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Post-Feminism And The Accompanying Popular Culture

Essay Instructions:

: Summarise and discuss an original research article or book chapter from the list of readings below.

The aims of this assignment are to develop your understanding of the research methods used in Communications and Media studies, to provide practice in summarising and paraphrasing, and to develop skills for integrating other sources into your essays. You will also be taught how to cite and reference using the Monash University Harvard style.

The essay must be in your own words (do not use quotations) with citations (including page numbers) and a reference list. THIS IS NOT A RESEARCH ESSAY. DO NOT DO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH beyond readings from the unit.

Your essay MUST include:

1. An introduction (tip – write this last). Your introduction should ‘introduce’ the text you will discuss, and the main points you will raise in discussion.

2. A summary of the article or book chapter. This will include the theory, method, and findings or main conclusions. The summary should describe the steps the researchers undertook (eg ‘he/she collected a range of women’s magazines from 1980 to 1985 and analysed…’ or ‘interviewed thirty people in California...’.

3. An explanation of the method and discussion of its strengths and weaknesses. Use one of the sources below – Nair is best for discussion of quantitative research methods, and Hodkinson is best for discussion of qualitative research methods:

 Nair, P 2010, ‘Research methods in communication studies – an overview’, Media Mimansa,

July- September, pp. 8-16.

 Hodkinson, P 2011, Media culture and society, Sage, London, pp. 60-79; 82-101.

4. Discussion of the article with reference to the text book, and at least two other required or recommended reading from the unit. This section might be two or three paragraphs – with a point for each paragraph. Look up the relevant chapters and sections of the text book for that topic. Review some of the other readings to see how they are relevant.

Here are some ideas for how to integrate other sources into your discussion:

 Compare how the same issue might be addressed using a different method and consider how different methods provide different kinds of information.

 Consider whether other research you have read about in the text book or in required or recommended readings supports the findings.

 Consider whether other research conflicts with or throws doubt on the findings.

 Use the text book or to help explain difficult concepts.

 Provide examples for difficult concepts using examples from other sources.

5. A conclusion. This should consist of a summary of the points you made about the article or chapter in the discussion, and what you have learned about the topic.

6. A reference list. Your reference list should only include 3-5 sources. This must contain the details of the article or book chapter you are discussing from the list above, the text book (because you will have looked up relevant sections of it as well as looked at the required or recommended chapter for the week), and at least one other article or book chapter from the full list of required or recommended readings. If you have more than 5 sources then your inclusion of those additional sources is likely to be too superficial.

Presentation requirements:

 Save as a document using Microsoft Word software for English language (.docx)

 Use a standard English 12-point font and 1.5-2 line spacing

 Use Australian English

 Your document should be left aligned or justified

 Give your essay a title and number your pages

Please noted this essay is based on the article ( Reality TV and the Gendered Politics of Flaunting), and focusing on term with explanation of the method and discussion of its strengths and weaknesses. Please use simple language to complete this essay, that is easy to understand. And must be following the structure above, take sometimes read though the airtle, do not do any additional study, must use in text references in harvard style. ( around 1000 words)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
ARTICLE SUMMARY Student’s Name Course Professor’s Name University City (State) Date Article Summary Introduction Angela McRobbie presents various themes and incidences that define post-feminism and the accompanying popular culture. By exploring various literature studies by different authors, the article examines how various gains of the second feminist wave have been undermined. The author investigates the popular culture attached to post-feminism and the deliberate actions of educated young women who seemingly respond to feminism by making new countering actions. McRobbie develops four sociological themes that explore how feminism has been overshadowed in the post-feminism era with various feminism achievements now appearing redundant and obvious. McRobbie uses this article to articulate various changes that have happened since the 1990s, completely eclipsing feminism and replacing with the popular culture that is driven by the media. Theory and Method Angela McRobbie uses the theory in which she interrogates different classes of women and how they represent themselves in the post-feminist world. In theory, she uses various sociological themes to explore post-feminism. By exploring various literature and works of other authors on the subject, McRobbie illuminates on the current status of feminism, and the continued devaluation of the gains made during the second feminist wave. Angela McRobbie delves into qualitative research using the textual analysis method to gather information regarding women in different classes in the post-feminist world. McRobbie uses the textual analysis method to explore literature and mass media that capture various reactions and representations of women in feminism. The methodology in the textual analysis involves searching for answers from a variety of texts and studying human behaviours in multiple contexts. The analysis establishes several critical themes that expound on the popular culture that has developed in the post-feminism era and particularly driven by young women. Findings The first theme discusses the abandonment of various gains that defined the second wave of feminism. Mcrobbie (2004) terms it as ‘feminism dismantling itself’ (256). The author explores a body of literature to describe the views and actions of post-colonialist feminists and feminist theorists. Mcrobbie (2004) notes that there is break-away from the main interests of feminists such as patriarchy and law. Additionally, Mcrobbie (2004) notes that the 1990s increasingly weakened the feminist goals, reducing the struggles to individual women, instead of describing the problem as facing women as a whole. Another weakness to feminism noted in the post-feminism era is equating the earlier feminist struggles to specific categories of women. Mcrobbie (2004) notes that various feminist values and struggles such as the right to equal pay, and criminalizing domestic violence were only directed to ordinary women. Nonetheless, Mcrobbie (2004) notes that the media was instrumental in spreading various feminism values through increased readership (256)...
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