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Barking and Dagenham Borough’s transport and sustainability
Essay Instructions:
Part 1: (overall 950 words)
(A)An introduction including a concise overview of the primary challenges and
opportunities associated with transportation, energy, and environmental
concerns in Barking & Dagenham, along with the Borough's envisioned goals
for reducing carbon emissions in its transportation systems.
(B)A well-justified list of objectives and policy strategies following the Avoid-Shift-
Improve (A-S-I) framework of the Carbon Reduction Strategy Support Tool (i.e. sheets 1 & 2), which the Borough should adopt to achieve the specified targets
for carbon emissions reduction in 2030 and 2050.
(C) A brief assessment of the impact of the strategies you selected on other city
mobility objectives in sheer 3 (Improve air quality, enhance health and sustainability , support shared economy and shared mobility, enhance accessibility )
d) A brief conclusion with policy recommendations
Challenges to consider:
• Ensure that the set of strategies incorporates the concept of just transitions and other
key concepts discussed in the Transport & the Environment Module.
• Take into account the socio-economic characteristics of Barking and Dagenham
Borough when introducing the A-S-I strategies.
• Include evidence/references to back up your points when writing a policy brief
Part 2 (Overall 400 words)
Choose one of the ‘other city mobility objectives from sheet 3 (ENHANCE HEALTH AND SUSTAINABILITY) which you previously
suggested, emphasizing its alignment with the Borough's overall
goals. Explain in detail the relationship between your chosen ‘other city mobility
objective’ and the strategy mix you chose, highlighting the challenges and
opportunities that decision markers in Barking & Dagenham `should consider in relation
to this policy objective.
Challenges to consider:
• Consider the social and economic realities of Barking and Dagenham Borough,
with a focus on prioritising the "just transition" concept.
• Address the policy brief to policymakers in Barking & Dagenham
Essay Sample Content Preview:
by (Name)
Part 1
Barking and Dagenham in East London are at a crossroads, trying to balance urban development with environmental sustainability. Like many metropolitan areas, transportation networks contribute the most to GHG emissions, and carbon emission reduction must be addressed. This borough could become an example of sustainable urban planning by finding new ways to get the most out of its current energy use, transportation infrastructure, and environmental impact.
Cars, especially private ones, make up a good chunk of the transportation system in Barking and Dagenham and are the perpetrators of primary GHG emissions and air pollution. As Nieuwenhuijsen (2020) observes, in urban areas, car dependency not only worsens environmental issues such as poor air quality and excess noise pollution, and the residents have fewer chances to engage in physical activities, but it also exacerbates the situation. In addition, the county is locked by heavy traffic and inequitable public transport costs, and the borough's low-income families are unfairly bearing the brunt of the problems. Also, it adds to the situation by deeply etching the people's dependence on fossil fuel-powered vehicles, a lack of public transit infrastructure, and no avenues for active travel options, such as cycling and pedestrian-friendly zones.
However, Barking and Dagenham are well-situated to utilize the opportunities to change entirely despite these challenges. The Local Plan, 2037 of the boroughs aligns with its goals of green urban regeneration and sustainable mobility and is the foundation of a greener future. Ye et al. (2017) argue that carbon emissions can be severely curtailed if one works with compact urban growth and green transportation systems. Such principles lie in the strategies of Barking and Dagenham in the uptake of electric vehicles (EV), expansion of public transport, and the promotion of active transport means such as cycling and walking over the borough.
Over the next few decades, Barking and Dagenham intend to achieve zero-carbon transportation systems by 2050 with intermediate goals in 2030. The borough's objectives demonstrate its promise to cut emissions along with increased accessibility, health, and quality of life of its citizens. Barking and Dagenham, to get a more sustainable mobility system, have to leap over past problems and make the best of future options.
Objectives and Policy Strategies
Policy Strategy
Reduce the need for travel by increasing remote work.
Implement policies and infrastructure to support telecommuting, such as expanding access to high-speed internet and incentivizing flexible working arrangements.
Minimize urban sprawl through compact development.
Promote mixed-use developments integrating residential, commercial, and recreational areas to reduce travel distances and enhance land use efficiency.
Encourage virtual alternatives for services.
Digitize services, such as banking and healthcare, and promote telephone consultations to reduce the necessity for physical trips.
Promote active travel modes such as walking and cycling.
Expand pedestrian-friendly zones, build dedicated cycling lanes, and invest in public bike-sharing programs to encourage short-distance trips by active modes.
Increase public transport share for medium and long trips.
Enhance bus and rail systems by increasing coverage, frequency, and reliability while providing affordable ticketing options and subsidies for low-income residents.
Reduce car dependency for shopping and leisure.
Foster neighborhood centers within a 15-minute walk from residential areas, promoting local trips instead of long-distance travel.
Electrify the vehicle fleet to reduce tailpipe emissions.
Offer subsidies to purchase electric vehicles (EVs), build an extensive EV charging network, and convert municipal and public transport fleets to electric or hybrid vehicles.
Improve the efficiency of conventional vehicles on the road.
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