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Cultural differences can have a significant impact on nonverbal communication

Essay Instructions:
Instructions: -in the topic the word impact means:differences or changes as lecturer said. The assignment must be double-spaced, except the bibliography, where it should be single space within entries, double space between entries -Leave a margin for comments. Margins of about 3cm on the left, and 2cm on the right and top and bottom of the page are required so the marker can write comments if necessary. -Note that headings and subheadings are not used in an essay. -Follow the criteria sheet exactly. -Avoid use of web sites as they are not credible academic sources. -Just use the references which were uploaded. -Write the stipulated length (plus or minus 10%). In this course, every word including quotations is counted as a part of the word length. The bibliography is not included in the word count. There will be a penalty of one mark for every fifty words for assignments outside this limit -The Criteria sheet shows you how we will allocate marks for the assignment. It is also designed to allow us to provide detailed feedback. Please carefully consult this sheet while you are planning and preparing your assessment. -Word limit: 150 words for introduction, 150 words for conclusion and 1200 words for body paragraphs. -Choose a suitable title for your essay. -Choose different colors to write and determine background, thesis statement and outlines. -Two or three sentences of background information (to logically lead to or from your thesis): Try to make these sentences meaningful. (Students often use opening sentences such as ‘Communication is everywhere'.) This does not really say much, so try to avoid superficial background sentences. Background sentences should be your ideas/words. -Thesis statement:, use the background to logically lead to your thesis statement. The thesis should reflect your stance on the topic. It is the overall argument you will be trying to prove in the essay. -Outline: Finally, you will need an outline of four or so main points to support your thesis. You need to establish a clear link between the thesis and the outline. That is, the marker should not be struggling to determine why the outline is relevant; it should be clear. Keep in mind that your outline should reflect the order of points in the essay, so the first point in your outline should be linked to the topic sentence in the first paragraph in the body of the essay. The first paragraph (the paragraph immediately following your introduction) will consist of the first main point you intend to make and this will be contained in the topic sentence. The remainder of the paragraph will consist of sentences which support and develop the main point, including quotations (either direct quotations or indirect quotations – paraphrases) which need to be an integral part of your argument and linked to the text around them. Using examples can be a useful way to show your understanding of the concepts being dealt with and your paragraph will need a concluding sentence. Note: Paragraph structure for the body of the essay can be improved if you use the following: -A topic sentence (the main idea of the paragraph which should be clear support for your thesis statement.) This should be your idea/words. -Define key term from topic sentence if necessary and provide an intext reference. -Supporting sentence/s. -Quotations (direct/indirect) which should be logically linked to previous sentence. -Explanations of examples may be used to help show your understanding of the quotation. -Concluding sentence. use a number of ways of introducing indirect quote such as according to logan (2001,p.30), logan (2001,p.30)explains that do not use more than two direct quotes in whole essay. You can add more detail such as sentences after the quotation and so on but you can't get away with less detail. Note how the quotation is one part only of the paragraph. Quotations should not be used to start or end the paragraph. Academic style Avoid using first person (I, we, our, us, me, my) or second person (you). Use third person (they, he, she). The first person can often be replaced by words such as ‘individuals', ‘people', etc. 1.Avoid using contractions (that's, doesn't) because they create an informal tone that is inappropriate for academic writing. Use ‘that is', ‘does not' and so on. 2.Avoid using colloquial words or phrases (‘aggro', ‘arvo'). 3.Avoid emotive language (‘shocking', ‘wonderful'). Bibliography Include at least five (5) sources in your bibliography. Your Tyler, Kossen and Ryan textbook can be used as well as your Readings (as long as they are relevant). For each of your five references in your bibliography, write approximately 50–70 words for each source to justify your choice by responding to at least three of the criteria. See the example below. Note: file of instructions,the criteria sheet and all the references will be uploaded.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Impact of Cultural Differences on Non-Verbal Communication
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Nonverbal communication does not involve the use of words. Considering the fact that culture has great influence on nonverbal behavior, it influences interaction between universal biological and social needs. “Culture affects people’s ways of thought, hearing, seeing and interpretation of ideas. Therefore the interpretation of a nonverbal message is different across various cultures. For this reasons, it is true that cultural differences have a great impact on non-verbal communication.” The main nonverbal means of communication make up the outline for this essay. They include: head movement and gestures, facial expression, and physical contact or touch. Others include physical distance, eye contact and body movement and postures.
Movements of the head and gestures plus other body parts have different meanings in different cultures in the world. For example, Japanese enjoy a wider use of gestures in their communication. They use gestures in situational communication and particularly men. In addition, they are more relaxed in their communications using gestures. Japanese manager might intensify the use of gestures when communicating with his or her subordinates (McDaniel 1993, Pg. 11). Other body movements are also common among Japanese cultures that are not allowed in other cultures. For example, both Japanese man and woman can sit together with folded hands aimed at maintaining harmony and avoiding attention. In addition, Japanese hand gestures are only used to refer to a person who is present but used in reference to an absent person. This is a cultural practice that is aimed at maintaining group harmony (McDaniel 1993, pg. 11). In most cultures, bowing is a sign of respect. In Britain and most royal governed countries people bow to the king or queen. In Japanese culture, bowing is meant when asking for something, apologizing, congratulating an individual or appreciating and acknowledging someone. In this culture, bowing is a sign of submission and a ritual that is aimed at showing respect (McDaniel 1993, pg. 12). Body movements such as emblems, body positions, and dance are not given a universal perception. Each culture has its own interpretation of head movements, body positions and other body movement patterns with their own inherited interpretations. Within each culture there exists many sub cultural differences that should be considered to avoid cultural discrimination when considering communication using head and body movements (Malandro 1989, Pg. 305).
Facial expressions communicate different information across the globe. Cultural differences in facial expressions exist for different reasons. The Japanese for example do not show a great deal of emotions through facial expressions. The most common expressions shown are placid, unrevealing countenance or a nondescript smile whose actual meaning may be completely impossible to read (McDaniel 1989 pg. 12). A smile is a facial expression that can be worn with different meanings. Some culture put on a smile to show a sign of happiness or friendly acknowledgement while in some culture it is a sign of displeasure, anger or grief (McDaniel 1989, pg. 13). In Japan, a smile is part of social; character meant to maintain the situational harmony. In addition, it is used as a mask to avoid showing signs of irritation and grief. Japanese also use a smile to gain advantage or maintain individual privacy (McDaniel 1989, pg. 13). Japanese culture also practice smile as a way of ignoring a question. If an individual feels he or she cannot answer a question, they may prefer to smile at it. Facial expressions are also used as major vehicles for effect displays. However, they are sometimes not under conscious control as emblems and illustrations but can be manipulated to express the ideas (Taylor 2005, pg. 188).

Physical contact is another form of nonverbal communication with different interpretations in different cultures. There are different types of physical contacts that are used to communicate such as handshakes, kiss, hugs and many more all interpreted differently in various cultures. As opposed to the American beliefs, handshake is not the only form of greeting. Some cultures such as Polynesians express their greetings by hugging and rubbing one another’s back. On the other hand, Americans and North West Amazonia share the same culture of greeting by slapping another person on the back. Spanish Americans also share the same type of greeting where an individual slaps the back of the other (Malandro 1989, Pg 305). According to research, kissing which is also a form of physical contact is Germanic, Graecco-Roman, and Semitic in origin. Most Greek and Roman parents kiss their children because it is culturally accepted. In these cultures, lovers, and couples are allowed to ki...
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