaching lesson content alongside appropriate concepts. This step requires the development of an activity that introduces the concept followed by the introduction of information using different modalities. The process would allow for an effective check on the learner’s level of understanding of new materials with appropriate adjustments. The fifth stage entails practice that helps in modeling skills that provides opportunities for various practices that are guided. The stage calls for teaching learners different activities that allow them to operate in groups or independently. Finally, the evaluation process allows for assessing individual learners attaining the stated objective. The process entails the application of oral, written, or applied performance assessments. Consequently, the application process allows learners to apply practically what they learn to new contexts beyond the lesson (Fujii, 2019).
1 Analyze the need for flexibility and adaptability in the design of lesson plans.
The learners require that the instructor or the teacher should be in charge of the whole process and take the leadership role until the end of the journey. Therefore, teachers’ flexibility helps customize lessons that help meet individual learner needs. In this case, flexibility allows the instructor to focus on learners who require the most help. Flexibility in the design of lesson plans allows for the inclusion of different perspectives, making it possible for the timely completion of the curriculum. Subsequently, flexibility allows for appropriate adjustments of the plan to take place through continuous assessment (Iqbal et al., 2021).
The flexibility and adaptability of the lesson plan help in specifying clearly the learning objectives, various content, and methods, including evaluation for each lesson that the learner is taught. The use of adaptations in a lesson plan help in providing short-term solutions that allow for learning in classrooms alongside participation. The process ensures that the required and much-needed skills alongside strategies are taught. Adaptation ensures that the learner acquires the necessary skills and strategies that help them complete tasks without third-party assistance (Iqbal et al., 2021).
2 Explain how lesson plan design affects the delivery of inclusive teaching and learning
Teaching and learning are considered to deliver inclusivity in the event that learners have clarity on what they anticipate to learn. The use of inclusive classrooms is achievable through the application of a clear lesson design. The practicality as required from them and the ultimate goal. The inclusivity also exhibits links to other learning areas providing frequent opportunities for fruitful conversations. The design-expecting learners expect to set individual targets and ask questions in the process with strategies for active engagement (Butcher et al., 2019).
The lesson plan design helps identify the needs to allow accommodation of all learners in each class. The design will determine how the instructor sets clear goals while actively engaging all learners (Fujii, 2019). Further, the lesson plan design provides clear guidance on the application of a range of teaching strategies and prompts learners to ask questions. The other important direction for inclusivity entails grouping of pupils for specific learning reasons and making a follow-up on learning outcomes in the plenary.
The lesson plan design ensures elaborate consideration amongst learners that ensure the group follows the same curriculum and none of the students is rendered dependent through lack of adequate support or opportunity. The principles of inclusion during the design process enable the holding of all learners within the pace of learning by setting high expectations for each one and, at the same time, targeting additional support that allows accessibility of lesson materials at appropriate levels (Fujii, 2019).
B: Exemplar Lesson Plans
4.1 Designing a lesson plan that meets the individual needs of learners
Training Lesson Plan
Title of the Lesson:
Respecting and valuing cultural differences

Understanding, valuing, respecting cultural background is key in building strong societal relationships
(Each lesson 45 minutes)

Learning outcome(s):

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