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Research in Media and Communication

Essay Instructions:

Research Report – 3000 words – 70%

This assessment has two parts. In part 1, you will critically report on one core reading from the module, and then in part 2 you will design and report on a research project that would extend the research in this reading, in response to a research question that you have created.

The aim in part 1 is to tell us how and why the research in question was carried out.

The aim in part 2 is to tell us how you would design and develop a related project, and why you could take this research further.

In your write up of the report:

Both Part 1 and Part 2 should be given equal weight (e.g. about 1500 words each)

You may find or decide that the approach and methods most appropriate for the research in part 2 are the same ones that were used in part 1. If so, this is fine. What matters is that the approach and methods you chose for part 2 are appropriate and logical and well-justified.

You will need to cite relevant academic literature from the field of media and communications throughout both parts of the report, in addition to the particular core reading that you are discussing.

If your choice of new project is quite distant from the original research you review, you should explain the connections between your research project and the original research, as well as the rationale for your choice of project in Part 2.

Part 1: Critically reporting on existing research

Choose one of the core readings from the module and both describe and explain:

What its research question is, the broad context from which the question emerges (intellectual and/or social), and the broad justifications or motivations that the researchers provide for it (about 300 words)

How the researchers did or approached the research in question: e.g. the methods that they used, the steps that they took, the challenges that they negotiated (about 300 words)

Why the researchers did what they did: the researchers’conceptual, practical and ethical reasons and justifications for taking the particular approach and steps that they did. If the researchers do not explicitly say why they did what they did, do not put words into their mouth but rather tell us why their decisions were logical and appropriate (about 400 words).

How the researchers’ methods and approaches shaped or led to their findings and conclusions. Note here that the emphasis is not on what the findings were or what the researchers argue, but how they got to these findings and arguments (about 250 words)

Gaps and limitations in what the researchers did, and the possible or reported reasons for them; or how the gaps and limitations followed from the steps that the research took (about 250 words)

This first part of your report should not be merely descriptive, and should not just be copied and pasted or paraphrased from what the researchers themselves reported. Instead you will need to reconstruct in your own language and understanding an account of the methodology in the reading, and again part of how you need to do so is by referring to wider academic literature. Note that the ‘how and why’ questions above would be best integrated into one discussion as they go hand in hand.

Note also that, although we are asking you to discuss the limitations and gaps of an existing piece of research, we are not asking you to assess its overall standards or quality. The task is not to make a case for whether the research and methodology are ‘solid’ or ‘weak.’ For the purposes of this assessment, you can assume that the research that we have selected for you to read and discuss is of solid quality (although if you happen to feel strongly that this is not the case you can show and discuss why in your report).

Part 2: Designing a new research project

Report on how you would or could go about researching a new question raised by the piece of research that you discussed in Part 1.

Design and propose a new research question that builds on and furthers the research of your chosen article. Briefly contextualize the new research question by discussing why it is or could be a useful or necessary one to research: e.g. why does the question matter, what can it shed light upon, why might we care about it (about 300 words).

Describe and explain how you would do this new research (about 500 words):

the broad approach that you would take to the research (ie your methodological approach)

what types of sources you would plan to include, from where, and how you would access them, including human sources (i.e. people) if appropriate. If people, how you would find them and how you would invite them to participate in your research.

after deciding on your type of sources, how you would ‘sample’ or make decisions about exactly what, how much, and/or who to include and exclude (e.g. which media texts exactly would you like at, from what time periods, what precise demographic of people might you interview, how many people would you aim to include, etc.)

what you would do with your sample to derive meanings and findings from it, (e.g. what data analysis method you would use; if researching people what you would do with them and how, etc.)

Why you would do the research in the above manner, why these particular approaches and steps (about 400 words)

Ethical and practical considerations you would need to take into account, and any challenges you would anticipate in doing the research (about 300 words

Your research design will necessarily include hypothetical elements because it is a plan, i.e. forward-looking and based on expectations. Your designs and proposals can be ambitious, but overall they should be realistic and reasonable: e.g. you should take into account the likely constraints of time, access, monetary resources, etc. that you would have as an undergraduate researcher; the plan should be based on sources that do actually or could be reasonably expected to exist, and to which you could reasonably expect to have access, etc. In other words, the plan should not be a fantasy, even if it is ambitious or hopeful about what you would be able to do. Note that, as in part 1, the how and why discussion is best integrated into one as they go hand in hand.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Question One
Dr. Stokes's "Media & Cultural Studies" addresses the issues revolving around media and cultural studies. The research question for this context that the author looks forward to answering is how undergraduate students can conduct media and cultural studies. One of the reasons to have this research question is because even though most people understand media and cultural studies, they still need to understand how the two can be integrated to attain an outstanding result. This instance has made most people fail to understand that media can greatly boost cultural studies.
One reason for researching media and cultural diversity is that they usually have outstanding diversity. For instance, media is generally broad to analyze many different aspects simultaneously. Similarly, cultural studies are also wide since they embrace many broad disciplines such as history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and literary studies (Hoelscher & Alderman, 2004, 348). Integrating media and cultural studies is an outstanding process since it helps the students understand how to improve cultural studies through in-depth research.
Even though it is clear that media will play a critical role in attaining cultural studies, making the information specific to undergraduates will be essential. Therefore, the research looks forward to understanding how undergraduate students and their lecturers can incorporate media in cultural studies to improve the learning outcome. When analyzing this information, one of the critical aspects that the research will check is the degree to which media will affect undergraduate studies. The researchers are motivated to follow this research question since it will check the risks that media can cause undergraduates when reading cultural studies. Furthermore, the approach will play a huge role in determining if it will be worth employing media in cultural studies among undergraduate students. Moreover, it would help to understand the limitations and areas which can be improved.
Question Two
In most instances, the researchers usually choose between qualitative and quantitative methods. Varying from the other researchers, these researchers have employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches to conduct this research. One of the main reason for combining both methods is that since every method have its weaknesses, having both ways will help to cover the shortcomings of the other method. The researchers also detail the paradigms operating within a given media study. Furthermore, the researchers have also employed an integrated approach in their research methods.
The researchers have also incorporated empirical and interpretive methods within the research. For instance, there have been various instances where the investigation has depended on systematic observation instead of theoretical speculation. This approach gives the researchers to have authoritative research. Even though this approach helps to attain outstanding results, it also has some weaknesses. For example, there are some instances where it causes repetition, such as when interviews are discussed as a method to investigate both producers and audiences.
Furthermore, the research is also explaining about how students should study. Even though it has described this approach, it has only given the belief that the method should always be selected to fit the investigation topic rather than the other way. This process could help to attain outstanding results for beginner researchers since it could help them have a broader knowledge regarding the available methods, allowing them to be more adventurous and bolder researchers who will have outstanding skills to tackle questions they have. Moreover, it helps students to improve their knowledge since they successfully make the questions to drive their research rather than the methods. Moreover, since it also takes care of beginner researchers, it would help all levels of researchers to attain improved knowledge regarding the research methods. This process would allow them to incorporate all the people other researchers have failed to achieve.
Question Three
In most instances, the researchers' actions had reasons behind them. For example, in the early stages, the first step they embraced in developing the research question. One of the main reasons for advocating for a research question is that it helps individuals find the right method they will embrace for their research interests. Furthermore, the researchers have also guided the students at the early stages when developing a research project, from designing the question to the point where they will submit the proposal. This process will help the students to attain outstanding results in performing the research.
The researchers have also widely acknowledged other people's research. For example, they recognize John Curran's research published in 2000, which recognizes that an interview is a combination of content analysis that help in studying newspaper literary pages ((Stokes, 2002 52). The main reason for citing these individuals' work is because it is ethical for the researchers to cite the ideas or work of other people. Every ethical researcher is therefore expected to cite any idea since failure to cite it will lead to plagiarism which is academic dishonesty.
The other approach which the researchers have employed is checking the past research. This process has helped them highlight the strengths in the previous study, thereby helping people know the areas they can improve. Furthermore, they highlight the various weaknesses that past research has had (Bowen et al., 2013 231). This instance has helped the individuals to know the information to avoid. Furthermore, it would allow them to understand why the researchers are improving these areas. For example, they have highlighted the stereotypical notions that people have been having regarding qualitative and quantitative methods. The researchers have highlighted that separating these two methods has caused a harmful understanding of research methods and analysis. This process would help the individuals correct their negative approach to either or both approaches.
The other outstanding approach the following researchers have employed is simple language. In some instances, the researchers opt to use hard research. The researchers used this language mainly because they wanted to prove that they were more intelligent. However, despite conveying the message, most fail to pass it. Furthermore, there are other instances where they eliminate some audience. However, varying from many researchers, these researchers used simple language. The main reason is they wanted to incorporate every potential in the research. For instance, they highlighted that the main target was to ensure that beginner researchers would understand. If these groups understand, it means that every individual will successfully understand.
Question Four
In most instances, the researchers should be cautious in their methods and approaches since they will shape their findings and conclusions. For example, the processes and procedures influenced current research findings and conclusions. For instance, empirical and interpretive methods affected the research outcome. Since both methods are more aimed at conducting in-depth research that will help to influence the decision, this approach has helped achieve authoritative analysis. For instance, most of the information in this scenario is highly backed up by data. This instance separates the following research from other research based on mere speculations. Moreover, since it is based on facts, it is easy for people to confirm whether the information is right. This process has therefore caused outstanding findings and conclusions.
The other outstanding methods that have shaped the findings and conclusions incorporate qualitative and quantitative research. The main reason for combining these two methods is they have benefits that help the researchers to attain diversity (Al-Mamun et al., 2022 5). For instance, through the qualitative methods, the researchers have successfully understood the target groups' beliefs, behavior, experiences, attitudes, and interactions. This instance has therefore helped to increase attention in different cultural studies disciplines. On the other hand, quantitative methodologies have helped to set assumptions, techniques, and strategies employed to study social, economic, and psychological processes by exploring numeric patterns. Using qualitative methods such as experiments, observations, and structured interviews has also helped individuals attain information dependent on data.
Question Five
Even though this research has attained outstanding results, it has some gaps and limitations. One of the gaps the researchers have is that they failed to highlight the challenges they faced when conducting the research. One reason why it is important to highlight the challenges the researchers faced is that they could help other researchers plan. Furthermore, highlighting their challenges would allow them to explain how they overcame them. The other gap within this research is that the researchers should have highlighted whether there was a conflict of interest when conducting the research. It is important to highlight whether there was a conflict of interest because it helps people understand that the process and results were not interfered with since conflicts of interest are likely to change the quality of the research.
One limitation of the researchers was that they failed to acknowledge some of the research's weaknesses. Like most researchers, the following researchers should have highlighted the weaknesses since they wanted the study to appear powerful. Even though every researcher should ensure that the research is of quality, it is usually important to acknowledge the areas where they have weaknesses...
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